Fantasite, v. 1, issue 4, July 1941
Page 10
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THE FANTASITE 10 the alien world rose in unison and streaked through the air toward their several vessels from space. Brightly flashed the rays of the yellow sun on their glistening garments and ivory wings, but headlong they hurried as iff fleeing from something utterly monstrous and revolting. Upon reaching the great silver spheres in their mountain sanctums, the explorers ejected the two specimens they had collected, sealed the doors, and swiftly drove the ships out into the vacuum of space. There the vessels collected and shot off into the cold clean darkness of the interstellar void. But though their speed increased till it rivaled that of light itself, the news of the discovery sped before them, and all the myriad intelligences of the numberless worlds in the galaxy knew their story at once. For matter is tangible and must obey the physical laws of creation, but thought is of other dimensions than ours and travels instantaneously. So as the leader of the Nolari proclaimed his message, the countless minds of the island-universe listened and took note: "Among the varied worlds of our galaxy are many that are inimical[[?]] to life, and some whose inhabitants pillage and devastate their neighbors. But this day we of the Nolari have found a world that reaches the ultimate in pervertedness and horror, a world that mocks at the most sacred laws of nature and life. Therefore, the Nolari do now arn all ye who hear, that ye shall shun and avoid the nine-planet system of the yellow sun from which we have just come, and most particularly the third world of that system. Henceforth it shall be a world accursed, and the virus of its life-forms shall be allowed to wear itself out in silence and in solitude. For the life of that world is of madness and horror born, and surpasses all other living things of our galaxy in twisted depravity. Know ye then, that this world is the home of Man---Man, the animal who kills his brother---Man, the race that has murdered itself!" And the minds of the galaxy took heed, and passed on the warning to the generations that followed them, so that the words were never forgotten, not even after the great race of the Nolari had utterly decayed and died out. Throughout the succeeding eons many life-forms sprang into being, whose space-lanes came to enmesh all the void, but never di any profane, as had Man, the inviolate laws of race-preservation. Silent and ghostly, shunned and avoided, alone and unmourned, the third world of the yellow sun rides the ether on its inscrutable journey down the long corridors of infinity. And thus shall it drift until time has no meaning and the universe runs down and all things dissolve into the dust and coldness whence they came. Herewith another of the all too frequent apologies that appear in this issue: In the blank space above the ad for THE SOUTHERN STAR, on page 22, should be the heading, "HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO ATZOR?" Of course we fully realize that telling you like this does no earthly good, but we don't want to incur the wrath of six-footer Gilbert inasmuch as we shall meet him at the Denvention. And then again, we were simply in desperation for a filler to place int his quarter-age. Will the following gents please forgive us for not replying to their missives in orthodox manner -- Phil Schumann, Bill Grovemen, Blaine R. Dunmire, Tom Wright and Bob Jones. We have been so pressed for time of late that the replies due the above people will, we fear, have to wait until we are settled in sunny California.
THE FANTASITE 10 the alien world rose in unison and streaked through the air toward their several vessels from space. Brightly flashed the rays of the yellow sun on their glistening garments and ivory wings, but headlong they hurried as iff fleeing from something utterly monstrous and revolting. Upon reaching the great silver spheres in their mountain sanctums, the explorers ejected the two specimens they had collected, sealed the doors, and swiftly drove the ships out into the vacuum of space. There the vessels collected and shot off into the cold clean darkness of the interstellar void. But though their speed increased till it rivaled that of light itself, the news of the discovery sped before them, and all the myriad intelligences of the numberless worlds in the galaxy knew their story at once. For matter is tangible and must obey the physical laws of creation, but thought is of other dimensions than ours and travels instantaneously. So as the leader of the Nolari proclaimed his message, the countless minds of the island-universe listened and took note: "Among the varied worlds of our galaxy are many that are inimical[[?]] to life, and some whose inhabitants pillage and devastate their neighbors. But this day we of the Nolari have found a world that reaches the ultimate in pervertedness and horror, a world that mocks at the most sacred laws of nature and life. Therefore, the Nolari do now arn all ye who hear, that ye shall shun and avoid the nine-planet system of the yellow sun from which we have just come, and most particularly the third world of that system. Henceforth it shall be a world accursed, and the virus of its life-forms shall be allowed to wear itself out in silence and in solitude. For the life of that world is of madness and horror born, and surpasses all other living things of our galaxy in twisted depravity. Know ye then, that this world is the home of Man---Man, the animal who kills his brother---Man, the race that has murdered itself!" And the minds of the galaxy took heed, and passed on the warning to the generations that followed them, so that the words were never forgotten, not even after the great race of the Nolari had utterly decayed and died out. Throughout the succeeding eons many life-forms sprang into being, whose space-lanes came to enmesh all the void, but never di any profane, as had Man, the inviolate laws of race-preservation. Silent and ghostly, shunned and avoided, alone and unmourned, the third world of the yellow sun rides the ether on its inscrutable journey down the long corridors of infinity. And thus shall it drift until time has no meaning and the universe runs down and all things dissolve into the dust and coldness whence they came. Herewith another of the all too frequent apologies that appear in this issue: In the blank space above the ad for THE SOUTHERN STAR, on page 22, should be the heading, "HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO ATZOR?" Of course we fully realize that telling you like this does no earthly good, but we don't want to incur the wrath of six-footer Gilbert inasmuch as we shall meet him at the Denvention. And then again, we were simply in desperation for a filler to place int his quarter-age. Will the following gents please forgive us for not replying to their missives in orthodox manner -- Phil Schumann, Bill Grovemen, Blaine R. Dunmire, Tom Wright and Bob Jones. We have been so pressed for time of late that the replies due the above people will, we fear, have to wait until we are settled in sunny California.
Hevelin Fanzines