Fantasite, v. 1, issue 4, July 1941
Page 27
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27 THE FANTASITE comes out but a smothered whisper. Then you wake up. Have you ever had that experience? ((Indeed.)) It's horrible when it's happening. Sometimes something happens to me physically in my dreams. I remember being tortured once, and you may not believe it, but it really hurt. I was actually being tortured as much as if I were awake. When I woke up,[[?]] I yelled. THen I found that I was on the floor, and my entire mattress was off the bed and beneath me. I dunno why it is, do you? ((No but it would seem that the majority of those who dream have similar experiences. I myself, quite frequently.)) I enjoyed Lambert's poem in this issue. I wish I could write an express my thoughts in poetry. But I can't as any fool who reads Sun Spots or Pluto knows. I thought the very long review was quite good, and for the most part, accurate. But I still don't feel like reading Amazing, FNTSTC, or TWS. WHy must they stink so? Let's have more Tucker reviews. I like 'em, and I have no doubt the others do. Personally, I thought the LIzard of Le Zombie (no offense, HP old fellow) read only comic books and Amazing, but I see I'm wrong. Your editorial struck me as being rather hang-doggish. It was the only disappointment. The fact that it is so, oh so similar to most of the editorials of today dragged it down in my opinion. Why not discuss other things than the mag in the editorial? ((Sorry about the hang-dog-ishness, and I'm afraid the editorial is the same way this time as a result of my last minute hurrying.)) Let's have more letters next time. Not only have it one of the best letter sections in fandom (which it is) but have it one of the largest, outside of VOM. I WANT MORE LETTERS. ((You would have gotten them this time if it weren't for a last minute cutting up of the dummy to save time -- 10 pages have been cut out, and unfortunately, four of them were letters. )) Interior artwork superb. The frontispiece by Wright was the best work I've seen of his to date. One of the best mimeo jobs on a drawing I've ever seen. 2767 N. 41st St. , Milwaukee, Wis. JOE GILBERT Now a word about one of the finest looking magazines I have ever seen in the fan field -- FANTASITE. Honest, Phil, it's a thing of beauty and a joy forever. The combination of very well mimeoed color and colored paper set everything off to perfection. The front cover was fair, interior, good, back cover ditto. All interior illustrations were excellently done, and the appearance of the magazine could hardly be improved upon. Material: Jacobi said the obvious in a nice enuf way, Fantasy Factory was better-than-average humor, Tucker's book report was enjoyable, and the autobiography was the dogs -- in more way than one. ((Heh, heh.)) More club notes -- they're always appreciated by everyone, I think. Would like to go into more detail on the material, but Mac is reading the mag now, and I don't remember everything clearly enough to comment in full. Know that I enjoyed it all, however, without a single exception. You did one damn good job on FANTASITE, and are to be congratulated on it. So congratulations! If all fanzines were as neat and colorful and entertaining as FANTASITE what a grand fanworld 'twould be! ((I thank you, suh. How I bask in such praise!)) Well, that closes the letter section for this issue. We do so begrudgingly, too, as there are four more entire pages of letters on Fantasite #3, which have been crowded out at the last minute along with other material. Oh, yes -- Tucker's "Recommended Reading" isn't in this issue because it didn't come in. Either Bob forgot, or just didn't have the time. Also crowded out this time was a full page illustration by Bob Studley. By the way, the cover this issue is in 3 colors, altho it appears at first glance to be only 2. We didn't figure on the Goldenrod paper making the blue appear as black. Well, that's all except that the letters crowded out this time will be in the next issue -- most of 'em.
27 THE FANTASITE comes out but a smothered whisper. Then you wake up. Have you ever had that experience? ((Indeed.)) It's horrible when it's happening. Sometimes something happens to me physically in my dreams. I remember being tortured once, and you may not believe it, but it really hurt. I was actually being tortured as much as if I were awake. When I woke up,[[?]] I yelled. THen I found that I was on the floor, and my entire mattress was off the bed and beneath me. I dunno why it is, do you? ((No but it would seem that the majority of those who dream have similar experiences. I myself, quite frequently.)) I enjoyed Lambert's poem in this issue. I wish I could write an express my thoughts in poetry. But I can't as any fool who reads Sun Spots or Pluto knows. I thought the very long review was quite good, and for the most part, accurate. But I still don't feel like reading Amazing, FNTSTC, or TWS. WHy must they stink so? Let's have more Tucker reviews. I like 'em, and I have no doubt the others do. Personally, I thought the LIzard of Le Zombie (no offense, HP old fellow) read only comic books and Amazing, but I see I'm wrong. Your editorial struck me as being rather hang-doggish. It was the only disappointment. The fact that it is so, oh so similar to most of the editorials of today dragged it down in my opinion. Why not discuss other things than the mag in the editorial? ((Sorry about the hang-dog-ishness, and I'm afraid the editorial is the same way this time as a result of my last minute hurrying.)) Let's have more letters next time. Not only have it one of the best letter sections in fandom (which it is) but have it one of the largest, outside of VOM. I WANT MORE LETTERS. ((You would have gotten them this time if it weren't for a last minute cutting up of the dummy to save time -- 10 pages have been cut out, and unfortunately, four of them were letters. )) Interior artwork superb. The frontispiece by Wright was the best work I've seen of his to date. One of the best mimeo jobs on a drawing I've ever seen. 2767 N. 41st St. , Milwaukee, Wis. JOE GILBERT Now a word about one of the finest looking magazines I have ever seen in the fan field -- FANTASITE. Honest, Phil, it's a thing of beauty and a joy forever. The combination of very well mimeoed color and colored paper set everything off to perfection. The front cover was fair, interior, good, back cover ditto. All interior illustrations were excellently done, and the appearance of the magazine could hardly be improved upon. Material: Jacobi said the obvious in a nice enuf way, Fantasy Factory was better-than-average humor, Tucker's book report was enjoyable, and the autobiography was the dogs -- in more way than one. ((Heh, heh.)) More club notes -- they're always appreciated by everyone, I think. Would like to go into more detail on the material, but Mac is reading the mag now, and I don't remember everything clearly enough to comment in full. Know that I enjoyed it all, however, without a single exception. You did one damn good job on FANTASITE, and are to be congratulated on it. So congratulations! If all fanzines were as neat and colorful and entertaining as FANTASITE what a grand fanworld 'twould be! ((I thank you, suh. How I bask in such praise!)) Well, that closes the letter section for this issue. We do so begrudgingly, too, as there are four more entire pages of letters on Fantasite #3, which have been crowded out at the last minute along with other material. Oh, yes -- Tucker's "Recommended Reading" isn't in this issue because it didn't come in. Either Bob forgot, or just didn't have the time. Also crowded out this time was a full page illustration by Bob Studley. By the way, the cover this issue is in 3 colors, altho it appears at first glance to be only 2. We didn't figure on the Goldenrod paper making the blue appear as black. Well, that's all except that the letters crowded out this time will be in the next issue -- most of 'em.
Hevelin Fanzines