The Science Fiction Fan, v. 4, issue 9, whole no. 45, April 1940
Page 9b
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FAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Vagabondia or Doc's Ditherings A pleasant diversion for any stf fan these days is to behold newsreel photos of 1940 super-bombers, etc., and recall that Wesso and Paul were drawing planes such as these as far as 6 to 8 years ago. Yet, today, they don't seem to be drawing planes such as one might conceivably be seeing five to eight years from now. Nor, as a matter of fact, does any artist seem to be doing so with the possible exception of Krupa. A bright new penny to whoever who can tell us why. *** A worthwhile job for some fan who is sincerely interested in being of service to the fan-world, one who has had experience in mimeograph work and who can turn out a neat job, and, finally, one who knows his onions about fan-history, would be going through all the fan magazines, and picking out the numerous items which are really worth the readers' while. There are a good number of them, tho the amount is small in relation to the total amount published. These carefully selected items would be published in a large-sized, neatly-mimeoed monthly fan-mag, which would carry no editorial comment or reader's section but merely the goods. Anyone want the job? *** The matter of libels which has just recently been aired in relation to a particular publishing company, is one which fan-
FAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Vagabondia or Doc's Ditherings A pleasant diversion for any stf fan these days is to behold newsreel photos of 1940 super-bombers, etc., and recall that Wesso and Paul were drawing planes such as these as far as 6 to 8 years ago. Yet, today, they don't seem to be drawing planes such as one might conceivably be seeing five to eight years from now. Nor, as a matter of fact, does any artist seem to be doing so with the possible exception of Krupa. A bright new penny to whoever who can tell us why. *** A worthwhile job for some fan who is sincerely interested in being of service to the fan-world, one who has had experience in mimeograph work and who can turn out a neat job, and, finally, one who knows his onions about fan-history, would be going through all the fan magazines, and picking out the numerous items which are really worth the readers' while. There are a good number of them, tho the amount is small in relation to the total amount published. These carefully selected items would be published in a large-sized, neatly-mimeoed monthly fan-mag, which would carry no editorial comment or reader's section but merely the goods. Anyone want the job? *** The matter of libels which has just recently been aired in relation to a particular publishing company, is one which fan-
Hevelin Fanzines