Fantascience Digest, v. 2, issue 3, March-April 1939
Page 29
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FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 29 WITH ALL THESE MAGAZINES COMPETING IN THE SAME FIELD SOMEBODY IS GOING TO USE ANYBODY'S LOUSY LITERATURE! - Or - [[underline]]A Budding Genius Bursts in Bloom[[end underline]] At writing scientifiction, he thought he was a whiz. He knew what a brontosaurus and a epiglottis is. See? He knew a little botany, and a little less of laws Like those of Newton, Schiaparelli, and others just because He once went to kindergarten, and then through the 7th grade And picked up lots of learning -- but, oh! The marks he made! His grammar was deplorable; his plots they stunk (or stank?) But he couldn't get another job his brain it was so dank. So a friend suggested to him, as he bemoaned in sobbing gulps, "You could at least get paid for writing. Only try the pulps!" This author saw the newsstands and a science fiction magazine, And as he clearly put it, "It was my career just then I seen." So he talked about an atom, and discoursed upon a ray And he thought up a mad professor who was always in the way. He stirred this up with protons, and cosmic thing-a-ma-bobs. And said, "Shucks, this is easy. Why ever'body could have jobs." First crack he up and sold it to a magazine that called his bluff Only because the other magazines had bought up the other stuff. Therefore a brand new author was injected on the scene To stick us with the crappy things invented in his bean. His editor did the simplest thing -- he committed suicide By reading what he'd printed, and then laughed until he died. -----Fred W. Fischer [[underline]]SCIENCE ADVENTURE STORIES[[end underline]] The current issue features 64 hektograhped pages of fiction by Milton A. Rothman, Richard Wilson, Jr., Sam Moskowitz, Oswald Train, and Milton H. Asquith. Science Adventures Stories is one of the largest fan magazines being published today and undoubtedly the leader in the fan-fiction field. Send 15[[cent symbol]] to Editor Oswald Train for a smaple copy. Address: 3507 N. Sydenham Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Also obtainable from the same address is the PSFS NEWS, the monthly publication of the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society.10[[cent symbol]] [[underline]]SCIENCE FICTION COLLECTOR[[end underline]] The Collector is one of the oldest fan magazines, almost three years old. This hektographed fan publication features material by the following fan writers each issue; Oswald Train, Milton A. Rothman, Jack Chapman Miske, John V. Valtadonis, Robert A. Madle, Sam Moskowitz, and many others. The Collector is now being published irregularly at three issues for 25[[cent symbol]]---John V. Baltadonis, 1700 Frankford Avenue, Philadelpha,Pa. Please mention FANTASCIENCE DIGEST when answering advertisement.
FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 29 WITH ALL THESE MAGAZINES COMPETING IN THE SAME FIELD SOMEBODY IS GOING TO USE ANYBODY'S LOUSY LITERATURE! - Or - [[underline]]A Budding Genius Bursts in Bloom[[end underline]] At writing scientifiction, he thought he was a whiz. He knew what a brontosaurus and a epiglottis is. See? He knew a little botany, and a little less of laws Like those of Newton, Schiaparelli, and others just because He once went to kindergarten, and then through the 7th grade And picked up lots of learning -- but, oh! The marks he made! His grammar was deplorable; his plots they stunk (or stank?) But he couldn't get another job his brain it was so dank. So a friend suggested to him, as he bemoaned in sobbing gulps, "You could at least get paid for writing. Only try the pulps!" This author saw the newsstands and a science fiction magazine, And as he clearly put it, "It was my career just then I seen." So he talked about an atom, and discoursed upon a ray And he thought up a mad professor who was always in the way. He stirred this up with protons, and cosmic thing-a-ma-bobs. And said, "Shucks, this is easy. Why ever'body could have jobs." First crack he up and sold it to a magazine that called his bluff Only because the other magazines had bought up the other stuff. Therefore a brand new author was injected on the scene To stick us with the crappy things invented in his bean. His editor did the simplest thing -- he committed suicide By reading what he'd printed, and then laughed until he died. -----Fred W. Fischer [[underline]]SCIENCE ADVENTURE STORIES[[end underline]] The current issue features 64 hektograhped pages of fiction by Milton A. Rothman, Richard Wilson, Jr., Sam Moskowitz, Oswald Train, and Milton H. Asquith. Science Adventures Stories is one of the largest fan magazines being published today and undoubtedly the leader in the fan-fiction field. Send 15[[cent symbol]] to Editor Oswald Train for a smaple copy. Address: 3507 N. Sydenham Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Also obtainable from the same address is the PSFS NEWS, the monthly publication of the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society.10[[cent symbol]] [[underline]]SCIENCE FICTION COLLECTOR[[end underline]] The Collector is one of the oldest fan magazines, almost three years old. This hektographed fan publication features material by the following fan writers each issue; Oswald Train, Milton A. Rothman, Jack Chapman Miske, John V. Valtadonis, Robert A. Madle, Sam Moskowitz, and many others. The Collector is now being published irregularly at three issues for 25[[cent symbol]]---John V. Baltadonis, 1700 Frankford Avenue, Philadelpha,Pa. Please mention FANTASCIENCE DIGEST when answering advertisement.
Hevelin Fanzines