Centauri, issue 2, Winter 1944
Page 24
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Page 24 Centauri Opposites React! Strange to say, the response in letters to my first issue was pretty good. I'm sorry I couldn't print all of them, or even parts of all, but if the response to this issue is as great as that to the first, I intend to enlarge this section somewhat. Here are the ratings as compiled from all letters received, in a one-to-eight order: 1 -- The Unnamed 2 -- Not What You Think 3 -- The Brain From Orlotha Dril (tie) 4 -- Encyclopedia of Fandom 5 -- Comments from Centauri 6 -- Strained Innertube 7 -- Sid Dean Articlette Goddess of the Cosmos 8 -- Art (including covers) The others I didn't even bother rating. Those ratings, incidentally, are very general, since so few ratings cannot present an accurate picture. For the most part, everybody was in agreement, though certain items rated much differently by various fans. I have tried, in choosing the letters to go into this section, to present as diversified a group as possible. I hope I have also succeeded in publishing the most interesting. Our first brick-thrower is a co-editor of Sappho, the amazing George Ebey (4766 Reinhardt Drive, Oakland, Cal.) and this famed proz and fmz critic says, and I quote: Well...I got CENTAURI. There it lay. Jutting out of the mail box. I plucked it from its envelope, turned four or five pages and the damn thing disintegrated. Now I carry CENTAURI rolled up in a ball. The format suffers. For a new 'zine CENTAURI has some good material. What isn't good is innocuous. What isn't innocuous is -- well, I'll get to that later. Pong's piece is best, of course, but Werner's column and Not What You Think (stupid title!) are both of work. The fiction is above average: I was able to read both stories all the way through, something I can't say for most fan fiction. The contents page puzzles me. Under humor, you have something called Strained Intertube. If a continued stream of sentences such as this: "It was here that I made my first mistake, but being of a mechanical turn of mind, it turned
Page 24 Centauri Opposites React! Strange to say, the response in letters to my first issue was pretty good. I'm sorry I couldn't print all of them, or even parts of all, but if the response to this issue is as great as that to the first, I intend to enlarge this section somewhat. Here are the ratings as compiled from all letters received, in a one-to-eight order: 1 -- The Unnamed 2 -- Not What You Think 3 -- The Brain From Orlotha Dril (tie) 4 -- Encyclopedia of Fandom 5 -- Comments from Centauri 6 -- Strained Innertube 7 -- Sid Dean Articlette Goddess of the Cosmos 8 -- Art (including covers) The others I didn't even bother rating. Those ratings, incidentally, are very general, since so few ratings cannot present an accurate picture. For the most part, everybody was in agreement, though certain items rated much differently by various fans. I have tried, in choosing the letters to go into this section, to present as diversified a group as possible. I hope I have also succeeded in publishing the most interesting. Our first brick-thrower is a co-editor of Sappho, the amazing George Ebey (4766 Reinhardt Drive, Oakland, Cal.) and this famed proz and fmz critic says, and I quote: Well...I got CENTAURI. There it lay. Jutting out of the mail box. I plucked it from its envelope, turned four or five pages and the damn thing disintegrated. Now I carry CENTAURI rolled up in a ball. The format suffers. For a new 'zine CENTAURI has some good material. What isn't good is innocuous. What isn't innocuous is -- well, I'll get to that later. Pong's piece is best, of course, but Werner's column and Not What You Think (stupid title!) are both of work. The fiction is above average: I was able to read both stories all the way through, something I can't say for most fan fiction. The contents page puzzles me. Under humor, you have something called Strained Intertube. If a continued stream of sentences such as this: "It was here that I made my first mistake, but being of a mechanical turn of mind, it turned
Hevelin Fanzines