Fantasite, v. 1, issue 4, July 1941
Page 23
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23 THE FANTASITE MFS NOTES Highlighting the past month in MFS activities was the May 23rd meeting, held at Carl Jacobi's cabin on Red Cedar Point, buried nicely in the maze of roads, hills and lakes southwest of Minneapolis. Thanks to excellent directions from Carl, everyone arrived safely. There was very little in the line of business at this meeting. Time usually allotted for re-hashing of the old and new problems was given to a relaxrd session of rag-chew, new story ideas, Carl's phonograph and a round of refreshments at the treasury's expense. Nothing was accomplished. The membership is taking shape well. The truly interested fellows are hanging on. Others perhaps weren't as interested. But it's been apparent of late that among those who attend regularly the enthusiasm is very high. It has taken time even to reach this stage, inasmuch as the society doesn't intend to fall short of the aims set forth in Sam Russell's article two issues back. I mean that the MFS doesn't want to spread like wildfire -- it would rather take things slowly and surely. The July issue of COMET is of special interest to the MFS crew, marking the appearance of the first Simak-Jacobi collaboration. "The Street That Wasn't There" made a hit with the society right from the start. It's a natural, if I may say so without this sounding too much like a plug. Plug. Since the inception of the MFS, each meeting has been marked by a familiar closing. Not once as yet has the majority of the membership failed to wind up at the New Englin Cafe in downtown Minneapolis, a coffee, sandwich and what-not habit started by Arden Benson after the first meeting. Regardless of the time, it's accepted that the better half of the crowd will drift for the New Englin after each meeting. Unless the management brings about a complaint. You see, we're still wondering how Bronson accidentally (?) didn't pay his check a couple of months ago. We didn't know that fan editors were as bad off as all that. ((I bow my head in shame. 'Pon my word, I will pay the management their nickel the very next time I'm in town! PB)) Strictly on the Sly: Chief Simak is preparing a novel of early Wisconsin........Only representative of the MFS in Denver, so far as we know, will be Phil Bronson, unless a few certain firms in Mpls will dish out a double holiday, or some member buys a '41 Cadillac, or Saari sells his latest, "Slippery Sam of the Space Patrol".........Seriously, Saari hasn't done much writing of late, though two older yarns have clicked at Future Fiction and Stirring.........Honorary member Bob Madsen of Annapolis returns home in August for a five week furlough, with all the trimmings. This means an MFS blowout for sure, with all the trimmings........Newest member is Dale Rostomily Mpls; last to leave was Cyril Eggum, who went south with the national guard........We insist that member Arden Benson is the tallest s-f fan in the country. Actual heighth has never been determined as the air gets awful thin up around his ears........Striking indeed is a Saari performance of the Japanese hara-kiri, worth double admission. The very near future will see more photo-covers on Fantasite, in response to numerous requests following the trial shot on the February issue. Entire work will be handled by our professional snapshot hounds, Morrie Dollens and Bob Chapman, who even look alike. It was Bob who did all the work on the February prints, which,from all appearances were well received........Next issue: Complete Biography of Director Cliff Simak. ----John Chapman, Secretary MFS
23 THE FANTASITE MFS NOTES Highlighting the past month in MFS activities was the May 23rd meeting, held at Carl Jacobi's cabin on Red Cedar Point, buried nicely in the maze of roads, hills and lakes southwest of Minneapolis. Thanks to excellent directions from Carl, everyone arrived safely. There was very little in the line of business at this meeting. Time usually allotted for re-hashing of the old and new problems was given to a relaxrd session of rag-chew, new story ideas, Carl's phonograph and a round of refreshments at the treasury's expense. Nothing was accomplished. The membership is taking shape well. The truly interested fellows are hanging on. Others perhaps weren't as interested. But it's been apparent of late that among those who attend regularly the enthusiasm is very high. It has taken time even to reach this stage, inasmuch as the society doesn't intend to fall short of the aims set forth in Sam Russell's article two issues back. I mean that the MFS doesn't want to spread like wildfire -- it would rather take things slowly and surely. The July issue of COMET is of special interest to the MFS crew, marking the appearance of the first Simak-Jacobi collaboration. "The Street That Wasn't There" made a hit with the society right from the start. It's a natural, if I may say so without this sounding too much like a plug. Plug. Since the inception of the MFS, each meeting has been marked by a familiar closing. Not once as yet has the majority of the membership failed to wind up at the New Englin Cafe in downtown Minneapolis, a coffee, sandwich and what-not habit started by Arden Benson after the first meeting. Regardless of the time, it's accepted that the better half of the crowd will drift for the New Englin after each meeting. Unless the management brings about a complaint. You see, we're still wondering how Bronson accidentally (?) didn't pay his check a couple of months ago. We didn't know that fan editors were as bad off as all that. ((I bow my head in shame. 'Pon my word, I will pay the management their nickel the very next time I'm in town! PB)) Strictly on the Sly: Chief Simak is preparing a novel of early Wisconsin........Only representative of the MFS in Denver, so far as we know, will be Phil Bronson, unless a few certain firms in Mpls will dish out a double holiday, or some member buys a '41 Cadillac, or Saari sells his latest, "Slippery Sam of the Space Patrol".........Seriously, Saari hasn't done much writing of late, though two older yarns have clicked at Future Fiction and Stirring.........Honorary member Bob Madsen of Annapolis returns home in August for a five week furlough, with all the trimmings. This means an MFS blowout for sure, with all the trimmings........Newest member is Dale Rostomily Mpls; last to leave was Cyril Eggum, who went south with the national guard........We insist that member Arden Benson is the tallest s-f fan in the country. Actual heighth has never been determined as the air gets awful thin up around his ears........Striking indeed is a Saari performance of the Japanese hara-kiri, worth double admission. The very near future will see more photo-covers on Fantasite, in response to numerous requests following the trial shot on the February issue. Entire work will be handled by our professional snapshot hounds, Morrie Dollens and Bob Chapman, who even look alike. It was Bob who did all the work on the February prints, which,from all appearances were well received........Next issue: Complete Biography of Director Cliff Simak. ----John Chapman, Secretary MFS
Hevelin Fanzines