Banshee, whole no. 5, June 1944
Page 10
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the Speer poll - Juffus Of the fifteen who were top fen in the last Poll Cat report, thirteen have replied to my questions. Their votes: Top ten: Tucker 226 points; Ashlet 200; Widner 166; Warner 153; Ackerman 147; Speer 128; Rosenblum 127; Bronson 92; Laney 86; Unger 84. In the running: EEEvans; Larry Shaw; TBYerke; DAWollheim; Walt Liebscher; R D Swisher; Robinson; Rothman; Chauvenet; Daugherty; with points totaling 430, the last four bunched considerably below the preceding six. One vote apiece; DBThompson; Bill Watson; RWLowndes; Doug Webster; HCKoenig; C Degler; Walt Dunkelberger; points totalling 85. Points unused: 79. Why Ackerman's face fell: It will be recalled that in the last Poll Cat returns, Tucker nosed out Ackerman for the first time. Since that poll was conducted thru Le Zombie, this could be discounted as an inaccuracy. However, that helped get people out of the habit of considering 4e the #1 Face, which I think is reflected in this poll somewhat; the persons questioned in the present count also must be considered. And the loss of some points by Ackerfan can be traced directly to the feuding in California. "Points unused" include blanks left bt one or two repliest, who didn't name a full ten, and aslo 25% of the score, deducted as a guess at the extent of the advantage that always goes to the poll-taker. A question brot out by Evans in a personal letter is, why have them name ten? He found it easy to name the top two or three, but after that found it very difficult to arrange them in order of merit. From the present scores alone, it appears that there is substantial agreement for the top five or seven, but below that the next significant break is after No. sixteen. However, it should also be remarked that those receiving only one vote apiece were all put in seventh place or lower by the one who named them. Another, perennial problem is defining "top stefnist"; different criteria were used by different fen in this poll, as told in personal letters. I've made an effort at definition in the Fancyclopedia. Fanzines: Lez 93; Fantasite 70; Acolyte 51; Sustaining Program 44; Fan Tods 40. In the running: Vom; Diablerie; Nova; Nebula; Fanfare; FanSlants; En Garde; Yhos; Fanewscard; Paradox; points totaling 184. Onebody-loves-me's: Matters of Opinion; Futurian War Digest; Sardonyx; Canadian Fandom; FFF; Chanticleer; total 43. Prozines: ASF 75; FFN 64; Planer 16. Unknown; WT; dividing 29 points (Unk actually ties with PS). TWS; SS; 8 points. Unused 4. From which it may be seen that most of the top fen read only two pros regularly. Pulp authors: Van Vogt 178; Heinlein 168; Campbell 163; Smith 132; Kuttner 120; de Camp 109; Weinbaum 108; Merritt 93; Williamson 92; Moore 87; Hubbard; Lovecraft; Leiber; Russell; CASmith; Keller; Simal
the Speer poll - Juffus Of the fifteen who were top fen in the last Poll Cat report, thirteen have replied to my questions. Their votes: Top ten: Tucker 226 points; Ashlet 200; Widner 166; Warner 153; Ackerman 147; Speer 128; Rosenblum 127; Bronson 92; Laney 86; Unger 84. In the running: EEEvans; Larry Shaw; TBYerke; DAWollheim; Walt Liebscher; R D Swisher; Robinson; Rothman; Chauvenet; Daugherty; with points totaling 430, the last four bunched considerably below the preceding six. One vote apiece; DBThompson; Bill Watson; RWLowndes; Doug Webster; HCKoenig; C Degler; Walt Dunkelberger; points totalling 85. Points unused: 79. Why Ackerman's face fell: It will be recalled that in the last Poll Cat returns, Tucker nosed out Ackerman for the first time. Since that poll was conducted thru Le Zombie, this could be discounted as an inaccuracy. However, that helped get people out of the habit of considering 4e the #1 Face, which I think is reflected in this poll somewhat; the persons questioned in the present count also must be considered. And the loss of some points by Ackerfan can be traced directly to the feuding in California. "Points unused" include blanks left bt one or two repliest, who didn't name a full ten, and aslo 25% of the score, deducted as a guess at the extent of the advantage that always goes to the poll-taker. A question brot out by Evans in a personal letter is, why have them name ten? He found it easy to name the top two or three, but after that found it very difficult to arrange them in order of merit. From the present scores alone, it appears that there is substantial agreement for the top five or seven, but below that the next significant break is after No. sixteen. However, it should also be remarked that those receiving only one vote apiece were all put in seventh place or lower by the one who named them. Another, perennial problem is defining "top stefnist"; different criteria were used by different fen in this poll, as told in personal letters. I've made an effort at definition in the Fancyclopedia. Fanzines: Lez 93; Fantasite 70; Acolyte 51; Sustaining Program 44; Fan Tods 40. In the running: Vom; Diablerie; Nova; Nebula; Fanfare; FanSlants; En Garde; Yhos; Fanewscard; Paradox; points totaling 184. Onebody-loves-me's: Matters of Opinion; Futurian War Digest; Sardonyx; Canadian Fandom; FFF; Chanticleer; total 43. Prozines: ASF 75; FFN 64; Planer 16. Unknown; WT; dividing 29 points (Unk actually ties with PS). TWS; SS; 8 points. Unused 4. From which it may be seen that most of the top fen read only two pros regularly. Pulp authors: Van Vogt 178; Heinlein 168; Campbell 163; Smith 132; Kuttner 120; de Camp 109; Weinbaum 108; Merritt 93; Williamson 92; Moore 87; Hubbard; Lovecraft; Leiber; Russell; CASmith; Keller; Simal
Hevelin Fanzines