Damn Thing, v. 1, issue 5, May 1941
Page 4
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PAGE FOUR THE DAMN THING __________________________________________ are open to him. (One page, that is.) I wish again to say that I neither agree with Walt nor Michel-Lowdnes. To Walt I say: The poetry will not cause a great scientifiction catalcysm. To Michel-Lowdnes I say: The stuff is nothing but mild pornography, but do I laugh about it. Drool on, Mac Lowdraughty, and I am right behind, looking for the nearest Chaser. J. Chapman Miske, the pesky slavsk from Upper Sokoloski, sees fit to express an opinion on Conscientious Objectors which reveals an intrinsic attitude that must deffinitly show an anti-Democratic disposition. What he says about J. Michel Rosenblum and Walter Gillings automatically applies to T. Bruce Yerke, and a large number of Angelenos and national fans whose names I would disclose as Conscientious Objectors if I were sure that had no objections. Fywert Kinge was the first to submit a note to Miske, and it is herewith published. At the time of writing, I don't know what in God's name Joquel is going to polute the pages with, but since he is Poppa Shylock this time, and all the drinks are on him, I have been requested to reserve two pages for him. However, what ever he may say will be exposed automatically when his evil intentions are disclosed in Fassbeinder's contribution this issue. Read it. Draw your opinion. Quick, Where Is the Men's room? is by a writer in L.A. who is doubly tired of the pollicy of Thrilling Wonder Stories Comics. The sweet thing that Leo, the Manhattan Lion, attaches to your SFL pins has kept a number of localites from sending in for one. O Tempore! O Mores! (The meaning of this little latin-extract can be found in any large Dictionary. How do you like it, Speer?) Claude Bloomer Quidd is a pseudonym for one whom we all know. (And it isn't Bradbury.) By now I have seen some of the pages we have already run off, and I note with due horror that some of the corrections, that is, the correction fluid, must have been sabotaged (probably by those traitors Rosenblum and Gillings.) and the correction as well as the original error print at the same time. This has been corrected on the rest of the stencils, and we always have the consolation that isn't as bad as Fantasy Fiction Field. Ach! Nearly forgot! I wanted to mention earlier for J. Chapman's benifit that we have gotten hold of a copy of Bizarre stories to send to Gillings, and with a sheet of The Damn Thing with your exerpt from Fanfare and Kinge's reply. This, of course, is simply done because you didn't want it done, and is calculated to drive you into a frenzy and maybe write some hot stuff about us. We love all sorts of stuff like that. Ho! Hum! Nearly at the bottom of this lousy stencil. Whats that? Will we have a Denvention issue? All splendid with plugs for the Denvention and lauding the valiant efforts of Wiggins and Martin? (We have an inside story on those valiant efforts, by the way.) God Man! No! We may have another issue out by the Denvention, and we may not. I may go and I may not. In any case, if I do go there will be a caustic Post Mortem issue about the Denvention. I am working on a local league member to finance me to the Denvention. The Lend-Lease idea. I still have transportation to get, or it might be necessary to hitchike. In case any of you want to abduct me all alone on the road, you may find me thumbing along U.S. through Barstow, Las Vegas, to Salt Lake, and thence along U.S. 40 through Cheyenne to Denver, or via U.S. 50 to Denver. But don't think you'll get away with any thing. I'll have poison pen in the scabard, and I'll be carrying traveller's checks. Anyway, let's not forget to REMEMBER THE DENVENTION:
PAGE FOUR THE DAMN THING __________________________________________ are open to him. (One page, that is.) I wish again to say that I neither agree with Walt nor Michel-Lowdnes. To Walt I say: The poetry will not cause a great scientifiction catalcysm. To Michel-Lowdnes I say: The stuff is nothing but mild pornography, but do I laugh about it. Drool on, Mac Lowdraughty, and I am right behind, looking for the nearest Chaser. J. Chapman Miske, the pesky slavsk from Upper Sokoloski, sees fit to express an opinion on Conscientious Objectors which reveals an intrinsic attitude that must deffinitly show an anti-Democratic disposition. What he says about J. Michel Rosenblum and Walter Gillings automatically applies to T. Bruce Yerke, and a large number of Angelenos and national fans whose names I would disclose as Conscientious Objectors if I were sure that had no objections. Fywert Kinge was the first to submit a note to Miske, and it is herewith published. At the time of writing, I don't know what in God's name Joquel is going to polute the pages with, but since he is Poppa Shylock this time, and all the drinks are on him, I have been requested to reserve two pages for him. However, what ever he may say will be exposed automatically when his evil intentions are disclosed in Fassbeinder's contribution this issue. Read it. Draw your opinion. Quick, Where Is the Men's room? is by a writer in L.A. who is doubly tired of the pollicy of Thrilling Wonder Stories Comics. The sweet thing that Leo, the Manhattan Lion, attaches to your SFL pins has kept a number of localites from sending in for one. O Tempore! O Mores! (The meaning of this little latin-extract can be found in any large Dictionary. How do you like it, Speer?) Claude Bloomer Quidd is a pseudonym for one whom we all know. (And it isn't Bradbury.) By now I have seen some of the pages we have already run off, and I note with due horror that some of the corrections, that is, the correction fluid, must have been sabotaged (probably by those traitors Rosenblum and Gillings.) and the correction as well as the original error print at the same time. This has been corrected on the rest of the stencils, and we always have the consolation that isn't as bad as Fantasy Fiction Field. Ach! Nearly forgot! I wanted to mention earlier for J. Chapman's benifit that we have gotten hold of a copy of Bizarre stories to send to Gillings, and with a sheet of The Damn Thing with your exerpt from Fanfare and Kinge's reply. This, of course, is simply done because you didn't want it done, and is calculated to drive you into a frenzy and maybe write some hot stuff about us. We love all sorts of stuff like that. Ho! Hum! Nearly at the bottom of this lousy stencil. Whats that? Will we have a Denvention issue? All splendid with plugs for the Denvention and lauding the valiant efforts of Wiggins and Martin? (We have an inside story on those valiant efforts, by the way.) God Man! No! We may have another issue out by the Denvention, and we may not. I may go and I may not. In any case, if I do go there will be a caustic Post Mortem issue about the Denvention. I am working on a local league member to finance me to the Denvention. The Lend-Lease idea. I still have transportation to get, or it might be necessary to hitchike. In case any of you want to abduct me all alone on the road, you may find me thumbing along U.S. through Barstow, Las Vegas, to Salt Lake, and thence along U.S. 40 through Cheyenne to Denver, or via U.S. 50 to Denver. But don't think you'll get away with any thing. I'll have poison pen in the scabard, and I'll be carrying traveller's checks. Anyway, let's not forget to REMEMBER THE DENVENTION:
Hevelin Fanzines