The Science Fiction Fan, v. 4, issue 9, whole no. 45, April 1940
Page 18
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What has happened to "Stardust" lately? Beautifully printed and worth continuing even though some of the contents wore rather sad. At least it was legible. Speaking of legibility, has anyone's eyesight been enough for the Moskowitz, et al publications? ********** Another hope - that Marvel Tales (Crawford's magazine) will be revived. There have been some rumors along that line. ********** Sykora, Taurasi and Moskowitz, Always give me lots of fits. Moskowitz, Sykora, and Taurasi, Always drive me crazy Taurasi, Moskowitz and Sykora Are always sure to bore ya. (Rotten rhyming, but the idea is there) ********** Rumors have been floating around for months that Farnsworth Wright is goign to start a new weird or fantasy magazine of his own. I hope it is true. Wright did a grand job with "Weird Tales" He has flare for the outre' and although curiously enough he never seemed to appreciate Lovecraft as a genius of the occult and non-human and showed this non-appreciation by rejecting some of the master's finest stories ("At the Mountains of Madness" for example), he did present to his readers some truly great pieces of fiction. I, for one, hope he tries his hand again. One thing certain is that a magazine edited by Wright will never print the puerile, infantile trash that is now flooding the newstands in the guise of "science fiction" or "fantasy". A question- who is the most childish or moronic, those who write or those who read such tripe? (I apologize to tripe which is a fairly good dish).
What has happened to "Stardust" lately? Beautifully printed and worth continuing even though some of the contents wore rather sad. At least it was legible. Speaking of legibility, has anyone's eyesight been enough for the Moskowitz, et al publications? ********** Another hope - that Marvel Tales (Crawford's magazine) will be revived. There have been some rumors along that line. ********** Sykora, Taurasi and Moskowitz, Always give me lots of fits. Moskowitz, Sykora, and Taurasi, Always drive me crazy Taurasi, Moskowitz and Sykora Are always sure to bore ya. (Rotten rhyming, but the idea is there) ********** Rumors have been floating around for months that Farnsworth Wright is goign to start a new weird or fantasy magazine of his own. I hope it is true. Wright did a grand job with "Weird Tales" He has flare for the outre' and although curiously enough he never seemed to appreciate Lovecraft as a genius of the occult and non-human and showed this non-appreciation by rejecting some of the master's finest stories ("At the Mountains of Madness" for example), he did present to his readers some truly great pieces of fiction. I, for one, hope he tries his hand again. One thing certain is that a magazine edited by Wright will never print the puerile, infantile trash that is now flooding the newstands in the guise of "science fiction" or "fantasy". A question- who is the most childish or moronic, those who write or those who read such tripe? (I apologize to tripe which is a fairly good dish).
Hevelin Fanzines