University of Iowa anti-war protests, 1965-1967
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would be made vulnerable to attack. Shortly after 1 p.m., Connell, who apparently was Bowen's eyes and ears at the scene, consented to the moving of a few campus policemen between the two groups. Hanna himself at that the administration's role in the events of Wednesday. Most important, something should be done to see that never again is anything handled as poorly by the administration as the mess Wednesday. - Bill Newbrough Police were a bright spot. If a bright point was possible in the frightful scene of Wednesday, it was the way the outside law officials handled the breaking up of the demonstration. Unlike what happened at Madison, Wisc. a couple weeks ago, the police task force composed of Iowa City policemen. Iowa Highway Patrolmen and sheriff's deputies from Johnson and surrounding counties established their authority and control of the situation without resorting to physical violence and tear gas. Although they felt that it was necessary to carry night sticks, they did not carry their guns. And as soon as it was apparent that the demonstrators would not violently oppose arrest, all of the Iowa City policemen as well as some other members of the task force put away their sticks. There was at least one arrest made after the demonstration was over that probably should not have been made. And a few isolated complaints about the way the police acted will probably pop up. But as one of those arrested put it: " Those were the nicest cops I've ever dealt with." Lets hope that the same thing can be said if the outside police ever have to deal with a similar situation here again/ - Bill Newbrough The Daily Iowan The Daily Iowan is written and edited by students and is governed by a board of five student trustees elected by the student body and four trustees appointed by the president of the University. The opinions expressed in the editorial columns of the paper should be considered those of the writers of the articles concerned and not the expression of policy of the University, any group associated with the University or the staff of the newspaper. Published by Student Publications, Inc., Communications Center, Iowa City, Iowa, daily except Sunday and Monday, and legal holidays. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Iowa City under the Act of Congress of March 2 1879. Subscription Rates: By carrier in Iowa City, $10 per year in advance; six months $5.50; three months $3. All mail subscriptions $10 per year: six months $5.60; three months $3.25 Dial 337-4191 from noon to midnight to report new items and announcements to The Daily Iowan. Editorial offices are in the Communications Center. The Associated Press in entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all local news printed in this newspaper as well as all AP news and dispatches. Dial 337-4191 if you do not receive your Di by 7:30 a.m. Every effort will me made to correct the error with the next issue. Di office hours are 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Monday through Friday and 8 to 9 a.m. Saturday Publisher ...... William Zima Editor...... Bill Newborough News Editor ..... Gordon Young University Editor ....... Gail Longanecker City Editor .......Sally Alt Editorial Page Editor ...... Don Yager Sports Editor......... Mike Barry Copy Editor ......... Dave Margoshes Chief Photographer ........ Jon Jacobson Assistant University Editor.... Debby Donovan Assistant Sports Editor.... John Harmon Photographer..... Dave Luck Editorial Adviser..... Lee Winfrey Advertising Director ...... Roy Dunsmore Advertising Manager ....... Larry Halquis Trustees, Board of Student Publications Inc: Bill Rosebrook, L1: Stewart Truelsen, A3; Dick Jennings, A4; Lane Davis, Department of Political Science; John B. Bremmer, School of Journalism; William M. Murray, Department of English; and William P. Albrecht, Department of Economics [partial photo] [handwritten] p.8 (of 9) DI 11/2/67 Dean Boyd plea [photo] One of more than 100 a [cartoon] B.C. by Johnny Hart BEETL LADY BUG, LADY BUG, FLY AWAY HOME YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE,.... AND YOUR CHILDREN WILL...... .........FOAM.........???? [partial cartoon] BEETL I TO BEET CRAC YOUR BECA LOST HIKE
would be made vulnerable to attack. Shortly after 1 p.m., Connell, who apparently was Bowen's eyes and ears at the scene, consented to the moving of a few campus policemen between the two groups. Hanna himself at that the administration's role in the events of Wednesday. Most important, something should be done to see that never again is anything handled as poorly by the administration as the mess Wednesday. - Bill Newbrough Police were a bright spot. If a bright point was possible in the frightful scene of Wednesday, it was the way the outside law officials handled the breaking up of the demonstration. Unlike what happened at Madison, Wisc. a couple weeks ago, the police task force composed of Iowa City policemen. Iowa Highway Patrolmen and sheriff's deputies from Johnson and surrounding counties established their authority and control of the situation without resorting to physical violence and tear gas. Although they felt that it was necessary to carry night sticks, they did not carry their guns. And as soon as it was apparent that the demonstrators would not violently oppose arrest, all of the Iowa City policemen as well as some other members of the task force put away their sticks. There was at least one arrest made after the demonstration was over that probably should not have been made. And a few isolated complaints about the way the police acted will probably pop up. But as one of those arrested put it: " Those were the nicest cops I've ever dealt with." Lets hope that the same thing can be said if the outside police ever have to deal with a similar situation here again/ - Bill Newbrough The Daily Iowan The Daily Iowan is written and edited by students and is governed by a board of five student trustees elected by the student body and four trustees appointed by the president of the University. The opinions expressed in the editorial columns of the paper should be considered those of the writers of the articles concerned and not the expression of policy of the University, any group associated with the University or the staff of the newspaper. Published by Student Publications, Inc., Communications Center, Iowa City, Iowa, daily except Sunday and Monday, and legal holidays. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Iowa City under the Act of Congress of March 2 1879. Subscription Rates: By carrier in Iowa City, $10 per year in advance; six months $5.50; three months $3. All mail subscriptions $10 per year: six months $5.60; three months $3.25 Dial 337-4191 from noon to midnight to report new items and announcements to The Daily Iowan. Editorial offices are in the Communications Center. The Associated Press in entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all local news printed in this newspaper as well as all AP news and dispatches. Dial 337-4191 if you do not receive your Di by 7:30 a.m. Every effort will me made to correct the error with the next issue. Di office hours are 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Monday through Friday and 8 to 9 a.m. Saturday Publisher ...... William Zima Editor...... Bill Newborough News Editor ..... Gordon Young University Editor ....... Gail Longanecker City Editor .......Sally Alt Editorial Page Editor ...... Don Yager Sports Editor......... Mike Barry Copy Editor ......... Dave Margoshes Chief Photographer ........ Jon Jacobson Assistant University Editor.... Debby Donovan Assistant Sports Editor.... John Harmon Photographer..... Dave Luck Editorial Adviser..... Lee Winfrey Advertising Director ...... Roy Dunsmore Advertising Manager ....... Larry Halquis Trustees, Board of Student Publications Inc: Bill Rosebrook, L1: Stewart Truelsen, A3; Dick Jennings, A4; Lane Davis, Department of Political Science; John B. Bremmer, School of Journalism; William M. Murray, Department of English; and William P. Albrecht, Department of Economics [partial photo] [handwritten] p.8 (of 9) DI 11/2/67 Dean Boyd plea [photo] One of more than 100 a [cartoon] B.C. by Johnny Hart BEETL LADY BUG, LADY BUG, FLY AWAY HOME YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE,.... AND YOUR CHILDREN WILL...... .........FOAM.........???? [partial cartoon] BEETL I TO BEET CRAC YOUR BECA LOST HIKE
Social Justice