Adelia M. Hoyt memoir and photographs
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58, UNFOLDING YEARS with a small income but no fixed home. Although she had only light perception she had learned to do all kinds of work, as I did. Besides being a great help, she was good company an we had so much in common. She asked no wages, but was grateful for a home where she could feel she was really wanted. Now that I had some one with me all the time to help with the work and to share my daily thoughts and pleasures. I began to steadily improve and soon was quite well and strong. Even though I did not go to Vinton that spring of 1908. I had sent a paper to read before the Alumni Association, advocating the establishment of a "Home for Sightless Women" The Association voted to sponsor such an effort. I was one of a committee appointed to draft articles and incorporation and solicit funds. A Des Moines Association was also formed of which I became the first president. The following spring (1909) Eva and I went up to Vinton for Commencement and at the Alumni meeting it was also decided to send a representative to the National Association Convention to be held that spring in Columbus, Ohio. I was chosen as the delegate. I returned home to make preparations. Then I took a severe cold and developed a deepseated cough; but I was determined to go. I was most anxious to attend our National Association and meet some of the people with whom I had corresponded for years. A former school friend with fairly good sight, her son, and Louis Howard, a blind piano tuner, accompanied me from Des Moines. It took us a night and a day to make the trip. I was ill all the way and after I reached Columbus. However, enjoyed the meeting and got a lot out of it. What a thrill it was to met and talk with Mr. Joel W. Smith Editor of "The Mentor", Doctor Edward Allen of Perkins, and many others, It was there that I first met that dynamic personality. Charles F.F. Campbell, Secretary of the American Association of Workers for the Blind (known as the A.A.W.B). BY his untiring work and enthusiasm he made of the new organization a real power in work for the blind. Mr Campbell's father, Francis
58, UNFOLDING YEARS with a small income but no fixed home. Although she had only light perception she had learned to do all kinds of work, as I did. Besides being a great help, she was good company an we had so much in common. She asked no wages, but was grateful for a home where she could feel she was really wanted. Now that I had some one with me all the time to help with the work and to share my daily thoughts and pleasures. I began to steadily improve and soon was quite well and strong. Even though I did not go to Vinton that spring of 1908. I had sent a paper to read before the Alumni Association, advocating the establishment of a "Home for Sightless Women" The Association voted to sponsor such an effort. I was one of a committee appointed to draft articles and incorporation and solicit funds. A Des Moines Association was also formed of which I became the first president. The following spring (1909) Eva and I went up to Vinton for Commencement and at the Alumni meeting it was also decided to send a representative to the National Association Convention to be held that spring in Columbus, Ohio. I was chosen as the delegate. I returned home to make preparations. Then I took a severe cold and developed a deepseated cough; but I was determined to go. I was most anxious to attend our National Association and meet some of the people with whom I had corresponded for years. A former school friend with fairly good sight, her son, and Louis Howard, a blind piano tuner, accompanied me from Des Moines. It took us a night and a day to make the trip. I was ill all the way and after I reached Columbus. However, enjoyed the meeting and got a lot out of it. What a thrill it was to met and talk with Mr. Joel W. Smith Editor of "The Mentor", Doctor Edward Allen of Perkins, and many others, It was there that I first met that dynamic personality. Charles F.F. Campbell, Secretary of the American Association of Workers for the Blind (known as the A.A.W.B). BY his untiring work and enthusiasm he made of the new organization a real power in work for the blind. Mr Campbell's father, Francis
Campus Culture