Adelia M. Hoyt memoir and photographs
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88 UNFOLDING YEARS and was allowed to do considerable of my work at home. My staff now numbered six regular employees and three or four extras in busy times. Each of the six was an expert in his and her own line. While I had assigned their work and planned it in the beginning, each was capable of carrying on with very little supervision. Above all, they felt a personal interest and pride in what they were doing. Miss Violet M. Savage had proved a most faithful and capable secretary. In my absence from the Library she was practically in charge. We learned to work together as one. There were Annual Reports to the Red Cross and Library of Congress to be gotten out ; special material to be compiled; the preparation of my papers for conventions; difficult correspondence; daily records to be kept; and the Manuals and other publications which had to be frequently revised. In all this work Miss Savage proved herself invaluable to me; besides she had the real interest of the work at heart and loved it as I did. My return to work had been premature. Soon other troubles developed and early in November I went home again to prepare for an operation. The surgeon, supposed to be one of the best in Washington, made a mistake in diagnosis so had to perform two operations. He considered me in a very serious condition, and told both my sister and doctor that he did not think I had a chance. To his surprise and that of everyone about me, I was soon on the mend and in two weeks was able to leave the hospital and return home. The day after my operation was election day, when Herbert Hoover was so badly defeated and Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected for the first time. I was deeply disappointed -- but not even that could hinder my recovery. After New year's day, January 1933. I was able to return to work and in a few weeks the cough which had been with me so long disappeared. Back at my desk I took up the work with renewed strength and enthusiasm to carry on for six more busy, happy years. Braille Transcribing had spread all over the United States and even into some of its territories. Hundreds of transcribed books
88 UNFOLDING YEARS and was allowed to do considerable of my work at home. My staff now numbered six regular employees and three or four extras in busy times. Each of the six was an expert in his and her own line. While I had assigned their work and planned it in the beginning, each was capable of carrying on with very little supervision. Above all, they felt a personal interest and pride in what they were doing. Miss Violet M. Savage had proved a most faithful and capable secretary. In my absence from the Library she was practically in charge. We learned to work together as one. There were Annual Reports to the Red Cross and Library of Congress to be gotten out ; special material to be compiled; the preparation of my papers for conventions; difficult correspondence; daily records to be kept; and the Manuals and other publications which had to be frequently revised. In all this work Miss Savage proved herself invaluable to me; besides she had the real interest of the work at heart and loved it as I did. My return to work had been premature. Soon other troubles developed and early in November I went home again to prepare for an operation. The surgeon, supposed to be one of the best in Washington, made a mistake in diagnosis so had to perform two operations. He considered me in a very serious condition, and told both my sister and doctor that he did not think I had a chance. To his surprise and that of everyone about me, I was soon on the mend and in two weeks was able to leave the hospital and return home. The day after my operation was election day, when Herbert Hoover was so badly defeated and Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected for the first time. I was deeply disappointed -- but not even that could hinder my recovery. After New year's day, January 1933. I was able to return to work and in a few weeks the cough which had been with me so long disappeared. Back at my desk I took up the work with renewed strength and enthusiasm to carry on for six more busy, happy years. Braille Transcribing had spread all over the United States and even into some of its territories. Hundreds of transcribed books
Campus Culture