The Science Fiction Fan, v. 4, issue 5, whole no. 41, December 1939
Page 12
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12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FAN QUOTE "WE CAN TAKE IT!" UNQUOTE By Bob Tucker Oh,yeah? A big, lusty, rousing OH YEAH? Perhaps you recall the quote. It appeared in about the second issue of STARTLING STORIES, presumably written by Mort Weisinger as an editorial notation in the 'Fan Magazine Review' column. That issue, as usual, STARTLING reviewed Fantasy News, and suggested they add a column of professional ratings, to better give an editor an idea of how fans liked his efforts, and not to spare the horses because "...we can take it." That's what prompted the "oh yeah's". Judging from the readers letters that appear in STARTLING, STRANGE AND THRILLING WONDER, I don't quite believe the writer of that quote. Surely you have read the letters in one of those magazines lately? Have you noticed the columns and columns of beaming, praising, back-slapping, "bravos" that appear there, and the practically total absence of any letter giving them a good kick in the pants, which many of their stories deserve? All three magazines run an amazing number of rotten stories, and by all the laws of chance, if nothing else, they should receive many a bag of brickbats, but by some miracle, everybody seems to praise the magazines! No one has a bad word for a single story they print! (At least, none show up in readers letters!) Of course, I happen to know of a few kicking letters sent them, Ackerman sent one. But when it was printed even Ackerman didn't recognize it! He finally had to print the original
12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FAN QUOTE "WE CAN TAKE IT!" UNQUOTE By Bob Tucker Oh,yeah? A big, lusty, rousing OH YEAH? Perhaps you recall the quote. It appeared in about the second issue of STARTLING STORIES, presumably written by Mort Weisinger as an editorial notation in the 'Fan Magazine Review' column. That issue, as usual, STARTLING reviewed Fantasy News, and suggested they add a column of professional ratings, to better give an editor an idea of how fans liked his efforts, and not to spare the horses because "...we can take it." That's what prompted the "oh yeah's". Judging from the readers letters that appear in STARTLING, STRANGE AND THRILLING WONDER, I don't quite believe the writer of that quote. Surely you have read the letters in one of those magazines lately? Have you noticed the columns and columns of beaming, praising, back-slapping, "bravos" that appear there, and the practically total absence of any letter giving them a good kick in the pants, which many of their stories deserve? All three magazines run an amazing number of rotten stories, and by all the laws of chance, if nothing else, they should receive many a bag of brickbats, but by some miracle, everybody seems to praise the magazines! No one has a bad word for a single story they print! (At least, none show up in readers letters!) Of course, I happen to know of a few kicking letters sent them, Ackerman sent one. But when it was printed even Ackerman didn't recognize it! He finally had to print the original
Hevelin Fanzines