Yhos, whole no. 13, 1944
Page 21
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LANDSCAPES BY MILTY _______________________________________ ___________________ I - Luna ______________ _______________________________________ Crystals of brittle glitter snow sparkling white on jet shadow black silence sharp with points of ice star stung sky with violent global sun-fire poised in balance near soft-hued Tellus II - Venus fog.... damp, dripping, writing -- smothers the sticky bog undulating with scaly monsters raging in storm-lashed, mindless conflict. violent life walks with violent death thru frenzied seas smothered in half-light torn by the flare & flash of world-fire ripping thru planet crust. III - Mars Thin winds wail o'er red sand plain Thru sky long destitute of rain. Cold hangs still in sheets of grief For those whose stay was all too brief. Dry, dead domes of year-torn clay Stand ringed with fragile bones that lay In poignant patterns where there died Desperate hope & conquered pride.... 21
LANDSCAPES BY MILTY _______________________________________ ___________________ I - Luna ______________ _______________________________________ Crystals of brittle glitter snow sparkling white on jet shadow black silence sharp with points of ice star stung sky with violent global sun-fire poised in balance near soft-hued Tellus II - Venus fog.... damp, dripping, writing -- smothers the sticky bog undulating with scaly monsters raging in storm-lashed, mindless conflict. violent life walks with violent death thru frenzied seas smothered in half-light torn by the flare & flash of world-fire ripping thru planet crust. III - Mars Thin winds wail o'er red sand plain Thru sky long destitute of rain. Cold hangs still in sheets of grief For those whose stay was all too brief. Dry, dead domes of year-torn clay Stand ringed with fragile bones that lay In poignant patterns where there died Desperate hope & conquered pride.... 21
Hevelin Fanzines