Comet, v. 1, issue 2, March-April 1941
Page 12
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PAGE 12 WHAT MUST THE MAILMAN THINK?! by Forrest J Ackerman It has been a much publicized fact that at one time I had over 100 correspondents. I have forgotten the exact number myself; something like 118, as I recall. Fans continue to this day to mention it, & imagine how much mail I must get, the matter most recently having come up at the Paul Banquet at the Nycon. It was not impossible because 10 yrs ago we didnt have a dozen pro mags & 2 doz different fan, 5 organizations for a fellow to belong to & a constant clamor for articles. But the purpose of this articlette is not so much to look back at a decade as to give a picture of the presentime. I started one wk recently & listed just what letters, mags & incidentals I got that wk. Here's the way it reads: [[underline]]Monday[[end underline]] - Rcvd Famous Fantastic Mysteries mag, 3 new bks from Science Fiction Service in England ("Dr Nikola","Shocks" & "Chaos") & a letter from Mr Rim" regarding the new biwkly newsheet MIDWEST. [[underline]]Tues[[end underline]]: Leter from FAPA President MARothman, letter for Voice of the Imagi-nation from "Arlawi" (Art Vidner Jr), quite a lengthy communication from a new Texan seeking a colaborator on som stf plots of his, Unknown, Ad Astra, dummy Ad Astra, bk from the Fantasy Fiction Field (Heart of the Moon"), letter from Julius Unger & a letter of fanmag inquirys. [[underline]]Wed[[end underline]]: Future Fiction, postcard from latter's Editor, 2 bks from Korshak ("Sunset" & "Crucible Island", interplanetaryarn & Utopianarritive respectively) , bound vol #3 (1915- 16) Electrical Experimenter featuring "Baron Munchausen" with cover illustrations, & 5 bound vols The New York magazine of Mysterys, [[underline]]Thurs[[end underline]]: Postcard from Me. Stf Assn Secy Avery, Capt Future, Fantasy Fictioneers, LeZ, circular from Tarzana about "Synthetic Men of Mars" (latest Buroz bk), the Alchemist (new fanmag from Denver), Vom-shell from Miske, letter for Bill (Marvel) Crawford via me, 2 inquirys about Vom, letter from Lowndes. [underline]]Fri[[end underline]]: Esperanto inquiry, mazing[?] Storys, Strange, set of MSA bulletins. [[underline]]Sat[[end underline]]: Nothing! Altho there are only two persons at my adres (myself & my Grandmother) the letter-carrier must think there's a mob for he regularly delivers mail for [[underline]]Weaver Wright[[end underline]], [[underline]]Jack Erman[[end underline]], [[underline]]Erdstelulov[[end underline]], [[underline]]Fojak[[end underline]], [[underline]]Claire Voyant[[end underline]] & [[underline]]others[[end underline]]! I often wonder what he must think of the many mags, foren letters, pkgs, strangely stickerdstuff & odd envelopes he daily deposits at 236 1/2 N New Hamshirep, Hollywood. Some day I'll have to [[underline]]interview that mailman[[end underline]]! (The End) BOOST - - CHICAGO in 1940! Science Fiction!
PAGE 12 WHAT MUST THE MAILMAN THINK?! by Forrest J Ackerman It has been a much publicized fact that at one time I had over 100 correspondents. I have forgotten the exact number myself; something like 118, as I recall. Fans continue to this day to mention it, & imagine how much mail I must get, the matter most recently having come up at the Paul Banquet at the Nycon. It was not impossible because 10 yrs ago we didnt have a dozen pro mags & 2 doz different fan, 5 organizations for a fellow to belong to & a constant clamor for articles. But the purpose of this articlette is not so much to look back at a decade as to give a picture of the presentime. I started one wk recently & listed just what letters, mags & incidentals I got that wk. Here's the way it reads: [[underline]]Monday[[end underline]] - Rcvd Famous Fantastic Mysteries mag, 3 new bks from Science Fiction Service in England ("Dr Nikola","Shocks" & "Chaos") & a letter from Mr Rim" regarding the new biwkly newsheet MIDWEST. [[underline]]Tues[[end underline]]: Leter from FAPA President MARothman, letter for Voice of the Imagi-nation from "Arlawi" (Art Vidner Jr), quite a lengthy communication from a new Texan seeking a colaborator on som stf plots of his, Unknown, Ad Astra, dummy Ad Astra, bk from the Fantasy Fiction Field (Heart of the Moon"), letter from Julius Unger & a letter of fanmag inquirys. [[underline]]Wed[[end underline]]: Future Fiction, postcard from latter's Editor, 2 bks from Korshak ("Sunset" & "Crucible Island", interplanetaryarn & Utopianarritive respectively) , bound vol #3 (1915- 16) Electrical Experimenter featuring "Baron Munchausen" with cover illustrations, & 5 bound vols The New York magazine of Mysterys, [[underline]]Thurs[[end underline]]: Postcard from Me. Stf Assn Secy Avery, Capt Future, Fantasy Fictioneers, LeZ, circular from Tarzana about "Synthetic Men of Mars" (latest Buroz bk), the Alchemist (new fanmag from Denver), Vom-shell from Miske, letter for Bill (Marvel) Crawford via me, 2 inquirys about Vom, letter from Lowndes. [underline]]Fri[[end underline]]: Esperanto inquiry, mazing[?] Storys, Strange, set of MSA bulletins. [[underline]]Sat[[end underline]]: Nothing! Altho there are only two persons at my adres (myself & my Grandmother) the letter-carrier must think there's a mob for he regularly delivers mail for [[underline]]Weaver Wright[[end underline]], [[underline]]Jack Erman[[end underline]], [[underline]]Erdstelulov[[end underline]], [[underline]]Fojak[[end underline]], [[underline]]Claire Voyant[[end underline]] & [[underline]]others[[end underline]]! I often wonder what he must think of the many mags, foren letters, pkgs, strangely stickerdstuff & odd envelopes he daily deposits at 236 1/2 N New Hamshirep, Hollywood. Some day I'll have to [[underline]]interview that mailman[[end underline]]! (The End) BOOST - - CHICAGO in 1940! Science Fiction!
Hevelin Fanzines