Fantascience Digest, v. 2, issue 3, March-April 1939
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ADVERTISEMENTS Rates: 1/4[[cent symbol]] per word, 25[[cent symbol]] per quarter-page, 50[[cent symbol]] per half-page, and $1 for a full page spread. If you desire to read an attractive, mimeographed magazine of 24 pages, then send 25[[cent symbol]] for a three issue subscription to SPACEWAYS, the magazine for the interested fan. Everything science fiction readers desire is contained in this publication; short fiction, news columns, poetry, etc. Send your subscription to Harry Warner, Jr., 311 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Md. I have many amateur fan publications which I wish to exchange for professional magazines I do not have. When writing, please state what you have to trade. I need magazines before 1933.--Jack Agnew, 2308 E. Belgrade St., Phila., Pa. If you wish to complete your s-f collections, write to me, stating specifically what you desire. I have many issues of SCIENCE WONDER, Clayton ASTOUNDINGS, etc. ---Robert A. Madle, 333 E. Belgrade St., Philadelphia, Pa. FANTASY NEWS, the regular weekly science fiction newspaper that supplies you with news while it is news! 5[[cent symbol]] per copy, three issues for a dime.---James V. Taurasi, 137-07 32nd Avenue, Flushing, N.Y. Nils H. Frome and Robert G. Thompson are among those who have stories in the latest issue of SCIENTI-TALES. 15[[cent symbol]] a copy from John Giunta, 1355 80 Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. BACK ISSUES OF FANTASCIENCE DIGEST: Vol. 1, No. 2, 3, and 4; 15[[cent symbol]] a copy; Nos. 5 and 6, 10[[cent symbol]] a copy. Vol. 2, No. 1, 10[[cent symbol]] a copy. Vol. 2, No. 2, 15[[cent symbol]] a copy. -- 333 E. Belgrade St., Philadelphia, Pa. The WORLD SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION will be held July 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, in New York City.Be there! [[underline]]F A N T A S C I E N C E D I G E S T[[end underline]] 333 E. Belgrade St. Philadelphia, Pa. Return Postage Guaranteed SEND TO: Morojo Box 6475-Met. Station Los Angeles, Calif.
ADVERTISEMENTS Rates: 1/4[[cent symbol]] per word, 25[[cent symbol]] per quarter-page, 50[[cent symbol]] per half-page, and $1 for a full page spread. If you desire to read an attractive, mimeographed magazine of 24 pages, then send 25[[cent symbol]] for a three issue subscription to SPACEWAYS, the magazine for the interested fan. Everything science fiction readers desire is contained in this publication; short fiction, news columns, poetry, etc. Send your subscription to Harry Warner, Jr., 311 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Md. I have many amateur fan publications which I wish to exchange for professional magazines I do not have. When writing, please state what you have to trade. I need magazines before 1933.--Jack Agnew, 2308 E. Belgrade St., Phila., Pa. If you wish to complete your s-f collections, write to me, stating specifically what you desire. I have many issues of SCIENCE WONDER, Clayton ASTOUNDINGS, etc. ---Robert A. Madle, 333 E. Belgrade St., Philadelphia, Pa. FANTASY NEWS, the regular weekly science fiction newspaper that supplies you with news while it is news! 5[[cent symbol]] per copy, three issues for a dime.---James V. Taurasi, 137-07 32nd Avenue, Flushing, N.Y. Nils H. Frome and Robert G. Thompson are among those who have stories in the latest issue of SCIENTI-TALES. 15[[cent symbol]] a copy from John Giunta, 1355 80 Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. BACK ISSUES OF FANTASCIENCE DIGEST: Vol. 1, No. 2, 3, and 4; 15[[cent symbol]] a copy; Nos. 5 and 6, 10[[cent symbol]] a copy. Vol. 2, No. 1, 10[[cent symbol]] a copy. Vol. 2, No. 2, 15[[cent symbol]] a copy. -- 333 E. Belgrade St., Philadelphia, Pa. The WORLD SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION will be held July 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, in New York City.Be there! [[underline]]F A N T A S C I E N C E D I G E S T[[end underline]] 333 E. Belgrade St. Philadelphia, Pa. Return Postage Guaranteed SEND TO: Morojo Box 6475-Met. Station Los Angeles, Calif.
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