Fantasite, v. 1, issue 4, July 1941
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THE FANTASITE Official Organ of the Minneapolis Fantasy Society A STARLIGHT PUBLICATION JULY 1941 VOL. 1 No. Four FICTION The World Accursed...Samuel D. Russell...Page 6 Bluebeard...Donn Brazier...Page 21 ARTICLES Some Notes on the Immortals...L. R. Chauvenet...Page 11 Why the Solaroids Abandoned the Proposed Newarkon...Gerry de la Ree...Page 13 Scientifiction-Specialized...lew Martin...Page 16 FEATURES MFS Members as seen by Squanchfoot...Page 15 Among the Hams and Pros...Joe Gilbert & Harry Jenkins...Page 17 MFS Notes...John Chapman...Page 23 Fanta-Notes...The Editor...Page 4 Advertisements---Pges. 5, 22, 25 Artwork---FRONT COVER -- Phil Bronson, FRONTISPIECE -- Bob Jones --- Published and edited bi-monthly by Phil Bronson, 224 West 6th St., Hastings, Minn. Single copy 10c, three issues 25c, six issues subscriptions 50c. Money for subscriptions may be remitted in the form of coin or small denomination U. S. stamps. Trade subs or ads welcome, as are any and all contributions. Ad rates: quarter-page 35c, half-page 40c, full page 75c. We assume no responsibility for anything in this issue resembling an advertisement for VOM.
THE FANTASITE Official Organ of the Minneapolis Fantasy Society A STARLIGHT PUBLICATION JULY 1941 VOL. 1 No. Four FICTION The World Accursed...Samuel D. Russell...Page 6 Bluebeard...Donn Brazier...Page 21 ARTICLES Some Notes on the Immortals...L. R. Chauvenet...Page 11 Why the Solaroids Abandoned the Proposed Newarkon...Gerry de la Ree...Page 13 Scientifiction-Specialized...lew Martin...Page 16 FEATURES MFS Members as seen by Squanchfoot...Page 15 Among the Hams and Pros...Joe Gilbert & Harry Jenkins...Page 17 MFS Notes...John Chapman...Page 23 Fanta-Notes...The Editor...Page 4 Advertisements---Pges. 5, 22, 25 Artwork---FRONT COVER -- Phil Bronson, FRONTISPIECE -- Bob Jones --- Published and edited bi-monthly by Phil Bronson, 224 West 6th St., Hastings, Minn. Single copy 10c, three issues 25c, six issues subscriptions 50c. Money for subscriptions may be remitted in the form of coin or small denomination U. S. stamps. Trade subs or ads welcome, as are any and all contributions. Ad rates: quarter-page 35c, half-page 40c, full page 75c. We assume no responsibility for anything in this issue resembling an advertisement for VOM.
Hevelin Fanzines