Comet, v. 1, issue 2, March-April 1941
Page 15
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THE COMET PAGE 15 [[underline]]A REVELATION ACTUARY SPEAKS[[end underline]] There are numerous facts herein disclosed, which will bring cries of protest from many a throat; cries of liar from many a lip; and, what is more, moans of worry from many an individual's name listed below. However, the few thoughtful fans we have sit up and think after reading this.... I cannot swear that everyone of the names listed below is a verified, bonified statement, but I do know that one of the facts mentioned below is verified, and bonified. It is the writer of the article. Oswald Train, W ho is he? I bet that's one name that brings a letter to [[?]] ed's office saying: "I've been outraged, and my name has been taken advantage of!" I know it will for I make public the fact that Oswald Train is none-other than J. Chapman Miske! I'd like to say who J. Chapman Miske is, but that can wait. Another mag has that priviledge. At any rate he is an outstanding pro author! Remember the mention of Paul X. Savage! He was unheard of, I believe, except for the mention of his name, here-and-there. Now remember John Reitref who wrote the splendid story, Voyage Via Verisimilitude? Also author of a splendid short feature in this issue? Well, he was merely testing talents under the name of Paul X. Savage. A chain of coincidences led many to believe (well, at least one in particular) that he edited a fan mag. That is preposterous! There has been a discussion as to whether Hoy Pikup Stix [?]-5-6 is humerous or not. I, for one, think he stinks at times. I have seen some decent material by him, though. Up until now, he (or the fellow behind his name) was writing under the name of Julian Rice Palmer[?]) His material has not been seen by many fans as the abilities were limited to cheap publications using [[underline]]ahem[[end underline]] for the theme, and ..... well, everyone gets his start sometime, and [[underline]]somewhere[[end underline]]! Most fans know the real name Ralph Milne Farley, Lieutenant John Please, and General X. That is, of course, Senator Roger Sherman Hoar. But I'll give ten to one odds that no one knows of Hoar's writing name for the so-called "better magazines"! If you do you're in the know.. And had better not let it out. A few fellows would drop on their ear. Also, most know Forrest J. Ackerman's noms-de-plume. A few are Erdstelulov, Jack Erman, Weaver Wright, and Vo -- wups! I'm not supposed to tell that one. Shame on me! Of course, John Russel Fearn often writes under the name of Polton Cross, and Ephriam Winiki. But do you know the other one? Neither do I! G__##!#%&""'([[underline]]..[[end underline]])! There goes another scoop! I had the real name of Miss Jayne Ellis, author of THUNDER OF THE WAR GOD, THE TIME SPIRAL, and lost it! Anyway, that is the maiden name, but she is no longer a miss, being married a few odd years now. There are several names I could disclose, but I believe that ll of them are known. Cyril Mand is George Hahn in reality. You found out who John A. Brista[[?]], and I believe you will find out another person is that one...Jack Speer. There are so many more names, some I could tell, others I wouldn't out of loyalty to friends. Who writes under the name of...; or (continued on page 16)
THE COMET PAGE 15 [[underline]]A REVELATION ACTUARY SPEAKS[[end underline]] There are numerous facts herein disclosed, which will bring cries of protest from many a throat; cries of liar from many a lip; and, what is more, moans of worry from many an individual's name listed below. However, the few thoughtful fans we have sit up and think after reading this.... I cannot swear that everyone of the names listed below is a verified, bonified statement, but I do know that one of the facts mentioned below is verified, and bonified. It is the writer of the article. Oswald Train, W ho is he? I bet that's one name that brings a letter to [[?]] ed's office saying: "I've been outraged, and my name has been taken advantage of!" I know it will for I make public the fact that Oswald Train is none-other than J. Chapman Miske! I'd like to say who J. Chapman Miske is, but that can wait. Another mag has that priviledge. At any rate he is an outstanding pro author! Remember the mention of Paul X. Savage! He was unheard of, I believe, except for the mention of his name, here-and-there. Now remember John Reitref who wrote the splendid story, Voyage Via Verisimilitude? Also author of a splendid short feature in this issue? Well, he was merely testing talents under the name of Paul X. Savage. A chain of coincidences led many to believe (well, at least one in particular) that he edited a fan mag. That is preposterous! There has been a discussion as to whether Hoy Pikup Stix [?]-5-6 is humerous or not. I, for one, think he stinks at times. I have seen some decent material by him, though. Up until now, he (or the fellow behind his name) was writing under the name of Julian Rice Palmer[?]) His material has not been seen by many fans as the abilities were limited to cheap publications using [[underline]]ahem[[end underline]] for the theme, and ..... well, everyone gets his start sometime, and [[underline]]somewhere[[end underline]]! Most fans know the real name Ralph Milne Farley, Lieutenant John Please, and General X. That is, of course, Senator Roger Sherman Hoar. But I'll give ten to one odds that no one knows of Hoar's writing name for the so-called "better magazines"! If you do you're in the know.. And had better not let it out. A few fellows would drop on their ear. Also, most know Forrest J. Ackerman's noms-de-plume. A few are Erdstelulov, Jack Erman, Weaver Wright, and Vo -- wups! I'm not supposed to tell that one. Shame on me! Of course, John Russel Fearn often writes under the name of Polton Cross, and Ephriam Winiki. But do you know the other one? Neither do I! G__##!#%&""'([[underline]]..[[end underline]])! There goes another scoop! I had the real name of Miss Jayne Ellis, author of THUNDER OF THE WAR GOD, THE TIME SPIRAL, and lost it! Anyway, that is the maiden name, but she is no longer a miss, being married a few odd years now. There are several names I could disclose, but I believe that ll of them are known. Cyril Mand is George Hahn in reality. You found out who John A. Brista[[?]], and I believe you will find out another person is that one...Jack Speer. There are so many more names, some I could tell, others I wouldn't out of loyalty to friends. Who writes under the name of...; or (continued on page 16)
Hevelin Fanzines