Observations, issue 3, 1940's?
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COMMENTS BY WARNER ON THE LAST MAILING ---------------------- EMERGENCY FLARE Horizons: Honest, it's just a coincidence that the first decently reprinted issue of Horizons in a long time appeared in the mailing after so many publishers jumped on the format. It looks as if I've finally found the right combination of typing force and cushion sheets. Fantasy Amateur: I'm sorry that more people didn't write me in for the post of ex-president. I've had five years more experience in that job than Perdue. Envelope came through all right this time, and there wasn't even a rip, although the quality doesn't seem to be noticeably better than in the past. Elmer's message is puzzling. He has attended enough fan conventions to know that no elections are conducted there ((only one to determine the next site)). If he is trying to advocate FAPA elections at the national conventions of fandom, I'm strongly against the proposal. I'd say that reputations are more trustworthy guides than personal knowledge of candidates for an organization like FAPA, and I'd dislike the FAPA taking the path toward obsession with politics that had dragged down the mundane ayjay groups. Fanews Portfolio: This is a good place to ask why fans are lax about meeting their activity requirements will usually come through with a big contribution at the very time when it is most difficult to produce. I don't think anyone would have objected to stretching the rules for Dunk, since he was really in difficulties on this occasion, though. I enjoyed looking through the collection; most of the stuff I had seen before, but it brought back some memories. Let us hope that this stuff doesn't inspire a renewal of the Le Zombie cover debate. The New L'Oxygen: Lost in a Book Store is almost as painful as the local newspaper editions which occasionally "honor" some club or fraternal organization, and reprint a generous portion of some old joke book, substituting the names of well known local personalities for Pat and Mike. And look, Joe Schaumbuger and all you other one-finger typists, if you can conceive of hyperspace and slans, why can't you learn to type at least half-way decently? Joe's time schedule on the next to last page indicates that his typing speed is around 13 words per minute, just a tiny bit better than one stroke per second for the easiest sort of typing -- copying from a manuscript, which has no pauses to think of what you want to say next. You couldn't possibly go much slower if you took the time to put your two hands on the keyboard in the proper position and used four fingers of each hand, and inside of a couple weeks you'd be picking up speed. One-finger and two-finger work is a criminal waste of time for any genius. Funcyclopedia: This turned out to be Unexpectedly funny. I fear that some of the things refer to fan events so far back in history that some of the present company will fail to see the point: otherwise, I have few objections and I think Boff might turn out to be another Tucker. Fandango: Those old operatic discs would be worth a small fortune today -- the worst and richest fanatics in the record collecting field are those who seek the old operatic vocals. Didur is currently represented in the Gramophone Shop Encyclopedia by only one item, a reissue of the drinking song from Freischurtz by some obscure company of which I'd never heard before. I fail to understand the amazement at duplications in Lovecraft's letters. It happens all the time to anyone who keeps up an extensive correspondence and writes more than the bare essentials of what really must be said. Burblings: I feel slightly justified by the NFFF's discovery of Burbee. Wasn't I the one who predicted a few years back that the inner circle fans might someday cut loose the last tie from the other circle groups and disappear altogether? All that is needed now is to make me a complete and perfect prophet is
COMMENTS BY WARNER ON THE LAST MAILING ---------------------- EMERGENCY FLARE Horizons: Honest, it's just a coincidence that the first decently reprinted issue of Horizons in a long time appeared in the mailing after so many publishers jumped on the format. It looks as if I've finally found the right combination of typing force and cushion sheets. Fantasy Amateur: I'm sorry that more people didn't write me in for the post of ex-president. I've had five years more experience in that job than Perdue. Envelope came through all right this time, and there wasn't even a rip, although the quality doesn't seem to be noticeably better than in the past. Elmer's message is puzzling. He has attended enough fan conventions to know that no elections are conducted there ((only one to determine the next site)). If he is trying to advocate FAPA elections at the national conventions of fandom, I'm strongly against the proposal. I'd say that reputations are more trustworthy guides than personal knowledge of candidates for an organization like FAPA, and I'd dislike the FAPA taking the path toward obsession with politics that had dragged down the mundane ayjay groups. Fanews Portfolio: This is a good place to ask why fans are lax about meeting their activity requirements will usually come through with a big contribution at the very time when it is most difficult to produce. I don't think anyone would have objected to stretching the rules for Dunk, since he was really in difficulties on this occasion, though. I enjoyed looking through the collection; most of the stuff I had seen before, but it brought back some memories. Let us hope that this stuff doesn't inspire a renewal of the Le Zombie cover debate. The New L'Oxygen: Lost in a Book Store is almost as painful as the local newspaper editions which occasionally "honor" some club or fraternal organization, and reprint a generous portion of some old joke book, substituting the names of well known local personalities for Pat and Mike. And look, Joe Schaumbuger and all you other one-finger typists, if you can conceive of hyperspace and slans, why can't you learn to type at least half-way decently? Joe's time schedule on the next to last page indicates that his typing speed is around 13 words per minute, just a tiny bit better than one stroke per second for the easiest sort of typing -- copying from a manuscript, which has no pauses to think of what you want to say next. You couldn't possibly go much slower if you took the time to put your two hands on the keyboard in the proper position and used four fingers of each hand, and inside of a couple weeks you'd be picking up speed. One-finger and two-finger work is a criminal waste of time for any genius. Funcyclopedia: This turned out to be Unexpectedly funny. I fear that some of the things refer to fan events so far back in history that some of the present company will fail to see the point: otherwise, I have few objections and I think Boff might turn out to be another Tucker. Fandango: Those old operatic discs would be worth a small fortune today -- the worst and richest fanatics in the record collecting field are those who seek the old operatic vocals. Didur is currently represented in the Gramophone Shop Encyclopedia by only one item, a reissue of the drinking song from Freischurtz by some obscure company of which I'd never heard before. I fail to understand the amazement at duplications in Lovecraft's letters. It happens all the time to anyone who keeps up an extensive correspondence and writes more than the bare essentials of what really must be said. Burblings: I feel slightly justified by the NFFF's discovery of Burbee. Wasn't I the one who predicted a few years back that the inner circle fans might someday cut loose the last tie from the other circle groups and disappear altogether? All that is needed now is to make me a complete and perfect prophet is
Hevelin Fanzines