Le Zombie, v. 4, issue 1, whole no. 36, January 1941
Page 7
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(Queens meeting - cont.) Guinta had nothing to say. harry Walton had evidently talked himself out at previous meetings, for he only introduced some people with him. Attendance was about thirty in all . . . rather small for the Queensies, compared to some past meetings I have attended. After a recess called for the collection of dues, the science fiction quiz began and lasted the next hour. There were plenty of prizes and nearly everyone walked off with something except me. For some crazy reason I stated that Unknown was the newest of the pro mags; when, at that time, Comet was the correct answer. After the quiz people began to leave. Thompson and I went out for a hot dog, and then took the subway. We split up a few moments later and wended our ways to our respective homes. So much for a typical Queensie day. -WHG DECKER DILLIES GO A' VISITING (Sun. December 22, 1940) The Decker dillies .... Marvis Manning, Faye Manning, Maurice Paul, M. Spivis and Fayogo came to Bloomington today for a day of fan-gabbing, gossip-swapping and general visiting. Before dawn ... well, at least before the Tucker household was up ...they rolled in from the long trek from Decker, Indiana. They had, they said, been on an all-night party the night before..... Saturday night.... and along about 4 am when the party got plenty hot, decided to drop in on us. Not bothering to go home first, they piled into the family Ford and started out. Frankly, when they arrived, they really looked as if they had been on a party..... a knock-down and drag out party! Faye Manning decided to adopt the Esperanto name of "Fayogo", despite our warning that it was true Esperanto, and that Ackerman and Morojo wouldn't approve. "Ackerman?" Faye questioned. "Pish tush! He won't mind. He reads Pluto ([[cent symbol]])". The dillies brought along with them the finished cover you see on this issue of LeZ. They explained they had trouble with the original cover Jenkins had made. It came apart in the mimeo. Undaunted, they traced his design onto another stencil, and ra n it off. Brover Decker! The Dillies, however, are saps. They absolutely would not allow us to reimburse them for the stencil used, or to pay them in any manner for printing the cover for us. They even refused a dozen originals we pushed on them. We must remember to write Ray Palmer and tell him what the fans think of his originals. We have a miniature railroad setup on the sun porch --- what great fun was had as they highballed a fast freight over the mountains and etc. Model railroading is one hobby that Decker Dillies don't have in their clubhouse. Now, however, Marvis declares he is going to begin work on a model thrashing machine! As we parted company, and the Decker Dillies began their long drive back home, two noteworthy statements were exchanged. Said we: "wait till you read about this in le Zombie!" Snarled Faye: "wait till you read about this in Pluto (10[[cent symbol]])!" . Here is ours. We are waiting, oh illustrious Fayogo! # #
(Queens meeting - cont.) Guinta had nothing to say. harry Walton had evidently talked himself out at previous meetings, for he only introduced some people with him. Attendance was about thirty in all . . . rather small for the Queensies, compared to some past meetings I have attended. After a recess called for the collection of dues, the science fiction quiz began and lasted the next hour. There were plenty of prizes and nearly everyone walked off with something except me. For some crazy reason I stated that Unknown was the newest of the pro mags; when, at that time, Comet was the correct answer. After the quiz people began to leave. Thompson and I went out for a hot dog, and then took the subway. We split up a few moments later and wended our ways to our respective homes. So much for a typical Queensie day. -WHG DECKER DILLIES GO A' VISITING (Sun. December 22, 1940) The Decker dillies .... Marvis Manning, Faye Manning, Maurice Paul, M. Spivis and Fayogo came to Bloomington today for a day of fan-gabbing, gossip-swapping and general visiting. Before dawn ... well, at least before the Tucker household was up ...they rolled in from the long trek from Decker, Indiana. They had, they said, been on an all-night party the night before..... Saturday night.... and along about 4 am when the party got plenty hot, decided to drop in on us. Not bothering to go home first, they piled into the family Ford and started out. Frankly, when they arrived, they really looked as if they had been on a party..... a knock-down and drag out party! Faye Manning decided to adopt the Esperanto name of "Fayogo", despite our warning that it was true Esperanto, and that Ackerman and Morojo wouldn't approve. "Ackerman?" Faye questioned. "Pish tush! He won't mind. He reads Pluto ([[cent symbol]])". The dillies brought along with them the finished cover you see on this issue of LeZ. They explained they had trouble with the original cover Jenkins had made. It came apart in the mimeo. Undaunted, they traced his design onto another stencil, and ra n it off. Brover Decker! The Dillies, however, are saps. They absolutely would not allow us to reimburse them for the stencil used, or to pay them in any manner for printing the cover for us. They even refused a dozen originals we pushed on them. We must remember to write Ray Palmer and tell him what the fans think of his originals. We have a miniature railroad setup on the sun porch --- what great fun was had as they highballed a fast freight over the mountains and etc. Model railroading is one hobby that Decker Dillies don't have in their clubhouse. Now, however, Marvis declares he is going to begin work on a model thrashing machine! As we parted company, and the Decker Dillies began their long drive back home, two noteworthy statements were exchanged. Said we: "wait till you read about this in le Zombie!" Snarled Faye: "wait till you read about this in Pluto (10[[cent symbol]])!" . Here is ours. We are waiting, oh illustrious Fayogo! # #
Hevelin Fanzines