Fantods, whole no. 9, Winter 1945
Page 11
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EFTY-NINE page 11 R E V I S T A [[illustration text]] REW 44 [[end illustration text]] oyez! judgment is about to be passed on the twenty-ninth mailing...... PANTY RAISER: Curtain raiser. Also eyebrow raiser. Tsk, ME! FAN-DANGO: Loose sheets can be bound without overcasting. At least I've had good results with the old Amazings, ca 1927. These have the alleged "perfect" binding, single sheets and a glued spine--a headache for the amateur binder. So I stitched convenient numbers of the sheets together (with aid of fambly sewing machine) to form signatures, ala victory-bound Efties, and sewed these tapes (fout to cords!) in the regular manner - omitting, of course, the slit-sawing. The binding seems substantial enow, despite decrepitude of the pulpaper and havoc of a previous, barbarous attempt at binding. Bbinding, by the way, seems like the obvious alter-hobby for the fan. . . . . . Fran, I was quite unaware that I'd called you a woim until you mentioned the fact. Then dawn broke. Ghod, but I'm subtle!
EFTY-NINE page 11 R E V I S T A [[illustration text]] REW 44 [[end illustration text]] oyez! judgment is about to be passed on the twenty-ninth mailing...... PANTY RAISER: Curtain raiser. Also eyebrow raiser. Tsk, ME! FAN-DANGO: Loose sheets can be bound without overcasting. At least I've had good results with the old Amazings, ca 1927. These have the alleged "perfect" binding, single sheets and a glued spine--a headache for the amateur binder. So I stitched convenient numbers of the sheets together (with aid of fambly sewing machine) to form signatures, ala victory-bound Efties, and sewed these tapes (fout to cords!) in the regular manner - omitting, of course, the slit-sawing. The binding seems substantial enow, despite decrepitude of the pulpaper and havoc of a previous, barbarous attempt at binding. Bbinding, by the way, seems like the obvious alter-hobby for the fan. . . . . . Fran, I was quite unaware that I'd called you a woim until you mentioned the fact. Then dawn broke. Ghod, but I'm subtle!
Hevelin Fanzines