Banshee, whole no. 5, June 1944
Page 26
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26 * * * Banshee forts. Two or three hurries comments on each magazine seems to be the standard, and the rocks would fall asunder if fans became conventional. Seriously, I want to set down my impressions on what were, to me, the outstanding items in the mailings. (FAN-DANGO included for other reasons.) Larry, of course, is not responsible for my absurd hallucinations; he just wroks here. The End WILIMCZYK REVIEWS THE MAILINGS OR: WHO KNOWS, THERE MAY BE SOMETHING INTERESTING FOLLOWING THIS By FRANK WILIMCZYK, JR. In PARADOX, which will be, from now on, my official Fapa pub, I don't intend to include reviews of the mailings, so when Larry Shaw asked me to write up a set for one of his pubs, I started in on this things. I've tried to keep away from one thing in this review--reviewing the reviews of the reviews (ad infinitum). Soooooo, I've ignored the reviews entirely in preparing this column. All comments are on articles and such. For that reason, many are short, for a number of Fanzines contain almost exclusively reviews of mailings. Phagh to them, and leave us start. YHOS -- Cover is beautiful, no kidding. Bob has done and impressive job, using only absolutely essential line-work--something I've always felt is essential to good mimeo drawing. About Nomenclature, Art: we use as a name such as stfist or futurian or imagist, what will we sure as a name for that which we now refer to as "fandom"? I rather like the name imagist, but it doesn't conjure up any meaning to my thiking. The Last Minute: (Kaf! kaf!) Couldn't we get together on this round-robin story, Art? If you do anything with it, I'd be willing to publish it, either in FAN JOURNALIST or as a special booklet to be mailed out through Fapa and to whomever else may desire it. What say? XENON -- I was particularly impressed by the cover--marvelous. Editorial comments seem to indicate that it might--I doubt this very much though--possilbly be a lino-block. Material is nice--especially enjoyed d. b. thompson's article. It's a pleasant deviation from the usual Fapazine, and I'll enjoy seeing further issues. WALT'S RAMBLINGS -- Enjoyable no end. Hobbies stuff should prove interesting. I spend most of my spare time drawing; did some oil painting for a while, gave it up in disgust. I'm dabbling in photography and, more recently, have acquired an interest in radio. You idea for an annual (or whatever) is dandy, if you can do something with it. Here's hoping. TALE OF THE 'EVANS -- I don't believe in World-Governments, so there. I don't believe in hunches, either.
26 * * * Banshee forts. Two or three hurries comments on each magazine seems to be the standard, and the rocks would fall asunder if fans became conventional. Seriously, I want to set down my impressions on what were, to me, the outstanding items in the mailings. (FAN-DANGO included for other reasons.) Larry, of course, is not responsible for my absurd hallucinations; he just wroks here. The End WILIMCZYK REVIEWS THE MAILINGS OR: WHO KNOWS, THERE MAY BE SOMETHING INTERESTING FOLLOWING THIS By FRANK WILIMCZYK, JR. In PARADOX, which will be, from now on, my official Fapa pub, I don't intend to include reviews of the mailings, so when Larry Shaw asked me to write up a set for one of his pubs, I started in on this things. I've tried to keep away from one thing in this review--reviewing the reviews of the reviews (ad infinitum). Soooooo, I've ignored the reviews entirely in preparing this column. All comments are on articles and such. For that reason, many are short, for a number of Fanzines contain almost exclusively reviews of mailings. Phagh to them, and leave us start. YHOS -- Cover is beautiful, no kidding. Bob has done and impressive job, using only absolutely essential line-work--something I've always felt is essential to good mimeo drawing. About Nomenclature, Art: we use as a name such as stfist or futurian or imagist, what will we sure as a name for that which we now refer to as "fandom"? I rather like the name imagist, but it doesn't conjure up any meaning to my thiking. The Last Minute: (Kaf! kaf!) Couldn't we get together on this round-robin story, Art? If you do anything with it, I'd be willing to publish it, either in FAN JOURNALIST or as a special booklet to be mailed out through Fapa and to whomever else may desire it. What say? XENON -- I was particularly impressed by the cover--marvelous. Editorial comments seem to indicate that it might--I doubt this very much though--possilbly be a lino-block. Material is nice--especially enjoyed d. b. thompson's article. It's a pleasant deviation from the usual Fapazine, and I'll enjoy seeing further issues. WALT'S RAMBLINGS -- Enjoyable no end. Hobbies stuff should prove interesting. I spend most of my spare time drawing; did some oil painting for a while, gave it up in disgust. I'm dabbling in photography and, more recently, have acquired an interest in radio. You idea for an annual (or whatever) is dandy, if you can do something with it. Here's hoping. TALE OF THE 'EVANS -- I don't believe in World-Governments, so there. I don't believe in hunches, either.
Hevelin Fanzines