Fantasite, v. 1, issue 4, July 1941
Page 18
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THE FANTASITE 18 Cosmic: July. Keller's novel is mildly interesting and holds the attention, but it's not exceptional and the style is outdated, seeming to indicate that it was written a number of years back. The stories are, for the most part, off-trail, and are all quite good. Bests: "When Half-Worlds Meet", and "Fire Power". Art is unsurpassed, and the cover is excellent. --Joseph Gilbert. FANZINES Musts--- FMZ DIGEST: May. If you don't get all the fanzines, this is the very thing for you. And even if you do get 'em all, it's still the thing for you. Contains digests from all the recent fan magazines. Well edited, magnificent technical work. The back cover is the best three color job of mimeographing I've seen since Pluto went west. Don't miss out on this item! Dime, from Art Joquel, 1426 W. 38th St., Los Angeles, California. SCORPIO: March. Joquel's weird fiction magazine. Well made-up, and containing some not bad fiction and articles. Tri-yearly, a dime, and certainly belonging in your files. Cover is an offset process of some sort, and wear soon reduced it to absolute noneity in my copy. Wahhhhhh! THE SHANGRI-LA RECORD: Rapid fire and last minute news served up ala Winchell. This thing is new, nicely done, and Harry and I enjoyed it very much. You will, too, so ship 15c now to Acky, Box 6475 Metro. Station, Los, Angeles. Good Enuf--- SUN SPOTS: Jenkins' cover is good, tho the beastie on it hilariously resembles a Kentucky Colonel striking a match to light his cheroot. There's a rather good prize-winning short by Eugene Calewaert, and a certain K.O. Jones -- with the unmistakable Wollheim style -- gives the first inkling of the truth behind the pseudo suicide of earl Singleton -- said suicide being,in my opinion, a disgusting business in very bad taste that will doubtless have quite a few repercussions. And that's about all there is to this five-sheet issue. Card from the Solaroids states that the magazine will not be continued. I'll miss it in spite of its faults. HONORABLE MENTION: Most colorful fanzines: FANTASITE and FANFARE. Best technically: FMZ, SPECULA, SCORPIO, and FANTASIA . Best cover: Sayn's and Jenkins' for ECLIPSE. Best new department: Artiste's in ECLIPSE. Best fiction: FANTASIA. Most novel: The SHANGRI-LA RECORD. Most disagreeable: THE DAMN THING. Most all around enjoyable: LeZombie --Joseph Gilbert PROS Fantastic Adventures: June. Despite the added action, the sequel to 'The Lit-
THE FANTASITE 18 Cosmic: July. Keller's novel is mildly interesting and holds the attention, but it's not exceptional and the style is outdated, seeming to indicate that it was written a number of years back. The stories are, for the most part, off-trail, and are all quite good. Bests: "When Half-Worlds Meet", and "Fire Power". Art is unsurpassed, and the cover is excellent. --Joseph Gilbert. FANZINES Musts--- FMZ DIGEST: May. If you don't get all the fanzines, this is the very thing for you. And even if you do get 'em all, it's still the thing for you. Contains digests from all the recent fan magazines. Well edited, magnificent technical work. The back cover is the best three color job of mimeographing I've seen since Pluto went west. Don't miss out on this item! Dime, from Art Joquel, 1426 W. 38th St., Los Angeles, California. SCORPIO: March. Joquel's weird fiction magazine. Well made-up, and containing some not bad fiction and articles. Tri-yearly, a dime, and certainly belonging in your files. Cover is an offset process of some sort, and wear soon reduced it to absolute noneity in my copy. Wahhhhhh! THE SHANGRI-LA RECORD: Rapid fire and last minute news served up ala Winchell. This thing is new, nicely done, and Harry and I enjoyed it very much. You will, too, so ship 15c now to Acky, Box 6475 Metro. Station, Los, Angeles. Good Enuf--- SUN SPOTS: Jenkins' cover is good, tho the beastie on it hilariously resembles a Kentucky Colonel striking a match to light his cheroot. There's a rather good prize-winning short by Eugene Calewaert, and a certain K.O. Jones -- with the unmistakable Wollheim style -- gives the first inkling of the truth behind the pseudo suicide of earl Singleton -- said suicide being,in my opinion, a disgusting business in very bad taste that will doubtless have quite a few repercussions. And that's about all there is to this five-sheet issue. Card from the Solaroids states that the magazine will not be continued. I'll miss it in spite of its faults. HONORABLE MENTION: Most colorful fanzines: FANTASITE and FANFARE. Best technically: FMZ, SPECULA, SCORPIO, and FANTASIA . Best cover: Sayn's and Jenkins' for ECLIPSE. Best new department: Artiste's in ECLIPSE. Best fiction: FANTASIA. Most novel: The SHANGRI-LA RECORD. Most disagreeable: THE DAMN THING. Most all around enjoyable: LeZombie --Joseph Gilbert PROS Fantastic Adventures: June. Despite the added action, the sequel to 'The Lit-
Hevelin Fanzines