Banshee, whole no. 5, June 1944
Page 27
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Wilimczyk Reviews the Mailing * * * 27 SUSPRO -- Beyond Which Limits appreciated very much. It would be desireable for certain fans to heed the advice offered. The back cover is superb--the funniest thing I've seen in months. Still chuckle over the statement, "Look, Suzzy! There Claude is!" and the "Heute gehört uns-- ." Tee hee. SARDONYX -- Oh, Russell, I bet you say that to all the fans! SAPPHO -- Like all of Willy's stuff, this is top-notch. PHANNY -- Ah, such nice, heavy paper. Nothing for me to comment upon, so I'll move on. PHANTAGRAPH -- (11, 2) Don't agree about hisses. Leave Heck be, fellas. (11, 3) Nice cover on this one---items interesting, even humorous. Both numbers remarkable legible for Futurian pubs. NUCLEUS -- Spencer's allegory is rather amusing, but the many discussions of inability of fans to cope with reality have been simiarly one-sided. I can't adress my remarks to Spencer, who seems not to agree with his own writing, so I'll have to turn to Trudy, who obviously does sympathise with the point of view expressed. First, the line "you...manage to get along with--or is it in spite of?--it" seems to be a good summary of Trudy's outlook. But, really, can any intelligent person do otherwise? Should we exist only for reality? (And, incidentally, just what, specifically, do you who say fans do not face reality mean by the term "reality"?) I couldn't exist in the way some of my practical, reality-facing acquaintances do; that is, eating, sleeping, and working, perhaps going to the movies once or twice a week, otherwise enjoying no "hobbies" or personal interests which would help them to leave, even if only temporarily, the wrold of reality. If that's facing reality, then I'm glad I'm a fan--the type of person who, instead of living a common, drudge of a life, works his alloted hours, then spends the rest of his time enjoying himself. MOO -- My interest in things temponautical prompted me to read the explanation of three-dimensional time. Three time I started, three times I gave up in despair. Finally, I read it thro'. Yep, I now see it all very clear (blublublublub). MILTY'S MAN -- I realize that tensor analysis is necessary, but couldn't you transfligate the fanstan, and thereby....? LIGHT -- I like the Croutch-written stuff, but the cartoons I didn't. I'm no prude, understand, but the jokes aren't funny--they're just off-color (way off) HORIZONS -- Oh, foo on baseball. Give me basketball, any time. FLEETING MOMENTS -- Neat, professiona format--what more can be said? FAPA FAN -- No comment seems necessary except that the explanation of various titles is interesting. I look forward to THE NEW HEIROGLYPH, which should be partocularly interesting. Last two lines (or were there more?) were illegible in my copy. FAN-TODS -- On the toc...what illustrated? Could that blurred word (gee, poetry) be semi-? So much stuff is over my head--but I understood (and laughed at) the cartoons anyway. FANTASTICONGLOMERATION -- Cover appreciated, though I don't care particularly for "gag" photos. I wouldn't object if there was only one, or possibly two, but when so much space is taken up by worthless pisc (such as "?," "Harryhaysen," "Gauer," "Pogo & Walt," etc.) when it might be used for worthwhile photographs, it's enough to make one tear his hair. I'd like to know what some of these (those, I should say) far-off (or any kind, in fact) fans really look like. The nude a-set-tin' on the letter is very nice-0one of the few litho-nudes I thought
Wilimczyk Reviews the Mailing * * * 27 SUSPRO -- Beyond Which Limits appreciated very much. It would be desireable for certain fans to heed the advice offered. The back cover is superb--the funniest thing I've seen in months. Still chuckle over the statement, "Look, Suzzy! There Claude is!" and the "Heute gehört uns-- ." Tee hee. SARDONYX -- Oh, Russell, I bet you say that to all the fans! SAPPHO -- Like all of Willy's stuff, this is top-notch. PHANNY -- Ah, such nice, heavy paper. Nothing for me to comment upon, so I'll move on. PHANTAGRAPH -- (11, 2) Don't agree about hisses. Leave Heck be, fellas. (11, 3) Nice cover on this one---items interesting, even humorous. Both numbers remarkable legible for Futurian pubs. NUCLEUS -- Spencer's allegory is rather amusing, but the many discussions of inability of fans to cope with reality have been simiarly one-sided. I can't adress my remarks to Spencer, who seems not to agree with his own writing, so I'll have to turn to Trudy, who obviously does sympathise with the point of view expressed. First, the line "you...manage to get along with--or is it in spite of?--it" seems to be a good summary of Trudy's outlook. But, really, can any intelligent person do otherwise? Should we exist only for reality? (And, incidentally, just what, specifically, do you who say fans do not face reality mean by the term "reality"?) I couldn't exist in the way some of my practical, reality-facing acquaintances do; that is, eating, sleeping, and working, perhaps going to the movies once or twice a week, otherwise enjoying no "hobbies" or personal interests which would help them to leave, even if only temporarily, the wrold of reality. If that's facing reality, then I'm glad I'm a fan--the type of person who, instead of living a common, drudge of a life, works his alloted hours, then spends the rest of his time enjoying himself. MOO -- My interest in things temponautical prompted me to read the explanation of three-dimensional time. Three time I started, three times I gave up in despair. Finally, I read it thro'. Yep, I now see it all very clear (blublublublub). MILTY'S MAN -- I realize that tensor analysis is necessary, but couldn't you transfligate the fanstan, and thereby....? LIGHT -- I like the Croutch-written stuff, but the cartoons I didn't. I'm no prude, understand, but the jokes aren't funny--they're just off-color (way off) HORIZONS -- Oh, foo on baseball. Give me basketball, any time. FLEETING MOMENTS -- Neat, professiona format--what more can be said? FAPA FAN -- No comment seems necessary except that the explanation of various titles is interesting. I look forward to THE NEW HEIROGLYPH, which should be partocularly interesting. Last two lines (or were there more?) were illegible in my copy. FAN-TODS -- On the toc...what illustrated? Could that blurred word (gee, poetry) be semi-? So much stuff is over my head--but I understood (and laughed at) the cartoons anyway. FANTASTICONGLOMERATION -- Cover appreciated, though I don't care particularly for "gag" photos. I wouldn't object if there was only one, or possibly two, but when so much space is taken up by worthless pisc (such as "?," "Harryhaysen," "Gauer," "Pogo & Walt," etc.) when it might be used for worthwhile photographs, it's enough to make one tear his hair. I'd like to know what some of these (those, I should say) far-off (or any kind, in fact) fans really look like. The nude a-set-tin' on the letter is very nice-0one of the few litho-nudes I thought
Hevelin Fanzines