Science Fiction Collector, v. 4, issue 4, whole no. 22, September 1938
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-- S - F Collector -- Page Nineteen [[underline]]PSFS NEWS[[end underline]] [[underline]]The Best City Club Publication Going.[[end underline]] New policy, new editor, new publisher..... that's the change that has taken over the PSFS NEWS. The new editor is Ossie Train. The new publisher is the PSFS( with Ossie doing the actual work). As for the new policy--well, just you look: The PSFS NEWS will be issued monthly. A minimum of 18[?] pages, with no maximum limit each issue...most of the times, there will be from 20 to 24 pages. Price is now 10[[cent symbol]] each issue. $1.00 a year. Material of the sort [[underline]]you[[end underline]] like: Fan Mag review, articles, gossip columns, and stories when they may be had. Almost all of the material will be by members of the PSFS. The First Anniversary Issue has appeared (Vol. 2, No. 1) and is the first issue under the management of the PSFS. This special anniversary issue is 15[[cent symbol]] per copy. Photograph biographies of the members, and a history off the PSFS is included. A real fan cannot miss this issue. The February issue will be out in the latter part of February( there was a slight delay), and with the March and April issues, Editor Train will bring the magazine out regularly thereafter on the first week of the month. All trade subscriptions welcomed. Those wishing to subscribe or trade subscriptions, please get in touch with OSWALD TRAIN 3507 N. Sydenham St. Philadelphia, Penns.[?] FANTASCIENCE DIGEST It's [[underline]]great[[end underline]]! Now [[underline]]mimeographed[[end underline]] --and excellently done, too. Material by the [[underline]]best[[end underline]]. Thirty[?] large-sized pages each issue. Only 15[[cent symbol [?] copy. ROBERT A. MABLE, 333 N. Belgrade St. Phila. Pa.
-- S - F Collector -- Page Nineteen [[underline]]PSFS NEWS[[end underline]] [[underline]]The Best City Club Publication Going.[[end underline]] New policy, new editor, new publisher..... that's the change that has taken over the PSFS NEWS. The new editor is Ossie Train. The new publisher is the PSFS( with Ossie doing the actual work). As for the new policy--well, just you look: The PSFS NEWS will be issued monthly. A minimum of 18[?] pages, with no maximum limit each issue...most of the times, there will be from 20 to 24 pages. Price is now 10[[cent symbol]] each issue. $1.00 a year. Material of the sort [[underline]]you[[end underline]] like: Fan Mag review, articles, gossip columns, and stories when they may be had. Almost all of the material will be by members of the PSFS. The First Anniversary Issue has appeared (Vol. 2, No. 1) and is the first issue under the management of the PSFS. This special anniversary issue is 15[[cent symbol]] per copy. Photograph biographies of the members, and a history off the PSFS is included. A real fan cannot miss this issue. The February issue will be out in the latter part of February( there was a slight delay), and with the March and April issues, Editor Train will bring the magazine out regularly thereafter on the first week of the month. All trade subscriptions welcomed. Those wishing to subscribe or trade subscriptions, please get in touch with OSWALD TRAIN 3507 N. Sydenham St. Philadelphia, Penns.[?] FANTASCIENCE DIGEST It's [[underline]]great[[end underline]]! Now [[underline]]mimeographed[[end underline]] --and excellently done, too. Material by the [[underline]]best[[end underline]]. Thirty[?] large-sized pages each issue. Only 15[[cent symbol [?] copy. ROBERT A. MABLE, 333 N. Belgrade St. Phila. Pa.
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