Adelia M. Hoyt memoir and photographs
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120, UNFOLDING YEARS the Home. Now it seemed to offer just security I wanted -- a permanent home with freedom from care and responsibility for the rest of my life. But the question was: "Would I be accepted?" I knew the place was about full and that they had a long waiting list. I made my application in the spring telling them I did not wish to enter until fall, and on those conditions I was accepted. My friends received my decision with mixed reaction. Most of them doubted the wisdom of the move I was making; a few agreed with me that it was the best thing to do. None sought to dissuade me for none had any better plan to suggest. Although they saw the advantage to be gained they feared I would not be happy away from my own home. The breaking up of my home where I had lived for so many years was no small task and it required real physical and moral courage; but I had all summer in which to do it. Some of my books, pictures, dishes and pieces of furniture which had been admired by certain friends I now gladly gave to them . I reserved some things for relatives and for myself since I had been given the privilege of furnishing my room at the Home. The rest of my belongings I offered for sale. It was strange how things went one by one until the house took on that empty look which sometimes almost brought the tears in secret. It helped a lot to know that my treasured possessions were going mostly to relatives and friends, either as gifts or by sale. One of the greatest trials I had was the separation from Miss Lena Lanning. She had come to be very near and dear to me -- almost like a sister. I think she felt it too. She was fortunate in obtaining room and board with one of our church ladies just a block from the church. She took with her some of the furniture which had been in her room. I also gave her one of my radios. My large cabinet radio went to another friend. I kept for myself the Zenith Radio, Trans-Oceanic Portable Model, I had won from the "Quiz Kids" I gave farewell dinners to the Kales,the Maxwells and others. Susie Duffy had also decided to go into the Home for the Blind. In September she came for a last visit with me and together we made final arrangements to enter the Home.
120, UNFOLDING YEARS the Home. Now it seemed to offer just security I wanted -- a permanent home with freedom from care and responsibility for the rest of my life. But the question was: "Would I be accepted?" I knew the place was about full and that they had a long waiting list. I made my application in the spring telling them I did not wish to enter until fall, and on those conditions I was accepted. My friends received my decision with mixed reaction. Most of them doubted the wisdom of the move I was making; a few agreed with me that it was the best thing to do. None sought to dissuade me for none had any better plan to suggest. Although they saw the advantage to be gained they feared I would not be happy away from my own home. The breaking up of my home where I had lived for so many years was no small task and it required real physical and moral courage; but I had all summer in which to do it. Some of my books, pictures, dishes and pieces of furniture which had been admired by certain friends I now gladly gave to them . I reserved some things for relatives and for myself since I had been given the privilege of furnishing my room at the Home. The rest of my belongings I offered for sale. It was strange how things went one by one until the house took on that empty look which sometimes almost brought the tears in secret. It helped a lot to know that my treasured possessions were going mostly to relatives and friends, either as gifts or by sale. One of the greatest trials I had was the separation from Miss Lena Lanning. She had come to be very near and dear to me -- almost like a sister. I think she felt it too. She was fortunate in obtaining room and board with one of our church ladies just a block from the church. She took with her some of the furniture which had been in her room. I also gave her one of my radios. My large cabinet radio went to another friend. I kept for myself the Zenith Radio, Trans-Oceanic Portable Model, I had won from the "Quiz Kids" I gave farewell dinners to the Kales,the Maxwells and others. Susie Duffy had also decided to go into the Home for the Blind. In September she came for a last visit with me and together we made final arrangements to enter the Home.
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