Comet, v. 1, issue 2, March-April 1941
Page 16
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PAGE 16 THE COMET A Revelation Actuary Speaks rather what name does Tucker Write under for the pros? ***** I'll bet you don't know the fan name of the great pro author, John Michael Desch. **** Do you know the brother of Don A. Stuart and John W. Campbell? *** Why do people like John, Polton, and Edgar equally well? ***** Why, but that is enough. And who am I? Why I'm, but darn it all, I forget. O yes, I remember now.... BUT I WON'T TELL!!! EDITOR'S NOTE: The opinions expressed in the articles and material written for THE COMET do not necessarily represent the opinions of those on the staff of THE COMET. Rebirth Retold I had dreamt about. meeting all the S-F guests....Erle and I convinced the fan-world that Chicago was the ideal spot for 1940! And, after a period of feverish activity; his [[?]] trips to many points, getting together with the rest of Mid-west fandom...Tucker in Bloomington, etc; organizing the IFF and launching the convention; an unprecedented trip to Philly for the Conference. Then, the final cinching of the convention, a vote of confidence and approval from the fan field. The SFL chapter reorganized-----two more fan mags born in Chicago. So, when I look back......and realize Chicago's standing in the fan World today, what has happened and what is to come about; and know that I am part of it, is it un-appropriate to feel inflated?\ (Advertisements) LE ZOMBIE, "The Ghoul's Ghazette", is put out every two weeks by fandom's number one humorist, Bob Tucker. Contains six pages of gossip taken from letters, The Amature Press which reviews the fan mags, The [[?]] Pictures, things by Pong, and many other things. A sample copy is givin to anybody not having seen a copy, or 3 for 10[[cent symbol]]. A fan necessity. MERCURY, the "Hell-to-breakfast" fansheet, will soon appear, published by j.J. Fortier, 1836 - 39th Avenue, Oakland, Calif. Mimeographed and costing only the minimum price, a three cent stamp for one, or three for a 5[[cent symbol]] piece or five for a dime. it will contain the better parts of now dead SCIENTIFAN.... WATCH for DAWN, The Moderne Annual! Watch for it! DAWN!..... Forrest J Ackerman & Morojo co-edit a unique mag called VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION. It may contain as many as [[underline]]30[[end underline]] famous fans in one issue. Made up letters fans write, and in such an interesting way they're better than articles. Order now from Box 6475 Metropolitian Station, L.A. Calif. Subscribe to [[underline]]The Comet![[end underline]]
PAGE 16 THE COMET A Revelation Actuary Speaks rather what name does Tucker Write under for the pros? ***** I'll bet you don't know the fan name of the great pro author, John Michael Desch. **** Do you know the brother of Don A. Stuart and John W. Campbell? *** Why do people like John, Polton, and Edgar equally well? ***** Why, but that is enough. And who am I? Why I'm, but darn it all, I forget. O yes, I remember now.... BUT I WON'T TELL!!! EDITOR'S NOTE: The opinions expressed in the articles and material written for THE COMET do not necessarily represent the opinions of those on the staff of THE COMET. Rebirth Retold I had dreamt about. meeting all the S-F guests....Erle and I convinced the fan-world that Chicago was the ideal spot for 1940! And, after a period of feverish activity; his [[?]] trips to many points, getting together with the rest of Mid-west fandom...Tucker in Bloomington, etc; organizing the IFF and launching the convention; an unprecedented trip to Philly for the Conference. Then, the final cinching of the convention, a vote of confidence and approval from the fan field. The SFL chapter reorganized-----two more fan mags born in Chicago. So, when I look back......and realize Chicago's standing in the fan World today, what has happened and what is to come about; and know that I am part of it, is it un-appropriate to feel inflated?\ (Advertisements) LE ZOMBIE, "The Ghoul's Ghazette", is put out every two weeks by fandom's number one humorist, Bob Tucker. Contains six pages of gossip taken from letters, The Amature Press which reviews the fan mags, The [[?]] Pictures, things by Pong, and many other things. A sample copy is givin to anybody not having seen a copy, or 3 for 10[[cent symbol]]. A fan necessity. MERCURY, the "Hell-to-breakfast" fansheet, will soon appear, published by j.J. Fortier, 1836 - 39th Avenue, Oakland, Calif. Mimeographed and costing only the minimum price, a three cent stamp for one, or three for a 5[[cent symbol]] piece or five for a dime. it will contain the better parts of now dead SCIENTIFAN.... WATCH for DAWN, The Moderne Annual! Watch for it! DAWN!..... Forrest J Ackerman & Morojo co-edit a unique mag called VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION. It may contain as many as [[underline]]30[[end underline]] famous fans in one issue. Made up letters fans write, and in such an interesting way they're better than articles. Order now from Box 6475 Metropolitian Station, L.A. Calif. Subscribe to [[underline]]The Comet![[end underline]]
Hevelin Fanzines