Vulcan, whole no. 5, January 1944
Page 22
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By the way, don't discontinue the fiction. Although it naturally isn't as goo as pro fiction, it's still fun to read. I think you ought to have a shorty story and one serial installment in each issue. Well, all in all, you've a pretty nice mag here. Keep up the good work! Henry Elsner Jr. 12618 Cedar Grove Detroit 5, Mich. Number 4 VULCAN was good, but not as good as the no. 3. The one thing I didn't like was Stan Hayne's article ARE YOU INTERESTED. On page 17, he states that rocket propulsion would never work, and that electric "gravity" is the only practical power for a space-ship. I disagree severely with him there. . In the first place, he said that the occupants of the ship would be killed by the acceleration at the take-okk. It has been proven that a space ship need only attain the speed of 7 miles per second to clear Earth's atmosphere and attraction. In Germany before the way, centrifugal machines were built and men volunteered to get into them. The reached a speed of eight or nine miles per second without hurting the men. Furthermore, the electric "gravity" would help the ship considerably in leaving the Earth. In the second place, the electric gravity would never work as a means of propulsion out in space, away from the planets. Russellll Wilsey 87 22-252 Street Bellerose, N.Y. NY . . . . . .The cover was pretty awful. You should get a better lettering job on the title. As to the picture--having full side-view is nice, but now when you have monstrosities as that plane (?-. The building was OK and so was the ship in the background, and I like the idea of having your "VULCAN" seal on the cover. ((Xolanations: that "seal" was done in red ink, which didn't dissolve so good, so didn't get onto all the copies Sorry.)) But the crate in the foreground. Ugh! We turn the page to find a small slip of paper flapping in the breeze. After reading it, I was sorry to note the NULL stamped on it. Now I am in the market for back number mags, but this evidently means that they are no longer for sale. Please correct me as soon as possible if I'm wrong. ((You are right----they are no longer for sale. We detect your sly attempt to get in some free advertising. Shame!)) I would have skipped the poem for it looks very unappealing in it barren surroundings. But being a poetry fiend, I read it, and I'm glad I did for it was good. Something like the type I kid myself into believing I can write. But couldn't you have touched up the borders with a few suns or star twinkling? As it is, it definitely loweres the poem's rating. On that ingenious met of scoring 1-10, I would give it seven. The title page was also excellent, but for the fact that you left the border above "THE VULCAN" bare. Could have used a rocket ship or something. ((If you ever had any printing done, you should understand why we didn't use a cut such as you mentioned. The cost is frightening!)) The nice job led me to believe that this would continue throughout the issue. Alas, this is not the case. I would give it a 7. That absolutely sloppy heading for the story dealt it a death blow as far as I'm concerned. I don't think that I would have read it anyway as I never read a serial until I have all the parts. So much for that.
By the way, don't discontinue the fiction. Although it naturally isn't as goo as pro fiction, it's still fun to read. I think you ought to have a shorty story and one serial installment in each issue. Well, all in all, you've a pretty nice mag here. Keep up the good work! Henry Elsner Jr. 12618 Cedar Grove Detroit 5, Mich. Number 4 VULCAN was good, but not as good as the no. 3. The one thing I didn't like was Stan Hayne's article ARE YOU INTERESTED. On page 17, he states that rocket propulsion would never work, and that electric "gravity" is the only practical power for a space-ship. I disagree severely with him there. . In the first place, he said that the occupants of the ship would be killed by the acceleration at the take-okk. It has been proven that a space ship need only attain the speed of 7 miles per second to clear Earth's atmosphere and attraction. In Germany before the way, centrifugal machines were built and men volunteered to get into them. The reached a speed of eight or nine miles per second without hurting the men. Furthermore, the electric "gravity" would help the ship considerably in leaving the Earth. In the second place, the electric gravity would never work as a means of propulsion out in space, away from the planets. Russellll Wilsey 87 22-252 Street Bellerose, N.Y. NY . . . . . .The cover was pretty awful. You should get a better lettering job on the title. As to the picture--having full side-view is nice, but now when you have monstrosities as that plane (?-. The building was OK and so was the ship in the background, and I like the idea of having your "VULCAN" seal on the cover. ((Xolanations: that "seal" was done in red ink, which didn't dissolve so good, so didn't get onto all the copies Sorry.)) But the crate in the foreground. Ugh! We turn the page to find a small slip of paper flapping in the breeze. After reading it, I was sorry to note the NULL stamped on it. Now I am in the market for back number mags, but this evidently means that they are no longer for sale. Please correct me as soon as possible if I'm wrong. ((You are right----they are no longer for sale. We detect your sly attempt to get in some free advertising. Shame!)) I would have skipped the poem for it looks very unappealing in it barren surroundings. But being a poetry fiend, I read it, and I'm glad I did for it was good. Something like the type I kid myself into believing I can write. But couldn't you have touched up the borders with a few suns or star twinkling? As it is, it definitely loweres the poem's rating. On that ingenious met of scoring 1-10, I would give it seven. The title page was also excellent, but for the fact that you left the border above "THE VULCAN" bare. Could have used a rocket ship or something. ((If you ever had any printing done, you should understand why we didn't use a cut such as you mentioned. The cost is frightening!)) The nice job led me to believe that this would continue throughout the issue. Alas, this is not the case. I would give it a 7. That absolutely sloppy heading for the story dealt it a death blow as far as I'm concerned. I don't think that I would have read it anyway as I never read a serial until I have all the parts. So much for that.
Hevelin Fanzines