The Science Fiction Fan, v. 4, issue 9, whole no. 45, April 1940
Page 19
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Speaking of such things, "Weird Tales" seems to be going down hill rapidly. I still read it because of an occasional good story and because I still hope for a renaissance. For years nothing could compare with it- I am speaking of "fantasy" magazines only, not "science fiction". Those were the days of Lovecraft- may his name persist forever- C. A. Smith, [Rerritt?], C. A. [Moore?], Derleth, [Wancrei?], Hazel Heald and a dozen others, even Williamson was good in those days before he ran out of the imagination and began to repeat. And how about the early Hamilton, to say nothing of Quinn, Bloch, Hoffman Price and so on? Today's "Weird Tales" makes me bow my head in sorrow. I have read one story in a new series by Bedford James, called "The Professional Corpse". Now I have read a great deal of Bedford James' output in various fields and admire his ability and industry, but his new series is just about the nadir in fantasy. It should be hastily interred. Similarly, many other stories in recent issues of "Weird Tales" are decidedly inferior. I don't ask or expect masterpieces in every issue- masterpieces can't be bought at any corner store- but I do reasonably ask high quality. Dear Editor of "Weird Tales" please for the sake of one who has read every month every issue from Number One to the present time and who for seventeen years has eagerly awaited its monthly arrival, please find some good writers with good stories. Sisyphus after every failure returned undaunted to his task of rolling the stone uphill. Cannot you do the same? ********** August Derleth is working on the second and third volumes of the Lovecraft [Memorial?], one to be ready in 1941 and one in 1942- provided he gets fan support and provided his own serious
Speaking of such things, "Weird Tales" seems to be going down hill rapidly. I still read it because of an occasional good story and because I still hope for a renaissance. For years nothing could compare with it- I am speaking of "fantasy" magazines only, not "science fiction". Those were the days of Lovecraft- may his name persist forever- C. A. Smith, [Rerritt?], C. A. [Moore?], Derleth, [Wancrei?], Hazel Heald and a dozen others, even Williamson was good in those days before he ran out of the imagination and began to repeat. And how about the early Hamilton, to say nothing of Quinn, Bloch, Hoffman Price and so on? Today's "Weird Tales" makes me bow my head in sorrow. I have read one story in a new series by Bedford James, called "The Professional Corpse". Now I have read a great deal of Bedford James' output in various fields and admire his ability and industry, but his new series is just about the nadir in fantasy. It should be hastily interred. Similarly, many other stories in recent issues of "Weird Tales" are decidedly inferior. I don't ask or expect masterpieces in every issue- masterpieces can't be bought at any corner store- but I do reasonably ask high quality. Dear Editor of "Weird Tales" please for the sake of one who has read every month every issue from Number One to the present time and who for seventeen years has eagerly awaited its monthly arrival, please find some good writers with good stories. Sisyphus after every failure returned undaunted to his task of rolling the stone uphill. Cannot you do the same? ********** August Derleth is working on the second and third volumes of the Lovecraft [Memorial?], one to be ready in 1941 and one in 1942- provided he gets fan support and provided his own serious
Hevelin Fanzines