New Fandom, v. 1, issue 6, 1939
Page 2
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2 NEW FANDOM SO YOU WON'T TALK, EH? AN EDitorial, by Sam Moskowitz. That seems to be the accusation thrown at me frequently now. "Your editorials are too much like articles, give us a real editorial." I am not allotting myself too much space this time, but nevertheless I will produce a real editorial. New Fandom need not add anything to what has already been said a-bout the First World Science Fiction Convention. We have received so great an amount of praise and thanks for this magnificent affair that added self-glorification would be entirely superflous. Needless to say, the usefulness of New Fandom does not end with the presentation of the First World Science Fiction Convention. No sitting back and resting on our laurels now, instead we are shaping up a new program greater and more daring than even our first. But if I continue along this vein I am going to break my promise of giving you that real edit-orial I promised. Watch for news of our new program to break very soon now. We could give you an excellent idea of what it is right now but we would much prefer to give you air-tight examples, if you get what I mean. This issue of "New Fandom" is a complete convention number. I am sorely in doubt that I can squeeze all the convention material I have on hand in the number of pages I plan to have. What with a long account of every phase of the convention, all the important talks, item-ized expense account, attendance listings, reprint of "Time" account, various personsopinions on the affair, humorous quips and the special cartoon feature by Guinta. I am afraid something will have to be e-liminated, and the goat will probably be the departments. For those of you who wish duplicates of this special convention number they are available for 15 cents if are a member, and 25 cents if you are not. Our next issue as you know is the "First Anniversary" number of "New Fandom". Yessiree, it seems incredible but New Fandom is now more than a year old. I think we have done pretty well for one year, taking into consideration that in one year we developed a bigger, fi-ner club, an accomplished more and greater projects than any previous fan club has done, and in times to come I am certain we are going to bottle up the "finest fan club that will ever be developed" title also. Naturally we are preparing something special for our "first Anni-versary" issue. It is no secret that we hope to have it printed, perhaps I should not say "hope" because New Fandom does not "hop"---it does! Draw you own inference from that statement. As for material for that issue, I have no hesitation in committing myself to the ex-tent of saying that no fan magazine will even approach it in mass quality. I have got all the material at my side as I type this. And I cannot help but chortle in glee as I paw through it for the umpteenth time. If all details of the Anniversary "New Fandom" are settled be-fore this issue goes to press, you will find an extra sheet inserted giving you complete dope. I really should not do this, but I might mention that the contest prizes have more than a little to do with a guy named Virgil Finlay, and if you do no enter now, you will regret losing one of the prizes. Two weeks after you receive this issue is the deadline, so don't delay.
2 NEW FANDOM SO YOU WON'T TALK, EH? AN EDitorial, by Sam Moskowitz. That seems to be the accusation thrown at me frequently now. "Your editorials are too much like articles, give us a real editorial." I am not allotting myself too much space this time, but nevertheless I will produce a real editorial. New Fandom need not add anything to what has already been said a-bout the First World Science Fiction Convention. We have received so great an amount of praise and thanks for this magnificent affair that added self-glorification would be entirely superflous. Needless to say, the usefulness of New Fandom does not end with the presentation of the First World Science Fiction Convention. No sitting back and resting on our laurels now, instead we are shaping up a new program greater and more daring than even our first. But if I continue along this vein I am going to break my promise of giving you that real edit-orial I promised. Watch for news of our new program to break very soon now. We could give you an excellent idea of what it is right now but we would much prefer to give you air-tight examples, if you get what I mean. This issue of "New Fandom" is a complete convention number. I am sorely in doubt that I can squeeze all the convention material I have on hand in the number of pages I plan to have. What with a long account of every phase of the convention, all the important talks, item-ized expense account, attendance listings, reprint of "Time" account, various personsopinions on the affair, humorous quips and the special cartoon feature by Guinta. I am afraid something will have to be e-liminated, and the goat will probably be the departments. For those of you who wish duplicates of this special convention number they are available for 15 cents if are a member, and 25 cents if you are not. Our next issue as you know is the "First Anniversary" number of "New Fandom". Yessiree, it seems incredible but New Fandom is now more than a year old. I think we have done pretty well for one year, taking into consideration that in one year we developed a bigger, fi-ner club, an accomplished more and greater projects than any previous fan club has done, and in times to come I am certain we are going to bottle up the "finest fan club that will ever be developed" title also. Naturally we are preparing something special for our "first Anni-versary" issue. It is no secret that we hope to have it printed, perhaps I should not say "hope" because New Fandom does not "hop"---it does! Draw you own inference from that statement. As for material for that issue, I have no hesitation in committing myself to the ex-tent of saying that no fan magazine will even approach it in mass quality. I have got all the material at my side as I type this. And I cannot help but chortle in glee as I paw through it for the umpteenth time. If all details of the Anniversary "New Fandom" are settled be-fore this issue goes to press, you will find an extra sheet inserted giving you complete dope. I really should not do this, but I might mention that the contest prizes have more than a little to do with a guy named Virgil Finlay, and if you do no enter now, you will regret losing one of the prizes. Two weeks after you receive this issue is the deadline, so don't delay.
Hevelin Fanzines