Fantasite, v. 1, issue 4, July 1941
Page 25
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25 THE FANTASITE of the mags. In some cases that is important. I noticed the lack when I wanted to see the date of the COMET reviewed, and found that dates were missing. Enclosed you will find one dollar. This should keep your mag coming quite some time. Let's see THE FANTASITE go to town! ((With such encouragement we cannot do anything but go to town!)) 3031 N. 36th St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. BOB STUDLEY Just received Fantasite the other day and I think it is the best ish you have put out to date. The mimeographing was superb and the color schemes you chose were very nice. Your art work was fine; especially "Futility" by Tom Wright. The cover by Morrie Dollens was a beaut and I'm glad he's getting active in the fan field again. I liked "Recommended Reading" by Bob Tucker best in the issue; I had read the book at Erle Korshak's house when he was in New York for a spell and it was pretty good. Next came "Fantasy Factory" by Brazier ----the best bit of humorous fiction you've published so far. The rest of the material was all liked with "Among The Hams and Pros" a little to the fore. Oh yes---a very nice reader's column. 210 West 109th Street, New York City. HARRY JENKINS Boh-oh-boy is FANTASITE O.K.? You're darn tootin'. 3 colors! Whe-w-w-w! I'm still palpitating. All I can say is, it has the neatest format of any fanzine. Take my word for it. ((With pleasure, suh!)) Want some ratings? O.K. I'll give 'em 2 you anyway! FRONT COVER - Nice, symbolical drawing along with 2 colors and neat stencilling - 7. CONTENTS PAGE - not up to par with the rest of the zine - 5. "FUTILITY" - Idea excellent, background swell, figure not so hot - 7, however. (Wait until you see Tom in FANART!) AD FOR STAR - Considering the time it took, 4. Joe said to me one night about 11:30, "I want an ad." That was it, executed in 3 minutes. FANTA-NOTES - I'm astounded with the mimeoing. It's too darn good. Frankly, tho, it's beyond my comprehension as to how you did it - 6. S - W CONTROVERSY - Contrary to Jacobi's statement,almost any story could be re-written into a different background. I, or anybody else, could take a western yarn and re-write it into s-f. That if we are writing for Amazing or F. A. The point Jacobi arouses is still interesting - 8. R. Reading - Tucker's unusual book review is more than a filler, it's a feature - 7. FANTASY FACTORY* Good humor is hard to write. Schumann and Brazier both know how to write a certain type of humor. But being a non-conformist, I liked it. Br-s-s-s-k, an eight, Watson! HAMS AND PROS - This is exactly the type of fans and pros revue that should exist. No short, snappy accounts of 4 or 5 mags, but all of 'em! Joe has the names misplaced all throughout the article, for I reviewed many he credited for himself & vice-versa. MFS Notes - Interesting; interesting - 6. Widner's poem was O. K. but I've read better - 6. Description of Saari - 6. The letter section is okay. Back cover - 9. 2409 Santee Avenue, Columbia, S. C. HARRY WARNER Now to Fantasite. (I'm trying to listen to a baseball game and type at the same time, so don't mind me.) Mimeographing: all lovely. Your two-color work on the cover is very effective against the yellow background, and the various colors used throughout help brighten it up. Format could scarcely be improved upon, ((Nevertheless, it will!)) and the little cuts and lettering and such are fine. However, I don't think this issue is quite up to the last one. That's hardly your fault,however; mostly because the material wasn't up to the standard of no. 2. It's not strictly bad this time; merely
25 THE FANTASITE of the mags. In some cases that is important. I noticed the lack when I wanted to see the date of the COMET reviewed, and found that dates were missing. Enclosed you will find one dollar. This should keep your mag coming quite some time. Let's see THE FANTASITE go to town! ((With such encouragement we cannot do anything but go to town!)) 3031 N. 36th St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. BOB STUDLEY Just received Fantasite the other day and I think it is the best ish you have put out to date. The mimeographing was superb and the color schemes you chose were very nice. Your art work was fine; especially "Futility" by Tom Wright. The cover by Morrie Dollens was a beaut and I'm glad he's getting active in the fan field again. I liked "Recommended Reading" by Bob Tucker best in the issue; I had read the book at Erle Korshak's house when he was in New York for a spell and it was pretty good. Next came "Fantasy Factory" by Brazier ----the best bit of humorous fiction you've published so far. The rest of the material was all liked with "Among The Hams and Pros" a little to the fore. Oh yes---a very nice reader's column. 210 West 109th Street, New York City. HARRY JENKINS Boh-oh-boy is FANTASITE O.K.? You're darn tootin'. 3 colors! Whe-w-w-w! I'm still palpitating. All I can say is, it has the neatest format of any fanzine. Take my word for it. ((With pleasure, suh!)) Want some ratings? O.K. I'll give 'em 2 you anyway! FRONT COVER - Nice, symbolical drawing along with 2 colors and neat stencilling - 7. CONTENTS PAGE - not up to par with the rest of the zine - 5. "FUTILITY" - Idea excellent, background swell, figure not so hot - 7, however. (Wait until you see Tom in FANART!) AD FOR STAR - Considering the time it took, 4. Joe said to me one night about 11:30, "I want an ad." That was it, executed in 3 minutes. FANTA-NOTES - I'm astounded with the mimeoing. It's too darn good. Frankly, tho, it's beyond my comprehension as to how you did it - 6. S - W CONTROVERSY - Contrary to Jacobi's statement,almost any story could be re-written into a different background. I, or anybody else, could take a western yarn and re-write it into s-f. That if we are writing for Amazing or F. A. The point Jacobi arouses is still interesting - 8. R. Reading - Tucker's unusual book review is more than a filler, it's a feature - 7. FANTASY FACTORY* Good humor is hard to write. Schumann and Brazier both know how to write a certain type of humor. But being a non-conformist, I liked it. Br-s-s-s-k, an eight, Watson! HAMS AND PROS - This is exactly the type of fans and pros revue that should exist. No short, snappy accounts of 4 or 5 mags, but all of 'em! Joe has the names misplaced all throughout the article, for I reviewed many he credited for himself & vice-versa. MFS Notes - Interesting; interesting - 6. Widner's poem was O. K. but I've read better - 6. Description of Saari - 6. The letter section is okay. Back cover - 9. 2409 Santee Avenue, Columbia, S. C. HARRY WARNER Now to Fantasite. (I'm trying to listen to a baseball game and type at the same time, so don't mind me.) Mimeographing: all lovely. Your two-color work on the cover is very effective against the yellow background, and the various colors used throughout help brighten it up. Format could scarcely be improved upon, ((Nevertheless, it will!)) and the little cuts and lettering and such are fine. However, I don't think this issue is quite up to the last one. That's hardly your fault,however; mostly because the material wasn't up to the standard of no. 2. It's not strictly bad this time; merely
Hevelin Fanzines