Comet, v. 1, issue 2, March-April 1941
Page 17
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-17- COMMENTS ON THE COMET WEAVER WRIGHT writes from Hollywood, Calif: "Dear Ed: As one Wright to another, congratulations on youe initial number of THE COMET. I may say that it surpast my expectations; in fact I will say it: it surpast my expectations! I have just spent an interesting 45 mins. reading the first issue & filling out your questionaire, wich find inclosed. Also, I am sufficiently pleased with your publication to risk the life subscription U request (I often wonder whether that means the reader's life or the mag's!) & hope you get the other one necessary to make the improvements U mention. "What I like best about THE COMET bfor me is yed's art work: the fine tilting & funny little filler pix here & there thruout. When I think of what I once put out as a hectoed fansheet THE METEOR, about 8 yrs ago) & what your first issue is like, it's lafable; & the laf isnton U! Publishers of first issues have come a long ways since the days of the Boy's Scientification Club, 'Tip Your Pals to TTT', &c. "I found Reitrof's fiction-piece, 'Voyage Via Versimilitude', the piece de resistance, rating at about 85. Reitrof, incidentl, is that Martian w ho puts out the fanmag NAFINETICS - isnt he? ((No--Ed.)) 2ndly, a 75% to Harry Warner with his 'What Made Them "Good"?'; 65 to Fleming for the 'Fan Mag Situation' (2-bits Hodgkins has another solution for U: Technocracy!); 50 apiece (my idea of an average article) to Tillman (Favorite Authors') & Ackerman's Collectors' Item; whilst subpar, sad to say I thot 'Revival of Sfn in 3501' (about 35) & 15 to Pikup Stix's ScientifichristmaSuggestions (nonstop spelling mine ofcorse). The poetry seems to b the same sortathing I used to write in my teens & think was some stuff, If you get what I mean (no offense meant). Back Cover OK. "May THE COMET continue to keep its face tord the sun!" ((Them's kind words Weaver, and right here and now I want to express my appreciation for the five bucks. If anyone things that this issue is much better than the last, fellow Wright is the reason.) Advisor JOE FORTIER flashes from Oakland, Calif: "Dear Tom: ((The first part of his letter was ratings.)) Now getting an average of "80%" on your first issue is very good. I only hope that future issues show up as well and I am sure that they will. I, not because I know him, think that John Reitrof's story was the best thing in the issue as far as submitted material goes! He is a great discovery and I am glad that I found him. *** Warner was at a low standard this time. ***** FAVORITE AUTHORS was a good piece of work and most noteworthy. congratulations* Mr. Tillman. ***Fleming is an old pessimist. *** 4E good as usual and the article was fitting for the first issue. *** Poems fine, especially yours, Tom. *** Himmle okay, but was a little slip-shod. By-the-by who is H:lmmle? ((I'd like to know, too.)) *** Your cover was nice and simple as I stated before. *** Editorial is ggod. So are the cartoons. ******* Notes was the best space filler I have seen in years. (!!!) ((!!!---Ed.) Fan Pubs review is fine, but get it more complete nextime. ***Good idea that corrections column, bu it wasn't complete enough. **** Back Cover pretty good, but not up to expectations. Well, neither was mine! ***** I must congratulate you on the neatness of your contents page. The finest of any fan mag!*** But topping every thing is that feature illus-
-17- COMMENTS ON THE COMET WEAVER WRIGHT writes from Hollywood, Calif: "Dear Ed: As one Wright to another, congratulations on youe initial number of THE COMET. I may say that it surpast my expectations; in fact I will say it: it surpast my expectations! I have just spent an interesting 45 mins. reading the first issue & filling out your questionaire, wich find inclosed. Also, I am sufficiently pleased with your publication to risk the life subscription U request (I often wonder whether that means the reader's life or the mag's!) & hope you get the other one necessary to make the improvements U mention. "What I like best about THE COMET bfor me is yed's art work: the fine tilting & funny little filler pix here & there thruout. When I think of what I once put out as a hectoed fansheet THE METEOR, about 8 yrs ago) & what your first issue is like, it's lafable; & the laf isnton U! Publishers of first issues have come a long ways since the days of the Boy's Scientification Club, 'Tip Your Pals to TTT', &c. "I found Reitrof's fiction-piece, 'Voyage Via Versimilitude', the piece de resistance, rating at about 85. Reitrof, incidentl, is that Martian w ho puts out the fanmag NAFINETICS - isnt he? ((No--Ed.)) 2ndly, a 75% to Harry Warner with his 'What Made Them "Good"?'; 65 to Fleming for the 'Fan Mag Situation' (2-bits Hodgkins has another solution for U: Technocracy!); 50 apiece (my idea of an average article) to Tillman (Favorite Authors') & Ackerman's Collectors' Item; whilst subpar, sad to say I thot 'Revival of Sfn in 3501' (about 35) & 15 to Pikup Stix's ScientifichristmaSuggestions (nonstop spelling mine ofcorse). The poetry seems to b the same sortathing I used to write in my teens & think was some stuff, If you get what I mean (no offense meant). Back Cover OK. "May THE COMET continue to keep its face tord the sun!" ((Them's kind words Weaver, and right here and now I want to express my appreciation for the five bucks. If anyone things that this issue is much better than the last, fellow Wright is the reason.) Advisor JOE FORTIER flashes from Oakland, Calif: "Dear Tom: ((The first part of his letter was ratings.)) Now getting an average of "80%" on your first issue is very good. I only hope that future issues show up as well and I am sure that they will. I, not because I know him, think that John Reitrof's story was the best thing in the issue as far as submitted material goes! He is a great discovery and I am glad that I found him. *** Warner was at a low standard this time. ***** FAVORITE AUTHORS was a good piece of work and most noteworthy. congratulations* Mr. Tillman. ***Fleming is an old pessimist. *** 4E good as usual and the article was fitting for the first issue. *** Poems fine, especially yours, Tom. *** Himmle okay, but was a little slip-shod. By-the-by who is H:lmmle? ((I'd like to know, too.)) *** Your cover was nice and simple as I stated before. *** Editorial is ggod. So are the cartoons. ******* Notes was the best space filler I have seen in years. (!!!) ((!!!---Ed.) Fan Pubs review is fine, but get it more complete nextime. ***Good idea that corrections column, bu it wasn't complete enough. **** Back Cover pretty good, but not up to expectations. Well, neither was mine! ***** I must congratulate you on the neatness of your contents page. The finest of any fan mag!*** But topping every thing is that feature illus-
Hevelin Fanzines