Banshee, whole no. 5, June 1944
Page 16
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16 * * * Banshee Disgusting blatantness, as well as hack Turned out in reams for Palmer-we are old; And still, old age has yet to chain our minds. Töd tumbles all: but something ere the end, Some new fanzine may yet be sent abroad, Not unbecoming fans who strove with gods. The fights begin to sprinkle in the docks; The dull day wanes: the rockets blast: and space Moans round with cries of "Splrfsk." Come, my fans, 'Tis not too late to start another 'zine. Blast off, and sitting well in order, check The dials and gauges (buttons I will press, And push the levers). We shal pass the sun, And chase around the void until we die. It may be that green monster-men from Mars Will blast us into atoms, with the sly And cunning Things from Apha Centauri. Though much is taken, much abidesl and thi; We are not now the strength which in old days Move even Ack-Ack: that which we are, we are. One equal temper of brave fannish hearts. Made weak by wine and wench, but smart as slans, And ready with rejuvenated gands. <B> The Speer Poll-- ((continued from page 11)) series and sequels together, disregarding the stinkier ones if the original excellent idea was run into the ground. To be anticlimaticm here are the artists, pro and fan competing equally: Finlay 100; Paul 66; Bok 62; Schnneman 46; Elliot Dold 31; Clune; Weidenbeck; Rogers; Lawrence; Turner; Wesso; Marconette; 117 total. Timmins; Malcom Smith; TWright; Hunt; R Isip; Les Tina; 39. Unused 40. The appearance of Dold here suggests another thing that should be decided: should persons and stories of all time compete together, or only the current crop? Worst fen: Degler 40; Schmarje 16; Wood 14. Ackerman; Fortierl 21. Yerke; Sykora; Bradleigh; McNutt; Reinsberg; Washington; Fear; 36. 26 unused. The "unused" ones come partly from those who didn't desire to condemt anyone, but quite a few points also are those that people tried to give Don Rogers and Superfan at the same time they voted for Degler. This question was experimental; and as much for my own curiosity about people's pet peeves as in the expectation that any significant consenus would develope. It is remarkable that the same peston who voted Degler as #10 fan also voted him one of the worst. And perhaps not so remarkable.
16 * * * Banshee Disgusting blatantness, as well as hack Turned out in reams for Palmer-we are old; And still, old age has yet to chain our minds. Töd tumbles all: but something ere the end, Some new fanzine may yet be sent abroad, Not unbecoming fans who strove with gods. The fights begin to sprinkle in the docks; The dull day wanes: the rockets blast: and space Moans round with cries of "Splrfsk." Come, my fans, 'Tis not too late to start another 'zine. Blast off, and sitting well in order, check The dials and gauges (buttons I will press, And push the levers). We shal pass the sun, And chase around the void until we die. It may be that green monster-men from Mars Will blast us into atoms, with the sly And cunning Things from Apha Centauri. Though much is taken, much abidesl and thi; We are not now the strength which in old days Move even Ack-Ack: that which we are, we are. One equal temper of brave fannish hearts. Made weak by wine and wench, but smart as slans, And ready with rejuvenated gands.
The Speer Poll-- ((continued from page 11)) series and sequels together, disregarding the stinkier ones if the original excellent idea was run into the ground. To be anticlimaticm here are the artists, pro and fan competing equally: Finlay 100; Paul 66; Bok 62; Schnneman 46; Elliot Dold 31; Clune; Weidenbeck; Rogers; Lawrence; Turner; Wesso; Marconette; 117 total. Timmins; Malcom Smith; TWright; Hunt; R Isip; Les Tina; 39. Unused 40. The appearance of Dold here suggests another thing that should be decided: should persons and stories of all time compete together, or only the current crop? Worst fen: Degler 40; Schmarje 16; Wood 14. Ackerman; Fortierl 21. Yerke; Sykora; Bradleigh; McNutt; Reinsberg; Washington; Fear; 36. 26 unused. The "unused" ones come partly from those who didn't desire to condemt anyone, but quite a few points also are those that people tried to give Don Rogers and Superfan at the same time they voted for Degler. This question was experimental; and as much for my own curiosity about people's pet peeves as in the expectation that any significant consenus would develope. It is remarkable that the same peston who voted Degler as #10 fan also voted him one of the worst. And perhaps not so remarkable.
Hevelin Fanzines