Banshee, whole no. 5, June 1944
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A Trip to the Eastercon Place: London and Teddington Time: EASTER, 1944 I had arrived in London Tuesday PM, April 4, 1944, using one of the quarterly leaves granted to us by the powers that be. I spent intervening days between Tuesday and Saturday touring bookstores, etc, also seeing a few movies and having a general good time. On Saturday, the opening day of the Eastercon, we were supposed to meet at Waterloo Station, one of London's many railroad stations. I made my way to the nearest underground (subway) station and arrived at Waterloo Station at 2:00 PM. The first persons I met were George Ellis and Ron Lane of Manchester, whom I had met previously at the home of J. Michael Rosenblum. They were the only two present that I knew, but I was soon ontroduced to all: Art Williams, E. Frank Parket, Dr. J.K. Aiken, Peter Hawkins, Dennis Tucker, and many more. We stood talking and looking at this 'n' that, that including the Convention Booklet (of which only one page could be read, that one being the Galactic Roamers page ad). At 3:00 PM we left the station, on foot, for the line of used book shops just north of Leicester Square on Charing Cross Road. About the only things purchased were a few copes of "Practical Photography" by Ron Lane and a copy of "Things to Come" by Bruce Taffron. After this tour we were shown the Shanghai Restaurant on Greek Street, where we were to have dinner about 7:00 PM. It was about 4:00 by then, so we were taken to Lyon's Corner House for tea, the mid-afternoon meal which is part of life here in England. After tea we trooped to the Cameo News Theatre to see some Disney shorts. The show laster an hour. About six or seven of us--Art Williams, Ron Lane, Dennis Tucker, Gordon Holbrow, Art Goodier, etc--spent the rest of the time until dinner at a pub next to the Shanghai Restaurant, drinking a few glasses of pale ale and having a good gabfest. About an hour and three pale ales later we retured to the sidewalk where the rest of the party had finally congregated. Wally Gillings and his wife had also joined the party. Wally was editor of TALES OF WONDER and one of the first Anglofans I met here in London, at the time of my first visit to the home of J. Michael Rosenblum. So we proceeded up the stairs of Shanghai Restaurant where a Chinese dinner was served to us, us being about 22 oe 23 people. A very good meal, too--I'll leave it up to you who know about Chinese food. One of the last things we did before the day's activity came to an end was to sign Convention booklets, also a stencil which Peter Hawkins (I believe) started around the dinner table. The day's activity ended
A Trip to the Eastercon Place: London and Teddington Time: EASTER, 1944 I had arrived in London Tuesday PM, April 4, 1944, using one of the quarterly leaves granted to us by the powers that be. I spent intervening days between Tuesday and Saturday touring bookstores, etc, also seeing a few movies and having a general good time. On Saturday, the opening day of the Eastercon, we were supposed to meet at Waterloo Station, one of London's many railroad stations. I made my way to the nearest underground (subway) station and arrived at Waterloo Station at 2:00 PM. The first persons I met were George Ellis and Ron Lane of Manchester, whom I had met previously at the home of J. Michael Rosenblum. They were the only two present that I knew, but I was soon ontroduced to all: Art Williams, E. Frank Parket, Dr. J.K. Aiken, Peter Hawkins, Dennis Tucker, and many more. We stood talking and looking at this 'n' that, that including the Convention Booklet (of which only one page could be read, that one being the Galactic Roamers page ad). At 3:00 PM we left the station, on foot, for the line of used book shops just north of Leicester Square on Charing Cross Road. About the only things purchased were a few copes of "Practical Photography" by Ron Lane and a copy of "Things to Come" by Bruce Taffron. After this tour we were shown the Shanghai Restaurant on Greek Street, where we were to have dinner about 7:00 PM. It was about 4:00 by then, so we were taken to Lyon's Corner House for tea, the mid-afternoon meal which is part of life here in England. After tea we trooped to the Cameo News Theatre to see some Disney shorts. The show laster an hour. About six or seven of us--Art Williams, Ron Lane, Dennis Tucker, Gordon Holbrow, Art Goodier, etc--spent the rest of the time until dinner at a pub next to the Shanghai Restaurant, drinking a few glasses of pale ale and having a good gabfest. About an hour and three pale ales later we retured to the sidewalk where the rest of the party had finally congregated. Wally Gillings and his wife had also joined the party. Wally was editor of TALES OF WONDER and one of the first Anglofans I met here in London, at the time of my first visit to the home of J. Michael Rosenblum. So we proceeded up the stairs of Shanghai Restaurant where a Chinese dinner was served to us, us being about 22 oe 23 people. A very good meal, too--I'll leave it up to you who know about Chinese food. One of the last things we did before the day's activity came to an end was to sign Convention booklets, also a stencil which Peter Hawkins (I believe) started around the dinner table. The day's activity ended
Hevelin Fanzines