Fantasite, v. 1, issue 4, July 1941
Page 8
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THE FANTASITE 8 [[illustration]] -BRONSON- possibility. The Norlai were familiar with many such marauding races---the Bocrazi, the Stronotordla, the Lamartudu, and others---beings with a fierce racial pride that drove them to slaughter all creatures weaker than themselves. For so long a time that it had become a tradition the Nolari had been warring with them and lately had seemed to be winning; but it might well be that in this unknown section of the galaxy some new destructive breed had arisen, unchecked as yet. And so a new duty presented itself: they would have to search for both the attacked inhabitants of the planet and the attacking fiends from the void. Across the sprawling continent flashed the eight gleaming figures, darting down to investigate whenever they saw the remains of a town, and finding ever the same dismal loneliness. The unknown marauders had been diabolically through in their work; they had spared not even the smallest group fo dwellings. The thoroughness was the more remarkable in view of the evidence that they were relatively as immature as their victims. Examination of the ruined buildings disclosed that they had been demolished not by the efficient heat beams and force discharges of the races whom the Nolari knew, but by clumsy and erratic explosions, probably of unstable chemical compounds. Great indeed must have been the attackers' hatred and ferocity, to have accomplished such a vast destruction with such awkward weapons and to have persevered until all their victims had been annihilated! For it was now evident that nothing less than a complete extermination had been intended and had apparently taken place. Yet the Nolari continued their search, in the hope that there might still linger somewhere a survivor, whose mind could be probed and made to reveal the identity of the vanished attackers. The three discoveries were made by separate parties but within a comparitively short period of time. First, the group in one of the southen continents came across the not-long-dead body of one of the planet's former inhabitants. They recognized it as such
THE FANTASITE 8 [[illustration]] -BRONSON- possibility. The Norlai were familiar with many such marauding races---the Bocrazi, the Stronotordla, the Lamartudu, and others---beings with a fierce racial pride that drove them to slaughter all creatures weaker than themselves. For so long a time that it had become a tradition the Nolari had been warring with them and lately had seemed to be winning; but it might well be that in this unknown section of the galaxy some new destructive breed had arisen, unchecked as yet. And so a new duty presented itself: they would have to search for both the attacked inhabitants of the planet and the attacking fiends from the void. Across the sprawling continent flashed the eight gleaming figures, darting down to investigate whenever they saw the remains of a town, and finding ever the same dismal loneliness. The unknown marauders had been diabolically through in their work; they had spared not even the smallest group fo dwellings. The thoroughness was the more remarkable in view of the evidence that they were relatively as immature as their victims. Examination of the ruined buildings disclosed that they had been demolished not by the efficient heat beams and force discharges of the races whom the Nolari knew, but by clumsy and erratic explosions, probably of unstable chemical compounds. Great indeed must have been the attackers' hatred and ferocity, to have accomplished such a vast destruction with such awkward weapons and to have persevered until all their victims had been annihilated! For it was now evident that nothing less than a complete extermination had been intended and had apparently taken place. Yet the Nolari continued their search, in the hope that there might still linger somewhere a survivor, whose mind could be probed and made to reveal the identity of the vanished attackers. The three discoveries were made by separate parties but within a comparitively short period of time. First, the group in one of the southen continents came across the not-long-dead body of one of the planet's former inhabitants. They recognized it as such
Hevelin Fanzines