Spacewarp, v. 5, issue 4, whole no. 28, July 1949
Page 20
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FILE THIRTEEN: Interesting stuff. (Thanx, Redd, for the kind comment concerning "Archie." Such praise is indeed sweet.) COVER: Nakedly speaking, you need a sequel to it showing the egg hatched.....No doubt, it was an illustration for PROBLEM IN ORNITHOLOGY... Re Clark Ashton Smith, I liked the one story I have read of his -- an Avon Fantasy Reader selection it was ... "The Flower Women". Did anybody else read and like that story -- or dislike it? Fannishly, BILL WARREN 'Lo chum, This ain't Tucker speaking, but Edeo. Anyhow, I got the new WARP today with the medium luscious nude on the cover. Hope that sticky-paper held on all the copies you sent out! Noticed in the recent FAPAmailing where somebody (Rothman?) took a lusty cut at the Forteans too. When the correspondence between Russ Woodman (ardent Forteanist) and I was at its height, he had the Society flood my box with crud. I got a DOUBT full of flying saucer stuff plus application blank. Then I got two or three more blanks from Russ, plus more crud. It was mostly from Russ that the anti-scientist stuff came to my attention. Never thot they were like that. Anyway, my opinions on the FS coincide with yours, Rothman's (if it were he) and most others. On this mimeo-hekto thing: Why not do the hekto first, then cut the stencil from the hekto copy? Put toothpicks in the jelly in 2 places (or more) so the sheet won't pass them and your hekto will be identical (as possible). It wouldn't ruin the jelly plate since the tooth pick holes would be on the outside margin of the pic and future pics. Then, as I said, make the stencil from the hekto. If it is feasible, that is. If the stencil can be aligned so that the mimeo copies can be sure of hitting the hekto shoots where you want them as they come thru the roller. (Does this make sense?) ((Yeah, but it sounds sort of complicated.)) Well, if Redd isn't sued by FPCI and/or Wells for his SKY HOOK blast, this might also give him a hot time! That SkHk blast tears me between two sides. Redd and Basil are, I believe, good friends of mine. Now what to do? I don't entirely agree with him (in FILE 13) but it makes no difference. I violently disagree with him in SKY HOOK tho. But I'll leave that now. Will Boggs end up like Wilson? Fans, just stay in fandom long enough and we'll see! Abeaver, ED COX ((Now to take up Ray Nelson's elongated epistle that we had to cut off in the middle last month)): Speaking of amoralism, maybe us sexocrats[[?]] and you Roscoists can get together. We have a wonderful motto, you know. "Do you want sexual pleasure? Join the sexocrats! We will reorganize society in such a way as to provide the maximum amount of sexual pleasure for every citizen!" Since a Roscoe, as any inhabitant of the underworld knows, is an automatic pistol,- we ought to get along just fine. WE provide the Cause; YOU provide the ways and means. (i.e. Roscoes.) The Revolution is upon us! VIVA LA ROSCOE!! Bang! Bang! Bang! Fizzle. Yers[[?]], RAY NELSON (20)
FILE THIRTEEN: Interesting stuff. (Thanx, Redd, for the kind comment concerning "Archie." Such praise is indeed sweet.) COVER: Nakedly speaking, you need a sequel to it showing the egg hatched.....No doubt, it was an illustration for PROBLEM IN ORNITHOLOGY... Re Clark Ashton Smith, I liked the one story I have read of his -- an Avon Fantasy Reader selection it was ... "The Flower Women". Did anybody else read and like that story -- or dislike it? Fannishly, BILL WARREN 'Lo chum, This ain't Tucker speaking, but Edeo. Anyhow, I got the new WARP today with the medium luscious nude on the cover. Hope that sticky-paper held on all the copies you sent out! Noticed in the recent FAPAmailing where somebody (Rothman?) took a lusty cut at the Forteans too. When the correspondence between Russ Woodman (ardent Forteanist) and I was at its height, he had the Society flood my box with crud. I got a DOUBT full of flying saucer stuff plus application blank. Then I got two or three more blanks from Russ, plus more crud. It was mostly from Russ that the anti-scientist stuff came to my attention. Never thot they were like that. Anyway, my opinions on the FS coincide with yours, Rothman's (if it were he) and most others. On this mimeo-hekto thing: Why not do the hekto first, then cut the stencil from the hekto copy? Put toothpicks in the jelly in 2 places (or more) so the sheet won't pass them and your hekto will be identical (as possible). It wouldn't ruin the jelly plate since the tooth pick holes would be on the outside margin of the pic and future pics. Then, as I said, make the stencil from the hekto. If it is feasible, that is. If the stencil can be aligned so that the mimeo copies can be sure of hitting the hekto shoots where you want them as they come thru the roller. (Does this make sense?) ((Yeah, but it sounds sort of complicated.)) Well, if Redd isn't sued by FPCI and/or Wells for his SKY HOOK blast, this might also give him a hot time! That SkHk blast tears me between two sides. Redd and Basil are, I believe, good friends of mine. Now what to do? I don't entirely agree with him (in FILE 13) but it makes no difference. I violently disagree with him in SKY HOOK tho. But I'll leave that now. Will Boggs end up like Wilson? Fans, just stay in fandom long enough and we'll see! Abeaver, ED COX ((Now to take up Ray Nelson's elongated epistle that we had to cut off in the middle last month)): Speaking of amoralism, maybe us sexocrats[[?]] and you Roscoists can get together. We have a wonderful motto, you know. "Do you want sexual pleasure? Join the sexocrats! We will reorganize society in such a way as to provide the maximum amount of sexual pleasure for every citizen!" Since a Roscoe, as any inhabitant of the underworld knows, is an automatic pistol,- we ought to get along just fine. WE provide the Cause; YOU provide the ways and means. (i.e. Roscoes.) The Revolution is upon us! VIVA LA ROSCOE!! Bang! Bang! Bang! Fizzle. Yers[[?]], RAY NELSON (20)
Hevelin Fanzines