New Fandom, v. 1, issue 6, 1939
Page 28
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H̲A̲R̲R̲Y̲ ̲W̲A̲R̲N̲E̲R̲, ruffles the editors hair as he blasphemously remarks: "A few words re fifth New Fandom: The cover is really excellent. Taurasi couldn't have done a better piece of work. Inside, of what I've read, Pong's article is the best. The reprints are good, but don't you think you're carrying them a little to far? After all, I imagine that at least half of NF's members are also FAPA members (not so...ED.), and would have read, previously, Koenigs piece, excellent as it was. And since I heard Cambell's speech twice, and made prolific notes, I almost knew that by heart (You l̲u̲c̲k̲y̲ fan! Your the only one who did hear it, why be selfish?...ED). Also, Haggard's "Suggestion" is a little belated, though of course its not your fault that Palmer acquiesced so promptly. Farsaci's department is good idea...But....He should stick to one mag, 'till finished (your wrong, Harry, there are two people working in that column, not one..ED.) ...Secondly and most important, there's a good bit of excess verbosity there. Rest of the issue fairly good---- but I don't like the top of the Pile choices. Especially such remarks as that UNKNOWN has no incentive for buying----why that's about the best mag, we mean no atmosphere, few features of interest, outside fiction..ED.) with possible exception of ASTOUNDING and WEIRD, today! And would you call Jack Williamson's "Passage to Saturn" only fair? Damn right..ED.) And "Giants of Anarchy", that forest of concoctions, save in a few spots enjoyable? (Again--Damn right, ED.). And AMAZING "Likeable"? (Absolutely..ED.) Whew! However, New Fandom is still going up, despite all the foregoing, and with a little more care in publication, and more snappier stuff, you should start going to town in a year or so. It's a very nice of you to encourage newcomers in the field, like us, by telling us we have potentialities, Harry, but I think such authorities as "Author & Journalist" belie the accuracy of your statements. But we, fortunately or unfortunately as the case may be, do not aspire to a position of self-importance. I sent a letter, to A & J recommending "Spaceways" & other fan mags for review in their columns. Don't thank me, I'm just a fool...ED.) L̲I̲T̲T̲E̲R̲I̲O̲ ̲B̲.̲ ̲F̲A̲R̲S̲C̲A̲I̲, reviews anciently: I was very glad to receive New Fandom #4. Here are my comments The cover is again a fine job. It makes a fan want to, more than before, attend the World SF Convention, Not just to see "Metropolis", of course, or, maybe, those funny-looking goods" Taurasi has depicted. The articles are, as a whole, no deteriorations from previous issues. The best of them, of course, are the ones by Thomas S. Gardner, John W. Cambell [sic] Jr., and Marshall L. McLennes. I'll be waiting for Gardner's next one. It looks interesting from the title "Famous Character of Science Fiction. (wait until you read his magnificent "Science Fiction Critique", one of the finest fan articles of all-time....EDS.) Well, I am indeed glad to hear that Dr. Clark is open-minded on political matter, and is, well, not really an "opponent", but a victim, as I was, of misunderstanding. He apparently agrees with my arguments in the article "They Just Don't Mix"., but seems to fear that I will become another Hitler or Stalin. Let me assure him that such a thought is the farthest from my mind, as far distant as one universe from another. As for my descending to personalities, it was I admit a rather foolish step that I took, though I believe, that a mans actions reflect back his character. I hope Dr. Clark will find my coming articles more pleasant to read, especially the sequel to "They Just Don;t Mix" called "The Glory of It All", which will probably have been reprinted by the time this letter appears. A̲L̲L̲E̲N̲ ̲M̲O̲S̲S̲: "I am proud to become a member of such a worthy club."
H̲A̲R̲R̲Y̲ ̲W̲A̲R̲N̲E̲R̲, ruffles the editors hair as he blasphemously remarks: "A few words re fifth New Fandom: The cover is really excellent. Taurasi couldn't have done a better piece of work. Inside, of what I've read, Pong's article is the best. The reprints are good, but don't you think you're carrying them a little to far? After all, I imagine that at least half of NF's members are also FAPA members (not so...ED.), and would have read, previously, Koenigs piece, excellent as it was. And since I heard Cambell's speech twice, and made prolific notes, I almost knew that by heart (You l̲u̲c̲k̲y̲ fan! Your the only one who did hear it, why be selfish?...ED). Also, Haggard's "Suggestion" is a little belated, though of course its not your fault that Palmer acquiesced so promptly. Farsaci's department is good idea...But....He should stick to one mag, 'till finished (your wrong, Harry, there are two people working in that column, not one..ED.) ...Secondly and most important, there's a good bit of excess verbosity there. Rest of the issue fairly good---- but I don't like the top of the Pile choices. Especially such remarks as that UNKNOWN has no incentive for buying----why that's about the best mag, we mean no atmosphere, few features of interest, outside fiction..ED.) with possible exception of ASTOUNDING and WEIRD, today! And would you call Jack Williamson's "Passage to Saturn" only fair? Damn right..ED.) And "Giants of Anarchy", that forest of concoctions, save in a few spots enjoyable? (Again--Damn right, ED.). And AMAZING "Likeable"? (Absolutely..ED.) Whew! However, New Fandom is still going up, despite all the foregoing, and with a little more care in publication, and more snappier stuff, you should start going to town in a year or so. It's a very nice of you to encourage newcomers in the field, like us, by telling us we have potentialities, Harry, but I think such authorities as "Author & Journalist" belie the accuracy of your statements. But we, fortunately or unfortunately as the case may be, do not aspire to a position of self-importance. I sent a letter, to A & J recommending "Spaceways" & other fan mags for review in their columns. Don't thank me, I'm just a fool...ED.) L̲I̲T̲T̲E̲R̲I̲O̲ ̲B̲.̲ ̲F̲A̲R̲S̲C̲A̲I̲, reviews anciently: I was very glad to receive New Fandom #4. Here are my comments The cover is again a fine job. It makes a fan want to, more than before, attend the World SF Convention, Not just to see "Metropolis", of course, or, maybe, those funny-looking goods" Taurasi has depicted. The articles are, as a whole, no deteriorations from previous issues. The best of them, of course, are the ones by Thomas S. Gardner, John W. Cambell [sic] Jr., and Marshall L. McLennes. I'll be waiting for Gardner's next one. It looks interesting from the title "Famous Character of Science Fiction. (wait until you read his magnificent "Science Fiction Critique", one of the finest fan articles of all-time....EDS.) Well, I am indeed glad to hear that Dr. Clark is open-minded on political matter, and is, well, not really an "opponent", but a victim, as I was, of misunderstanding. He apparently agrees with my arguments in the article "They Just Don't Mix"., but seems to fear that I will become another Hitler or Stalin. Let me assure him that such a thought is the farthest from my mind, as far distant as one universe from another. As for my descending to personalities, it was I admit a rather foolish step that I took, though I believe, that a mans actions reflect back his character. I hope Dr. Clark will find my coming articles more pleasant to read, especially the sequel to "They Just Don;t Mix" called "The Glory of It All", which will probably have been reprinted by the time this letter appears. A̲L̲L̲E̲N̲ ̲M̲O̲S̲S̲: "I am proud to become a member of such a worthy club."
Hevelin Fanzines