Yhos, whole no. 13, 1944
Page 17
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MAN! However, dragging in the religious or mystical is not essential. The history article is also excellent, & i've only one thing to add. " the early days kings & high nobles actually felt that the common people were as different from themselves as tho they were horses or cattle." I would like to point out that this attitude is not dead by a long shot. Unfortunately i don't have the book here to quote directly, but in "We Cannot Escape History" John Whitaker reports an interview with one of France's deputies, who said, among other revolting things, when Whitaker condemned the outright slaughter of civilians & captives: "Do pigs have rights?".... This is also in line with a rather surprising statement of yours in the statesmanship article: "A man who (has not)....come into touch with the....common people, should never be allowed to control (their) destinies. Business is not run that way...." Since when have big business men been in touch with the cp? A good many of them feel the way the infamous Spaniard does, altho they know better than to come out & say so. They may not be actually Fascist, but they feel that anything is ok as long as it preserves or abets the status quo. It's as if a doctor were watching a man being beaten up by thugs, &c failed to do anything in his behalf; rationalizing that he was a doctor & not a policeman, & besides he might get a fat fee from attending to the victim afterward..... INSPIRATION 3-2: One gets the impression that you are so afraid of being thot egotistic that you lea over backward in the extent of your indulgence in self-deprecation. There are no less than five such references on the first 3 pages. Then you get warmed up to a subject & forget about your self. I don't know who has been reading you bedtime stories, but some of your ideas on politics & economics are out in left field with a catcher's mitt. 17
MAN! However, dragging in the religious or mystical is not essential. The history article is also excellent, & i've only one thing to add. " the early days kings & high nobles actually felt that the common people were as different from themselves as tho they were horses or cattle." I would like to point out that this attitude is not dead by a long shot. Unfortunately i don't have the book here to quote directly, but in "We Cannot Escape History" John Whitaker reports an interview with one of France's deputies, who said, among other revolting things, when Whitaker condemned the outright slaughter of civilians & captives: "Do pigs have rights?".... This is also in line with a rather surprising statement of yours in the statesmanship article: "A man who (has not)....come into touch with the....common people, should never be allowed to control (their) destinies. Business is not run that way...." Since when have big business men been in touch with the cp? A good many of them feel the way the infamous Spaniard does, altho they know better than to come out & say so. They may not be actually Fascist, but they feel that anything is ok as long as it preserves or abets the status quo. It's as if a doctor were watching a man being beaten up by thugs, &c failed to do anything in his behalf; rationalizing that he was a doctor & not a policeman, & besides he might get a fat fee from attending to the victim afterward..... INSPIRATION 3-2: One gets the impression that you are so afraid of being thot egotistic that you lea over backward in the extent of your indulgence in self-deprecation. There are no less than five such references on the first 3 pages. Then you get warmed up to a subject & forget about your self. I don't know who has been reading you bedtime stories, but some of your ideas on politics & economics are out in left field with a catcher's mitt. 17
Hevelin Fanzines