The Thing, whole no. 2, Summer 1946
Page 12
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S F SAVANT "In Defense of Phooberger" pleased me. That Nineteenth Century genius too long has been maligned but in Raym Washington he has found an agile champion.It is time that the world gave his proper place to the author of these appealing "Lines to Edith": Oh Edith, lovely creature! Fair maiden, hear my cry. O Grace in form and feature! Thou must not pass me by. Sweet lass,my heart thou'st captured with cruller, bun and tart And still I muse,enraptured,on which of them thou art. WALT'S WRAMBLINGS Winter Let loud-lamenting Liebschers lull their fears. There may be no meter in Wally's verse, but then, there is no meter in any verse written in the English language. Only rhythm. Figure it like music. You may have as many unaccented syllables between beats as you can pronounce without breaking the rhythm. :: And speaking of swap-lists, what am I offered for a copy, in reasonably good condition, of the "Necronomicon?" (Shut up, Helen! If I'm offered enough, I'll write one!) BIG FEUD ((Oboy, maybe I can work something up here!)) FORRY ACKERMAN SEZ: The foto illustrating that old adage, "A Burton the hand is Warth two in the APO" is certainly compro-MY-MY-zing, and has (s)inspired me to com-poesy this sine non qua-train: The Corn is Crane Is Burton vain About his bobby sex? When girls see Crane, Crane necks. BURTON CRANE REBUTTALS: 40 deplores The feelthy pheezical When Crane adores A girl who's squeezical. Necking, he cries, Is most unplusant And thus implies He doesn't. Poor 40! We're sorry!
S F SAVANT "In Defense of Phooberger" pleased me. That Nineteenth Century genius too long has been maligned but in Raym Washington he has found an agile champion.It is time that the world gave his proper place to the author of these appealing "Lines to Edith": Oh Edith, lovely creature! Fair maiden, hear my cry. O Grace in form and feature! Thou must not pass me by. Sweet lass,my heart thou'st captured with cruller, bun and tart And still I muse,enraptured,on which of them thou art. WALT'S WRAMBLINGS Winter Let loud-lamenting Liebschers lull their fears. There may be no meter in Wally's verse, but then, there is no meter in any verse written in the English language. Only rhythm. Figure it like music. You may have as many unaccented syllables between beats as you can pronounce without breaking the rhythm. :: And speaking of swap-lists, what am I offered for a copy, in reasonably good condition, of the "Necronomicon?" (Shut up, Helen! If I'm offered enough, I'll write one!) BIG FEUD ((Oboy, maybe I can work something up here!)) FORRY ACKERMAN SEZ: The foto illustrating that old adage, "A Burton the hand is Warth two in the APO" is certainly compro-MY-MY-zing, and has (s)inspired me to com-poesy this sine non qua-train: The Corn is Crane Is Burton vain About his bobby sex? When girls see Crane, Crane necks. BURTON CRANE REBUTTALS: 40 deplores The feelthy pheezical When Crane adores A girl who's squeezical. Necking, he cries, Is most unplusant And thus implies He doesn't. Poor 40! We're sorry!
Hevelin Fanzines