Fantascience Digest, v. 2, issue 3, March-April 1939
Page 27
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FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 27 Agnew deserves credit. The title headings are all mighty neat, and the cuts are well-done; especially did I like the one for "The Readers Comment." Best liked material this issue was the short by Dennis, articles by Rothman and Pohl, and the columns of Train, Madle and Reinsberg. Couldn't you combine these last two; there seems no point in one column reviewing [[underline]]one[[end underline]] magazine, and the other reviewing all the rest. The questionaire is a treat to the memory; let's keep it. Mimeographing good. [[underline]]JACK SPEER[[end underline]]: Why not write clear across the page? If you do that, you'll not only be able to get more on each page, but you'll also be able to double-space between paragraphs and let the right-hand margins run free, without the paragraphs looking like the islands of the Pacific surrounded by oceans of white. [[underline]]C. J. WILHELM[[end underline]]: At last I've found a real fan magazine, the first, in my estimation, since Fantasy. I enjoyed every darn department. [[underline]]JOHN GIUNTA[[end underline]]: Agnew's cover is quite good. I did not expect him to make one so neat on his first attempt at stenciling. My congrats to him. Your own department clicks with me, and I would like to see it each issue. The best thing in it, I think, was the item about John Taine being featured in MARVEL.Boy, that is news! What need there be said about "AMAZING News" but that it is good? "Something Different" by Willis Conover, Jr., was good, unlike "Whither Science Fiction," which failed to please me. All the rest of the material was quite good. [[underline]]DALE HART[[end underline]]: Agnew had a pretty good cover, but the title lettering should have been shaded. I liked Mand's story--which is surprising, for I'm not overly fond of the pure weird tale. Warner's piece interesting and timely. Moskowitz had a nice tribute to Keller. Pohl, with one of his not-too-numerous articles, pleased me no end. Madle's new column is just the thing and Rothman's academic piece was a real contribution. Train and Agnew presented nice articlettes on their favorite s-f story. Train had his usual good column. Reinsberg has the column I always latch into first--you must have him to sign a long-term contract with FD. "Out of Space" was a nifty bit of fan fiction. And I wish you would keep the quiz as a feature. As to Conover, his burlesque was thoroughly enjoyable, and I move that more on this order be published. Thompson's half-page whimsy is, I believe, the most meritorious piece from his pen. Keep the readers' column at four pages. Cloukey contributed an ok item and the filler about MIRACLE STORIES was all right. ---- Summing it up: a great issue and a great improvement. [[underline]]FARNSWORTH WRIGHT[[end underline]]: The current issue of Fantascience Digest is quite intriguing. Congratulations. [[underline]]MELVIN C. SCHMIDT[[end underline]]: I received the Jan-Feb issue of the FD a few days ago and was surprised at the improvement over all former issues I have received. The mimeographing was good; the departments and columns were uniformly interesting. [[underline]]WALTER SULLIVAN[[end underline]]: You sure did a good job of mimeographing on the Jan-Feb issue. It is much better than most mimeographed magazines. The cover is one of the best illustrations I have yet seen by Agnew. I do not think that "Keller the Great" was up to Moskowitz's usual standard. I liked your "Science Fiction Spotlight" very much; the same applies to Warner's article. Keep the readers' department as long as possible. (We are sorry that many interesting letters were necessarily crowded out of this issue--Editor)
FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 27 Agnew deserves credit. The title headings are all mighty neat, and the cuts are well-done; especially did I like the one for "The Readers Comment." Best liked material this issue was the short by Dennis, articles by Rothman and Pohl, and the columns of Train, Madle and Reinsberg. Couldn't you combine these last two; there seems no point in one column reviewing [[underline]]one[[end underline]] magazine, and the other reviewing all the rest. The questionaire is a treat to the memory; let's keep it. Mimeographing good. [[underline]]JACK SPEER[[end underline]]: Why not write clear across the page? If you do that, you'll not only be able to get more on each page, but you'll also be able to double-space between paragraphs and let the right-hand margins run free, without the paragraphs looking like the islands of the Pacific surrounded by oceans of white. [[underline]]C. J. WILHELM[[end underline]]: At last I've found a real fan magazine, the first, in my estimation, since Fantasy. I enjoyed every darn department. [[underline]]JOHN GIUNTA[[end underline]]: Agnew's cover is quite good. I did not expect him to make one so neat on his first attempt at stenciling. My congrats to him. Your own department clicks with me, and I would like to see it each issue. The best thing in it, I think, was the item about John Taine being featured in MARVEL.Boy, that is news! What need there be said about "AMAZING News" but that it is good? "Something Different" by Willis Conover, Jr., was good, unlike "Whither Science Fiction," which failed to please me. All the rest of the material was quite good. [[underline]]DALE HART[[end underline]]: Agnew had a pretty good cover, but the title lettering should have been shaded. I liked Mand's story--which is surprising, for I'm not overly fond of the pure weird tale. Warner's piece interesting and timely. Moskowitz had a nice tribute to Keller. Pohl, with one of his not-too-numerous articles, pleased me no end. Madle's new column is just the thing and Rothman's academic piece was a real contribution. Train and Agnew presented nice articlettes on their favorite s-f story. Train had his usual good column. Reinsberg has the column I always latch into first--you must have him to sign a long-term contract with FD. "Out of Space" was a nifty bit of fan fiction. And I wish you would keep the quiz as a feature. As to Conover, his burlesque was thoroughly enjoyable, and I move that more on this order be published. Thompson's half-page whimsy is, I believe, the most meritorious piece from his pen. Keep the readers' column at four pages. Cloukey contributed an ok item and the filler about MIRACLE STORIES was all right. ---- Summing it up: a great issue and a great improvement. [[underline]]FARNSWORTH WRIGHT[[end underline]]: The current issue of Fantascience Digest is quite intriguing. Congratulations. [[underline]]MELVIN C. SCHMIDT[[end underline]]: I received the Jan-Feb issue of the FD a few days ago and was surprised at the improvement over all former issues I have received. The mimeographing was good; the departments and columns were uniformly interesting. [[underline]]WALTER SULLIVAN[[end underline]]: You sure did a good job of mimeographing on the Jan-Feb issue. It is much better than most mimeographed magazines. The cover is one of the best illustrations I have yet seen by Agnew. I do not think that "Keller the Great" was up to Moskowitz's usual standard. I liked your "Science Fiction Spotlight" very much; the same applies to Warner's article. Keep the readers' department as long as possible. (We are sorry that many interesting letters were necessarily crowded out of this issue--Editor)
Hevelin Fanzines