Fantascience Digest, v. 2, issue 2, January-February 1939
Page 14
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Page 14 FANTASCIENCE DIGEST for it would be manifestly unfair to those many readers of the magazine who do not like science fiction. They are still raving about "The Black Flame" by the late Stanley G. Weinbaum. There are a number who even acclaim to be the greatest s-f story of all time. Truly, it [[underline]]was[[end underline]] one of the greatest science fiction stories, ranking with the works of such men as A. Merritt, Austin Hall, and others.It was not really stf. so much as it was an adventue story laid in the future, and it was so well done as to make the works of most of the present day writers look sick in comparison. Welcome back, Charles D. Hornig! It is swell to have you editing a science fiction magazine once more. We ought to get a break now with some good stories, if you do as good a job as you did with the old Wonder Stories. And the title you picked is right to the point, and yet practically unbelievable in a science fiction magazine -- SCIENCE FICTION! Seems strange that about half of the active members of the PSFS should attend the Januar 8th meeting of the Queens SFL -- in fact, all of the officers were present; President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Even an inconspicuous member like Madle attended. (I resent that, Mr. Train--Editor). One could almsot call the meeting a convention , there were so many present. A lot of distinguished names, too -- Willy Ley, Charles D. Hornig, Julius Schwartz , Thomas S. Gardner, to mention a few. Willy Ley is a brilliant man; at present he is spending all of his time with his research work, writing an occasional article. He may act upon a suggestion of Thomas S. Gardner and try to secure a position teaching in a college -- and if he does, some college will get a real break! AMAZING NEWS By MARK REINSBERG At last! News that I know many fans have been waiting for is at hand. The new S-F magazine, heretofore rumored and hinted at, has materialized. Barring last minute changes, the magazine, to be edited by Palmer and published by Ziff-Davis, will be titled FANTASTIC ADVENTURES. The final OK on the project came about the 15th of December. If, for some reason, it doesn't hit the stands by January 20th or thereabouts, the magazine will probably be held over till the 20th of February. Data stands as follows at the present: It will be LARGE SIZE (8) and contain about 124 pages --- all in all, about 50% more reading matter than has AMAZING. The price will not exceed 25[[cent symbol]] and is likely to be as low as 15[[cent symbol]]. Among is proposed innovations is a front cover --- without a title strip, a new departure in science fiction, and an original type of fiction which I am sure the readers will approve of. As for quantity, one novel and four or five shorts seems to be the ratio decided on. This will bring the total of science fiction magazines on the market to eight, with prospects of even more! Can the market sustain that many? And is this, at very long last, the "Golden Age" of
Page 14 FANTASCIENCE DIGEST for it would be manifestly unfair to those many readers of the magazine who do not like science fiction. They are still raving about "The Black Flame" by the late Stanley G. Weinbaum. There are a number who even acclaim to be the greatest s-f story of all time. Truly, it [[underline]]was[[end underline]] one of the greatest science fiction stories, ranking with the works of such men as A. Merritt, Austin Hall, and others.It was not really stf. so much as it was an adventue story laid in the future, and it was so well done as to make the works of most of the present day writers look sick in comparison. Welcome back, Charles D. Hornig! It is swell to have you editing a science fiction magazine once more. We ought to get a break now with some good stories, if you do as good a job as you did with the old Wonder Stories. And the title you picked is right to the point, and yet practically unbelievable in a science fiction magazine -- SCIENCE FICTION! Seems strange that about half of the active members of the PSFS should attend the Januar 8th meeting of the Queens SFL -- in fact, all of the officers were present; President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Even an inconspicuous member like Madle attended. (I resent that, Mr. Train--Editor). One could almsot call the meeting a convention , there were so many present. A lot of distinguished names, too -- Willy Ley, Charles D. Hornig, Julius Schwartz , Thomas S. Gardner, to mention a few. Willy Ley is a brilliant man; at present he is spending all of his time with his research work, writing an occasional article. He may act upon a suggestion of Thomas S. Gardner and try to secure a position teaching in a college -- and if he does, some college will get a real break! AMAZING NEWS By MARK REINSBERG At last! News that I know many fans have been waiting for is at hand. The new S-F magazine, heretofore rumored and hinted at, has materialized. Barring last minute changes, the magazine, to be edited by Palmer and published by Ziff-Davis, will be titled FANTASTIC ADVENTURES. The final OK on the project came about the 15th of December. If, for some reason, it doesn't hit the stands by January 20th or thereabouts, the magazine will probably be held over till the 20th of February. Data stands as follows at the present: It will be LARGE SIZE (8) and contain about 124 pages --- all in all, about 50% more reading matter than has AMAZING. The price will not exceed 25[[cent symbol]] and is likely to be as low as 15[[cent symbol]]. Among is proposed innovations is a front cover --- without a title strip, a new departure in science fiction, and an original type of fiction which I am sure the readers will approve of. As for quantity, one novel and four or five shorts seems to be the ratio decided on. This will bring the total of science fiction magazines on the market to eight, with prospects of even more! Can the market sustain that many? And is this, at very long last, the "Golden Age" of
Hevelin Fanzines