Comet, v. 1, issue 2, March-April 1941
Page 18
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THE COMET PAGE 18 COMMENTS on THE COMET (con't from 17) [[?]] for "Voyage Via Verisimilitude" by John Reitrof. Really something [?] carefully worked out, but it contains the real thought behind the [[?]] ((Thank you for compliments, Joe. How do you like this issue?)) HARRY[?] WARNER, JR. comments from Hagerstown, Maryland: Dear tom: "Really it's a pretty good first issue--much better than I had hoped. In fact, I should say it's better than pretty good--it's excellent! The hektoing is well done, and the headings I particularly like. They're colorful, and moreimportant, neat. Illustrations very good, too. You certainly must have got good grade color pencils! ((Colored ink, except on the heading [[?]] this department - ed.)) [[?]] for interior material, some of it was very good, and some very bad.... Passing modestly over my own epic, I thought tillman's article the best in the issue. Must have been a good bit of work to do, too. Of course, it isn't too accurate, because the more profilio good authors would rate higher than the rarely-writing superlative writers. But the idea works surprisingly well, nevertheless. "Revival of Sfn in 3501" suffered from too much obviousness--Pong should have taken up something like that. Hoy Pikup Stix was very funny. My, Pong's family must be huge. I'm losing track of them. Glad to see he got the name right this time, though--one of his brothers should have been named Hoy Manly Wade, instead of Manly Wade Pong. Or...could the whole family be Jap spies? Horrors? I thought the poetry not-so-hot. Fleming good, and I could have written a nice reply had I been in the proper mood. But I wasn't. Ackerman good, too. He'll murder you for putting a . after the J, though! Seems to me that Mr. Reitrof bit off more than he could chew in his story. Seemed a little vague and wandering to me, and I wasn't impressed by sentences like "See now." she tinkled "The shadow's mantle falls". One of these days I'll have to write you a story and sign it Harvey Renraw, eh? Ah, you can't fool me! ((John Reitrof is a real person - ed.)) By all means have a letter section next issue. Liked the fan mag reviews and shall try next issue of SPACEWAYS to give you an add to make up for the generous plugs. Cartoons also good. Back Cover evidently took a lot of work, and was well produced. Finally, editorial excellent. Best of luck! One suggestion: numbering the pages would help considearbly. * ((Pages are numbered, this issu. I appreciate your remarks. Write again. - ed.)) DAMON KNIGHT briefs from Hood River, Oregon: Hi Tom, "It's not so big, either, what with four blank pages and pica type. Main drawback of THE COMET, outside of hectoing, is absence of page numbers. After that, the spelling, which is pretty bad. ((Ouch!)) Your color work is good." The rest of his letter is out because it is private. - ed.)) Other letters, ratings, or questionaires received from Morojo, Bob Tucker, James Tillman, Russ Hodgkins, John Reitrof, and others that have slipped my memory now. And speaking of questionaires, (all the above people sent them in) only Morojo and Tillman sent me photos. Thanx, you two, but how about the rest of you? I guess I forgot to ask for them.
THE COMET PAGE 18 COMMENTS on THE COMET (con't from 17) [[?]] for "Voyage Via Verisimilitude" by John Reitrof. Really something [?] carefully worked out, but it contains the real thought behind the [[?]] ((Thank you for compliments, Joe. How do you like this issue?)) HARRY[?] WARNER, JR. comments from Hagerstown, Maryland: Dear tom: "Really it's a pretty good first issue--much better than I had hoped. In fact, I should say it's better than pretty good--it's excellent! The hektoing is well done, and the headings I particularly like. They're colorful, and moreimportant, neat. Illustrations very good, too. You certainly must have got good grade color pencils! ((Colored ink, except on the heading [[?]] this department - ed.)) [[?]] for interior material, some of it was very good, and some very bad.... Passing modestly over my own epic, I thought tillman's article the best in the issue. Must have been a good bit of work to do, too. Of course, it isn't too accurate, because the more profilio good authors would rate higher than the rarely-writing superlative writers. But the idea works surprisingly well, nevertheless. "Revival of Sfn in 3501" suffered from too much obviousness--Pong should have taken up something like that. Hoy Pikup Stix was very funny. My, Pong's family must be huge. I'm losing track of them. Glad to see he got the name right this time, though--one of his brothers should have been named Hoy Manly Wade, instead of Manly Wade Pong. Or...could the whole family be Jap spies? Horrors? I thought the poetry not-so-hot. Fleming good, and I could have written a nice reply had I been in the proper mood. But I wasn't. Ackerman good, too. He'll murder you for putting a . after the J, though! Seems to me that Mr. Reitrof bit off more than he could chew in his story. Seemed a little vague and wandering to me, and I wasn't impressed by sentences like "See now." she tinkled "The shadow's mantle falls". One of these days I'll have to write you a story and sign it Harvey Renraw, eh? Ah, you can't fool me! ((John Reitrof is a real person - ed.)) By all means have a letter section next issue. Liked the fan mag reviews and shall try next issue of SPACEWAYS to give you an add to make up for the generous plugs. Cartoons also good. Back Cover evidently took a lot of work, and was well produced. Finally, editorial excellent. Best of luck! One suggestion: numbering the pages would help considearbly. * ((Pages are numbered, this issu. I appreciate your remarks. Write again. - ed.)) DAMON KNIGHT briefs from Hood River, Oregon: Hi Tom, "It's not so big, either, what with four blank pages and pica type. Main drawback of THE COMET, outside of hectoing, is absence of page numbers. After that, the spelling, which is pretty bad. ((Ouch!)) Your color work is good." The rest of his letter is out because it is private. - ed.)) Other letters, ratings, or questionaires received from Morojo, Bob Tucker, James Tillman, Russ Hodgkins, John Reitrof, and others that have slipped my memory now. And speaking of questionaires, (all the above people sent them in) only Morojo and Tillman sent me photos. Thanx, you two, but how about the rest of you? I guess I forgot to ask for them.
Hevelin Fanzines