Damn Thing, v. 1, issue 5, May 1941
Page 12
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PAGE TWELVE THE DAMN THING __________________________________________ Is Joquel A Frankenstein? Carlton J. Fassbeinder [image] He's a Good Humour, Man. In looking over the events of the past few months, I find a steady cataclysmic spell of cataclysims. The Los Angeles SFS has been haunted by reflection from the Shadow Over Innsbruck. A whole host of ominous developements have taken place. During my recent sojorn in a Northern California Motel (See STFETTE for details) I began to piece two and two togather, and I made the amazing discovoury that these malicious inroads on our tranquility have been a direct and traceable result of the evil influence of Arthur Louis Joquel, II. Endevouring to find out just what Joquel was and is, I made some investigations of my own. For instance, the fact that he lives in Los Angeles and works in Wilmington puzzled me. He says he works for the Matson Lines. I inquired at their office and received the astounding information that there wasn't any such a company as the Matson Lines at all... it was a mass hysteria and illusion created by the Japanese Government to covour up a trawling company's opporations in Los Angeles Harbour. (And along these lines, I have discovoured that the Brooklyn Navy yard is really a Nazi submarine base!) One night I missed a meeting to investigate Joquel's house, and I found a large coffin full of dirt in the garage. Analysing the dirt, I find that it comes from Gonwanaland, an ancient sunken area. Secreting myself in the water boiler, after draining out the water, I waited until dawn, and sure enough, Joquel came stumbling into the garage and dived into the coffin. Joquel was Supernatural! I am writing this information to the W.C.T.U. Tying this information with the chronology of the chapter story itself, I discovour the following things: Since Joquel has joined the local organisation, (1) The Director resigned, (2) The Secretary resigned, (3) The Librarian resigned, (4) The club was kicked out of Clifton's, (5) Bradbury rejoined, (6) Pogo became engaged. This is not all—Joquel gradually acquired these offices, and for a short while, he held all offices except that of Treasurer. (And the Treasurer quit, too!) CONCLUSION ONE: Joquel, having disrupted the life of the club, took all offices himself, securing his evil hold on the club's official life. Then he doles off the positions to his cohorts, whose own thoughts have come under his influence. Ackerman is Director, but he is merely a figurehead. Chamberlain is Secretary, but he writes what Joquel tells him to. Morojo is Treasurer, but she turns all the books over to Joquel. And Joquel is Librarian, and holds control autocratic over the collection of our knowledge! Nor is that all! No!! Joquel is forcing his evil influence into our publishing. Los Angeles was at one time the leading publishers in the fan field. A magasine that said: "AN L.A.S.F.L. PUBLICATION" was the earmark of quality. And now we find that LASFL publications are all but extinct! FUTURIA FANTASIA died long ago, and has not been revived. POLARIS has been stopped by Freehafer for reasons unknown. SWEETNESS AND LIGHT has been delayed. SHANGRI-LA and ROCKET are delayed for an indefinite period. STFETTE comes out, messy and sloppy, with only one decent article, and this on the back page. THE DAMN THING has ceased as an LASFL publication. VOICE OF THE IMAGINATION has declined in size. And what has taken its place? ASTRA PUBLICATIONS! Even the Damn Thing has become an ASTRA PUBLICATION. In a never-ending stream ASTRA grinds forth better
PAGE TWELVE THE DAMN THING __________________________________________ Is Joquel A Frankenstein? Carlton J. Fassbeinder [image] He's a Good Humour, Man. In looking over the events of the past few months, I find a steady cataclysmic spell of cataclysims. The Los Angeles SFS has been haunted by reflection from the Shadow Over Innsbruck. A whole host of ominous developements have taken place. During my recent sojorn in a Northern California Motel (See STFETTE for details) I began to piece two and two togather, and I made the amazing discovoury that these malicious inroads on our tranquility have been a direct and traceable result of the evil influence of Arthur Louis Joquel, II. Endevouring to find out just what Joquel was and is, I made some investigations of my own. For instance, the fact that he lives in Los Angeles and works in Wilmington puzzled me. He says he works for the Matson Lines. I inquired at their office and received the astounding information that there wasn't any such a company as the Matson Lines at all... it was a mass hysteria and illusion created by the Japanese Government to covour up a trawling company's opporations in Los Angeles Harbour. (And along these lines, I have discovoured that the Brooklyn Navy yard is really a Nazi submarine base!) One night I missed a meeting to investigate Joquel's house, and I found a large coffin full of dirt in the garage. Analysing the dirt, I find that it comes from Gonwanaland, an ancient sunken area. Secreting myself in the water boiler, after draining out the water, I waited until dawn, and sure enough, Joquel came stumbling into the garage and dived into the coffin. Joquel was Supernatural! I am writing this information to the W.C.T.U. Tying this information with the chronology of the chapter story itself, I discovour the following things: Since Joquel has joined the local organisation, (1) The Director resigned, (2) The Secretary resigned, (3) The Librarian resigned, (4) The club was kicked out of Clifton's, (5) Bradbury rejoined, (6) Pogo became engaged. This is not all—Joquel gradually acquired these offices, and for a short while, he held all offices except that of Treasurer. (And the Treasurer quit, too!) CONCLUSION ONE: Joquel, having disrupted the life of the club, took all offices himself, securing his evil hold on the club's official life. Then he doles off the positions to his cohorts, whose own thoughts have come under his influence. Ackerman is Director, but he is merely a figurehead. Chamberlain is Secretary, but he writes what Joquel tells him to. Morojo is Treasurer, but she turns all the books over to Joquel. And Joquel is Librarian, and holds control autocratic over the collection of our knowledge! Nor is that all! No!! Joquel is forcing his evil influence into our publishing. Los Angeles was at one time the leading publishers in the fan field. A magasine that said: "AN L.A.S.F.L. PUBLICATION" was the earmark of quality. And now we find that LASFL publications are all but extinct! FUTURIA FANTASIA died long ago, and has not been revived. POLARIS has been stopped by Freehafer for reasons unknown. SWEETNESS AND LIGHT has been delayed. SHANGRI-LA and ROCKET are delayed for an indefinite period. STFETTE comes out, messy and sloppy, with only one decent article, and this on the back page. THE DAMN THING has ceased as an LASFL publication. VOICE OF THE IMAGINATION has declined in size. And what has taken its place? ASTRA PUBLICATIONS! Even the Damn Thing has become an ASTRA PUBLICATION. In a never-ending stream ASTRA grinds forth better
Hevelin Fanzines