Damn Thing, v. 1, issue 2, December 1940
Page 8
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THE DAMN THING PAGE 8 VAN HOUTEN SAYS - (Here it is, boys and girls, Mr. Houten rushes to the defense, and ye editor includes his own negative refutation, which will close the matter into DAMN THING, as we don't wish to become a battle ground from pro-scientists and enemies.) Before we presented our pro-scientific platform to the science-fiction fan field, a lot of time, thought and discussion was spent in making it as concise, and logical as we could. It was our opinion that science-fiction fans had matured to the point where they could carry on a serious discussion. Therefore, we released our ideas upon science-fiction to them, in the hope that such discussion would be stimulated, and the problems confronting the field solved. It was not our desire to set ourselves up as the dictators or Solons of fandom. However, since you have seen fit to come out with objections to out policies, which are based upon misconceptions, we are forced to issue the following challange: Hereunder you will find the basic outline of the pro-scientist platform in the most succient form of which we are capable of putting it. We must ask you to seriously attempt a refutation of these premises, in which case, and if you succed, we will be happy to abondon them, or to refrain from again writing two pages of genteel abuse, addressed in our direction, but having no bearing on the ideas which we represent. SINCE, science has been the instrument by means of which mankind has thrown off the shackles of ignorance and superstition which bound him since he arose from the beat, and SINCE, it is to science that we owe our present level of enlightenment and civilisation, and SINCE, science points the way to the solution of every problem which faces humanity, IT APPEARS EVIDENT, that the future of our civilization depends on the further unhampered advance of science. SINCE, the science-fiction has been an attempt to popularise scientific ideas, and to prognosticate the future advancement of science, and, SINCE, recent trends in science-fiction tend to act as an apology and in extreme cases, a condemnation, of scientific process, and SINCE, these trends, if long continued, will bring about a hatred of science in the minds of the lay public, who are adversly affected by the misuse of science by unscrupulous individuals, IT APPEARS EVIDENT, that science-fiction has deviated from its progressive character, and is assuming a reactionary anti-scientific role, in contradiction to hits original purpose. SINCE, science-fiction fandom arose spontaneously out of the ideals of the original science fiction, and SINCE, these ideals are being ignored in favour of factionalism, commercialism, careerism, egotism, Tuckerism, and various other childish antics which are opening the field to ridicule, and, SINCE, these tendancies are leading fandom to obscurity, impotency, and to eventual disintigration, IT APPEARS EVIDENT, that a serious attempt must be made to return to the original spirit of science fiction. (continued next pg.
THE DAMN THING PAGE 8 VAN HOUTEN SAYS - (Here it is, boys and girls, Mr. Houten rushes to the defense, and ye editor includes his own negative refutation, which will close the matter into DAMN THING, as we don't wish to become a battle ground from pro-scientists and enemies.) Before we presented our pro-scientific platform to the science-fiction fan field, a lot of time, thought and discussion was spent in making it as concise, and logical as we could. It was our opinion that science-fiction fans had matured to the point where they could carry on a serious discussion. Therefore, we released our ideas upon science-fiction to them, in the hope that such discussion would be stimulated, and the problems confronting the field solved. It was not our desire to set ourselves up as the dictators or Solons of fandom. However, since you have seen fit to come out with objections to out policies, which are based upon misconceptions, we are forced to issue the following challange: Hereunder you will find the basic outline of the pro-scientist platform in the most succient form of which we are capable of putting it. We must ask you to seriously attempt a refutation of these premises, in which case, and if you succed, we will be happy to abondon them, or to refrain from again writing two pages of genteel abuse, addressed in our direction, but having no bearing on the ideas which we represent. SINCE, science has been the instrument by means of which mankind has thrown off the shackles of ignorance and superstition which bound him since he arose from the beat, and SINCE, it is to science that we owe our present level of enlightenment and civilisation, and SINCE, science points the way to the solution of every problem which faces humanity, IT APPEARS EVIDENT, that the future of our civilization depends on the further unhampered advance of science. SINCE, the science-fiction has been an attempt to popularise scientific ideas, and to prognosticate the future advancement of science, and, SINCE, recent trends in science-fiction tend to act as an apology and in extreme cases, a condemnation, of scientific process, and SINCE, these trends, if long continued, will bring about a hatred of science in the minds of the lay public, who are adversly affected by the misuse of science by unscrupulous individuals, IT APPEARS EVIDENT, that science-fiction has deviated from its progressive character, and is assuming a reactionary anti-scientific role, in contradiction to hits original purpose. SINCE, science-fiction fandom arose spontaneously out of the ideals of the original science fiction, and SINCE, these ideals are being ignored in favour of factionalism, commercialism, careerism, egotism, Tuckerism, and various other childish antics which are opening the field to ridicule, and, SINCE, these tendancies are leading fandom to obscurity, impotency, and to eventual disintigration, IT APPEARS EVIDENT, that a serious attempt must be made to return to the original spirit of science fiction. (continued next pg.
Hevelin Fanzines