Le Zombie, v. 4, issue 1, whole no. 36, January 1941
Page 14
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GRIPES Have you a gripe? DOROTHY SANFORD: "Yes, I can see your point as to the lack of humor . Far better humor than some of the staid and stuffy Readers' columns it has been my m isfortune tor ead. I am heartily sick of reading, "my rating for you rlast issue is this: 'Skippy Hop to the Moon We Flop' ...98.632%; 'What's That THING Crawling Under My Chemocalaboratory Door, I Wonder?' .... 0004 1/4%; 'Out of the Horror Into the Enigma' ... 76. 1/4 1/2%." --- and so on, ad nauesm, or however that delectable phrase is spelled. Heck, who cares to read exactly what everyone who can put one word after another ratest he magazine? That information should interest the editor alone." ------- ANONYMOUS from SAN FRANCISCO: "Lissen:- The pro mags have got lousy circulation depts. At least, two of 'em have. I suscribe to Super Science and Thrilling Wonder, and what happens? The first two months nothing happens. I squak (( sic )) and they send me the damn magazine - a month late. Thrilling Wonder is the worst. it took three months before I got the mag at all. Then I actually got two copies on time, a day or two before the issues appeared on the stands. This month, December, Thrilling Wonder has been on the news stands a week - and I still havent (( sic )) got my subscription copy. Fast work eh? Now what the hell is the use of suscribing if I have to wait a week after it appears on the newsstands? I'll bet you any damn thing if I go out now and buy Thrilling Wonder, I will get my copy by the very next mail. Thats the way it was last month. Who the hell wants two copies ? (( editor's note: Listen, chum, we can't see what in the devil you want with even one copy!)) The service stinks. I hate the circulation dept to pieces. I wont sign my name to this. Cause why? Cause the circulation dept will see it, then look me up in their files and deliberately hold my copy up even longer. They will probably even tear out all the last pages of the stories, so I won't know how it came out. (Of course, I can guess).I'll never suscribe again. I'll buy the filthy rags at the newstands in the future, and get it a week earlier. ((signed)) A Le Zombie suscriber, who is glad to report Le Zombie,at least, is delivered by mail LONG before it appears on the stands. " POME I'm a Science Fiction fan who comes to praise, and not to moan, For on every flight of fancy that you've made, I've gladly flown; It's Astounding, it's Amazing, it's Fantastic, it's Unknown, And I Wonder and I Marvel at the Startling things I'm shown. So I come to Pay a tribute, and I'll brook no sneering groan --- "Hail!" thou great new Science Fiction! I kneel humbly by thy throne! -handed to us at the Chicon by Everett E. Evans Battle Creek, Michigan "Attn Jerry Keeley: Another stfan in Tampa (Fla.) is Warren J Oswald, former LASFS member, at 2806 1/2 Ninth St. Just say 43 sent you." - FJA
GRIPES Have you a gripe? DOROTHY SANFORD: "Yes, I can see your point as to the lack of humor . Far better humor than some of the staid and stuffy Readers' columns it has been my m isfortune tor ead. I am heartily sick of reading, "my rating for you rlast issue is this: 'Skippy Hop to the Moon We Flop' ...98.632%; 'What's That THING Crawling Under My Chemocalaboratory Door, I Wonder?' .... 0004 1/4%; 'Out of the Horror Into the Enigma' ... 76. 1/4 1/2%." --- and so on, ad nauesm, or however that delectable phrase is spelled. Heck, who cares to read exactly what everyone who can put one word after another ratest he magazine? That information should interest the editor alone." ------- ANONYMOUS from SAN FRANCISCO: "Lissen:- The pro mags have got lousy circulation depts. At least, two of 'em have. I suscribe to Super Science and Thrilling Wonder, and what happens? The first two months nothing happens. I squak (( sic )) and they send me the damn magazine - a month late. Thrilling Wonder is the worst. it took three months before I got the mag at all. Then I actually got two copies on time, a day or two before the issues appeared on the stands. This month, December, Thrilling Wonder has been on the news stands a week - and I still havent (( sic )) got my subscription copy. Fast work eh? Now what the hell is the use of suscribing if I have to wait a week after it appears on the newsstands? I'll bet you any damn thing if I go out now and buy Thrilling Wonder, I will get my copy by the very next mail. Thats the way it was last month. Who the hell wants two copies ? (( editor's note: Listen, chum, we can't see what in the devil you want with even one copy!)) The service stinks. I hate the circulation dept to pieces. I wont sign my name to this. Cause why? Cause the circulation dept will see it, then look me up in their files and deliberately hold my copy up even longer. They will probably even tear out all the last pages of the stories, so I won't know how it came out. (Of course, I can guess).I'll never suscribe again. I'll buy the filthy rags at the newstands in the future, and get it a week earlier. ((signed)) A Le Zombie suscriber, who is glad to report Le Zombie,at least, is delivered by mail LONG before it appears on the stands. " POME I'm a Science Fiction fan who comes to praise, and not to moan, For on every flight of fancy that you've made, I've gladly flown; It's Astounding, it's Amazing, it's Fantastic, it's Unknown, And I Wonder and I Marvel at the Startling things I'm shown. So I come to Pay a tribute, and I'll brook no sneering groan --- "Hail!" thou great new Science Fiction! I kneel humbly by thy throne! -handed to us at the Chicon by Everett E. Evans Battle Creek, Michigan "Attn Jerry Keeley: Another stfan in Tampa (Fla.) is Warren J Oswald, former LASFS member, at 2806 1/2 Ninth St. Just say 43 sent you." - FJA
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