Damn Thing, v. 1, issue 5, May 1941
Page 15
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THE DAMN THING PAGE FIFTEEN _________________________________________ HARRY WARNDER, JR., from Hagerstown, Md., and a fellow editor, puts in a line: .....I won't even mention "Fish and Gyps." Well, I see I have. Anyhow, if there is a spirit world, we'll know now, for the part of Thorne Smith that is still getting around....will surely haunt you for the rest of your life for daring to mention his name in connection with such an item. Ig. And Ug. (And nuts. Ed.) I don't like Smith as much as some fans do to begin with, but at least I snicker over some of his books..... On the other hand, you've been publishing some worthwhile stuff. If I might be permitted to make a suggestion (just try and stop me) I'd plea for more downright slander and arguments and less questionanle satire and bad free verse. Ray Bradbury, by the way, has plagarised himself. In "Genie Trouble" he says: "Not a BIG Genie. That would be silly. But a little Genie." In "Tale of the Tortletwitch" appearing in Spaceways a year ago, he says: "Not a big Martian, of course. That would be fantastic. But a little Martian." (Ed. Note: If Bradbury would be content to plagarise his own stuff, it would be O.K.) TOM DANIEL, of Pomona, California, scene of the famous Nash breakdown, writes: .....That guy Bradbuy!!! Ask him what progresses down the western seaboard, or my wife's scrub board. I'm wondering if the armoured car would help in Denver. No wonder his hash doesn't appear under one of the mag names. My Aye for Scientifictionurserymes. In the Feb issue Russel Chauvenet means H2S, not SO2. An STF cynic making such a mistake!! Instead of SUCKER BITES, how about HELLUSAY? (Hell2U, Ed.) MELVIN KORSHAK, another hack from Chicago, writes on the Ides of March: Latest Damn Thing on hand and not up to its usual high standard of cussidness You wasted half the magasine, and half the subscribers' money on "Fish and Gyps." Christ, that was a sheer wasye of space. Fandumb needs a good mag like DT usta was to keep taking bites out of the hides of those who get too cocky. (Ed Note: Not much worth exploding about happened for the fourth Damn Thing.) BUT, if you're going to degenerate into a humour mag, get out of the field, cause we've got too many humour (?) mags now. For example, Midwest News & Views, when it comes out. I'm a dummy anyway, so you can pass the mag on to me, but your other subscriber might put up a squak. (Ed. Note: Where does he get that other subscriber stuff?) Anyway, included is 25¢ for a sub. (Now we know you're a dummy.) CARLTON J. FASSBEINDER, from a Motel near Merced, California, writes: What the hell has happened to Thorne Smith? If I'de looked at that story he wrote or my typewriter, you never would have got it. For God's sake, Yerke, havn't you got better judgement than yo run a tripe like that—and why did you have to display my name so much with it? I merely was an innocent bysitter. Anyway, am enclosing SAUERKRAUT UND GEWILLTEFISCH for whatever mag in L.A. wants to run it. now thaat D.T. has busted up. Also, here's an expose on Joquel. (ed. Note: Sauerkraut und Gewilltefisch, a rare piece of wit, was run by Pogo in the latest STFETTE. Joquel, financing the Damn Thing from under Ackerman's nose, prooves thesis of Fassbeinder's article in this issue.)
THE DAMN THING PAGE FIFTEEN _________________________________________ HARRY WARNDER, JR., from Hagerstown, Md., and a fellow editor, puts in a line: .....I won't even mention "Fish and Gyps." Well, I see I have. Anyhow, if there is a spirit world, we'll know now, for the part of Thorne Smith that is still getting around....will surely haunt you for the rest of your life for daring to mention his name in connection with such an item. Ig. And Ug. (And nuts. Ed.) I don't like Smith as much as some fans do to begin with, but at least I snicker over some of his books..... On the other hand, you've been publishing some worthwhile stuff. If I might be permitted to make a suggestion (just try and stop me) I'd plea for more downright slander and arguments and less questionanle satire and bad free verse. Ray Bradbury, by the way, has plagarised himself. In "Genie Trouble" he says: "Not a BIG Genie. That would be silly. But a little Genie." In "Tale of the Tortletwitch" appearing in Spaceways a year ago, he says: "Not a big Martian, of course. That would be fantastic. But a little Martian." (Ed. Note: If Bradbury would be content to plagarise his own stuff, it would be O.K.) TOM DANIEL, of Pomona, California, scene of the famous Nash breakdown, writes: .....That guy Bradbuy!!! Ask him what progresses down the western seaboard, or my wife's scrub board. I'm wondering if the armoured car would help in Denver. No wonder his hash doesn't appear under one of the mag names. My Aye for Scientifictionurserymes. In the Feb issue Russel Chauvenet means H2S, not SO2. An STF cynic making such a mistake!! Instead of SUCKER BITES, how about HELLUSAY? (Hell2U, Ed.) MELVIN KORSHAK, another hack from Chicago, writes on the Ides of March: Latest Damn Thing on hand and not up to its usual high standard of cussidness You wasted half the magasine, and half the subscribers' money on "Fish and Gyps." Christ, that was a sheer wasye of space. Fandumb needs a good mag like DT usta was to keep taking bites out of the hides of those who get too cocky. (Ed Note: Not much worth exploding about happened for the fourth Damn Thing.) BUT, if you're going to degenerate into a humour mag, get out of the field, cause we've got too many humour (?) mags now. For example, Midwest News & Views, when it comes out. I'm a dummy anyway, so you can pass the mag on to me, but your other subscriber might put up a squak. (Ed. Note: Where does he get that other subscriber stuff?) Anyway, included is 25¢ for a sub. (Now we know you're a dummy.) CARLTON J. FASSBEINDER, from a Motel near Merced, California, writes: What the hell has happened to Thorne Smith? If I'de looked at that story he wrote or my typewriter, you never would have got it. For God's sake, Yerke, havn't you got better judgement than yo run a tripe like that—and why did you have to display my name so much with it? I merely was an innocent bysitter. Anyway, am enclosing SAUERKRAUT UND GEWILLTEFISCH for whatever mag in L.A. wants to run it. now thaat D.T. has busted up. Also, here's an expose on Joquel. (ed. Note: Sauerkraut und Gewilltefisch, a rare piece of wit, was run by Pogo in the latest STFETTE. Joquel, financing the Damn Thing from under Ackerman's nose, prooves thesis of Fassbeinder's article in this issue.)
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