Student protests, May-December 1971
1971-06-14 Daily Iowan Letters to the Editor Page 2
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IOWA CITY, IOWA John Richards Mike McGrevey Editor. Debbie Romine Richard Ter Mas Jan Williams nd Development in nt protest puzzled ge increases in pro lations: New York ssachusetts Califor d been understood Iowa. The rankings gie Commission on ons within the n? Witness, as an ou couldn't believe ty" as he spoke of from a dozen other by Harold Hoddkin elopment in Higher urest (the Commis Jackson massacres), suggestions for how. the greater the in use very bright stu s and teachers are oyalty to institutions est degree awarded d with institutional titution increases in e institutions which of 12,000 students. critical mass" a size se in protest. But he and protest is linear protest." he says University of Iowa ents enrolled, an in a few observations tions of higher edu n in 1966. He notes emands of the post crammed into exist e "monolithic status which suggests that Remarking on the the size of an insti together, more an rats in a cage, there Re. Kristine Roepsch's letter In her condescending letter Ms. Roepsch chided welfare recipients for "... expecting the rest of us to support them while they go their merry way." This seems to me a very naive understanding of public welfare. Public welfare is more than food stamps and aid to dependent children, it includes all services and programs which are governmentally subsidized. Thus, the welfare system includes our transportation system., educational system, housing program, public utilities, national defense (national offense), recreational facilities, etc. It is ironic but true, that the higher income citizens derive the greatest benefit for our real welfare system. For any individual to say that he or she is self-supporting is absurd. We all depend heavily upon each other. The so called non-productive welfare recipients are generally those who were denied the advantage of society, such as education and job training. Public welfare is enjoyed by all but the poor receive the least. Thus, Ms. Roepsch like the rest of us is also on welfare. Through her governmentally subsidized housing (Hawkeye Court), her husband's subsidized education, as well as all other governmental services she receives. Roepsch qualified as a welfare recipient of the first order. James Lynch, A4 1008 Finkbine Park To the Editor: It is with frustration and disgust that we are writing this letter ! We can no longer remain silent regarding the actions of those students (?- we question if they are all students, for if they are wouldn't they be busy studying and preparing for finals, and thus be unable to find time to partake in such activities that occur late at night and early morning??) who were demonstrating Tuesday and early Wednesday morning. The so-called "demonstrations" have disintegrated to merely a MOB of people with a thirst for violence! We rather doubt the sincerity of their convictions for peace and their dissent against the morality of the Vietnam war, for if their convictions and dissent were sincere and conscientious how can they account for their gatherings late at night and early morning, the broken windows in downtown Iowa City and on campus, the need for police for protection of public and private property, the disruption of the regular flow of traffic in Iowa City streets? Their "demonstrations have no apparent director or goal: nothing has been accomplished in terms of positive, constructive action! And more infuriating is the fact that their selfish actions will have an adverse effect on the DI 6/14/71 Iowa City who feels he must single-handedly disperse the large group of people They do this by gun threats or driving through the masses at high rates of speed. Last year Fortuna was with us: no one was picked off. This year Lady Luck has moved elsewhere. No one had been killed here, yet. Last week we saw a man in a pickup give a few people some pretty nice bruises. Tuesday night we saw a young man play with the crowd, continuously driving through the protesters either to calm his masochis NIXN'S OLD CREDIBILITY GAO NO PROF ed a local 4-H delegation. Outraged students huddled in the bleak rainy night to exchange tales of gruesome injustices. Finally the D.I. could use the thick black headline they had no doubt been planning for weeks. Violence had come home. Again this spring we are crawling out in droves for our vulgar entertainment. Little insignificant people, we trickle out into the night under the guise of "ending the war," We chant incoherently about "pigs" and "violence, " the violence which is the heritage of this country, a heritage we share with our forefathers most completely. Another day draws to a close. What have we planned for tonight's activities? What spectacle will bring the gawking, grotesque crowds out into the warm spring air? The problem is solved Let's devise a new entertainment for this evening. Tonight we will stay at home and look into our narrow little minds. Jeanne Jordan A-2 Claire Brown S-2 E111 Currier To the Editor: Well... spring has sprung and the annual protests and what's-that-you-call-it:? - "trashing" - have begun. Our question is "Where were all you guys in January (i.e. in the cold) when Fred Wezeman and company were standing on the corner for the Wednesday afternoon peace vigil? Fairweather revolutionaries are just as pathetic as so called "patriots" who support the war. Bah, humbug !!! Christine Anderson, G, Kathy Wachel LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor and all other types of contributions to The Daily Iowan are encouraged. All contributions must be signed by the writer and should be typed with triple spacing.Letters no longer than 300 words are appreciated. Shorter contributions are more likely to be used. The Daily Iowan reserves the right to reject or edit any contribution. Free clinic community meeting The Free Medical Clinic is holding its second all community meeting on Saturday to decide upon the structure and operation of the clinic over the summer. Everyone interested in the clinic and community controlled free health care is urged to attend. Meeting : 2 p.m., the Union Minnesota Room Life Peace
IOWA CITY, IOWA John Richards Mike McGrevey Editor. Debbie Romine Richard Ter Mas Jan Williams nd Development in nt protest puzzled ge increases in pro lations: New York ssachusetts Califor d been understood Iowa. The rankings gie Commission on ons within the n? Witness, as an ou couldn't believe ty" as he spoke of from a dozen other by Harold Hoddkin elopment in Higher urest (the Commis Jackson massacres), suggestions for how. the greater the in use very bright stu s and teachers are oyalty to institutions est degree awarded d with institutional titution increases in e institutions which of 12,000 students. critical mass" a size se in protest. But he and protest is linear protest." he says University of Iowa ents enrolled, an in a few observations tions of higher edu n in 1966. He notes emands of the post crammed into exist e "monolithic status which suggests that Remarking on the the size of an insti together, more an rats in a cage, there Re. Kristine Roepsch's letter In her condescending letter Ms. Roepsch chided welfare recipients for "... expecting the rest of us to support them while they go their merry way." This seems to me a very naive understanding of public welfare. Public welfare is more than food stamps and aid to dependent children, it includes all services and programs which are governmentally subsidized. Thus, the welfare system includes our transportation system., educational system, housing program, public utilities, national defense (national offense), recreational facilities, etc. It is ironic but true, that the higher income citizens derive the greatest benefit for our real welfare system. For any individual to say that he or she is self-supporting is absurd. We all depend heavily upon each other. The so called non-productive welfare recipients are generally those who were denied the advantage of society, such as education and job training. Public welfare is enjoyed by all but the poor receive the least. Thus, Ms. Roepsch like the rest of us is also on welfare. Through her governmentally subsidized housing (Hawkeye Court), her husband's subsidized education, as well as all other governmental services she receives. Roepsch qualified as a welfare recipient of the first order. James Lynch, A4 1008 Finkbine Park To the Editor: It is with frustration and disgust that we are writing this letter ! We can no longer remain silent regarding the actions of those students (?- we question if they are all students, for if they are wouldn't they be busy studying and preparing for finals, and thus be unable to find time to partake in such activities that occur late at night and early morning??) who were demonstrating Tuesday and early Wednesday morning. The so-called "demonstrations" have disintegrated to merely a MOB of people with a thirst for violence! We rather doubt the sincerity of their convictions for peace and their dissent against the morality of the Vietnam war, for if their convictions and dissent were sincere and conscientious how can they account for their gatherings late at night and early morning, the broken windows in downtown Iowa City and on campus, the need for police for protection of public and private property, the disruption of the regular flow of traffic in Iowa City streets? Their "demonstrations have no apparent director or goal: nothing has been accomplished in terms of positive, constructive action! And more infuriating is the fact that their selfish actions will have an adverse effect on the DI 6/14/71 Iowa City who feels he must single-handedly disperse the large group of people They do this by gun threats or driving through the masses at high rates of speed. Last year Fortuna was with us: no one was picked off. This year Lady Luck has moved elsewhere. No one had been killed here, yet. Last week we saw a man in a pickup give a few people some pretty nice bruises. Tuesday night we saw a young man play with the crowd, continuously driving through the protesters either to calm his masochis NIXN'S OLD CREDIBILITY GAO NO PROF ed a local 4-H delegation. Outraged students huddled in the bleak rainy night to exchange tales of gruesome injustices. Finally the D.I. could use the thick black headline they had no doubt been planning for weeks. Violence had come home. Again this spring we are crawling out in droves for our vulgar entertainment. Little insignificant people, we trickle out into the night under the guise of "ending the war," We chant incoherently about "pigs" and "violence, " the violence which is the heritage of this country, a heritage we share with our forefathers most completely. Another day draws to a close. What have we planned for tonight's activities? What spectacle will bring the gawking, grotesque crowds out into the warm spring air? The problem is solved Let's devise a new entertainment for this evening. Tonight we will stay at home and look into our narrow little minds. Jeanne Jordan A-2 Claire Brown S-2 E111 Currier To the Editor: Well... spring has sprung and the annual protests and what's-that-you-call-it:? - "trashing" - have begun. Our question is "Where were all you guys in January (i.e. in the cold) when Fred Wezeman and company were standing on the corner for the Wednesday afternoon peace vigil? Fairweather revolutionaries are just as pathetic as so called "patriots" who support the war. Bah, humbug !!! Christine Anderson, G, Kathy Wachel LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor and all other types of contributions to The Daily Iowan are encouraged. All contributions must be signed by the writer and should be typed with triple spacing.Letters no longer than 300 words are appreciated. Shorter contributions are more likely to be used. The Daily Iowan reserves the right to reject or edit any contribution. Free clinic community meeting The Free Medical Clinic is holding its second all community meeting on Saturday to decide upon the structure and operation of the clinic over the summer. Everyone interested in the clinic and community controlled free health care is urged to attend. Meeting : 2 p.m., the Union Minnesota Room Life Peace
Campus Culture