Mary Henrietta Peters diary, 1902
1902-09-19 -- 1902-09-23
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to right in their room they went over to Linies for the night (Lovest Beil?) brought a carpet to weave this afternoon Fri sept 19 A beautiful day I changed the carpet in the front room & bed room set the heater up Wallace & Effie came home this eve they got a belling over at Morts last night sat sept 20 A gloomy morning Wallace bought a spar of colts to day we had oyster supper for the sernaders 40 eat supper am tired sun sept 21 A gloomy day I am very tired we went to church & sunday school came home in the rain mon sept 22 A rainy drizzly gloomy day I hulled a few hazelnuts dident do much of anything Tues sept 23 A rainy we washed this fornoon I went down to Wills with Mother
to right in their room they went over to Linies for the night (Lovest Beil?) brought a carpet to weave this afternoon Fri sept 19 A beautiful day I changed the carpet in the front room & bed room set the heater up Wallace & Effie came home this eve they got a belling over at Morts last night sat sept 20 A gloomy morning Wallace bought a spar of colts to day we had oyster supper for the sernaders 40 eat supper am tired sun sept 21 A gloomy day I am very tired we went to church & sunday school came home in the rain mon sept 22 A rainy drizzly gloomy day I hulled a few hazelnuts dident do much of anything Tues sept 23 A rainy we washed this fornoon I went down to Wills with Mother
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries