Damn Thing, v. 1, issue 2, December 1940
Page 10
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THE DAMN THING PAGE 10. be given any single classification, as their actions vary profusly. In fact, it is very difficult to define SCIENCE in non-Aristotelian terminology, since the terminology itself is simply further abstraction of physical fact. SCIENCE can be applied either to the portion of that field of data collection in accordance with observabale phenomenon, or in the field of application of that data, which means any application of the data. If this be the case, the practical application of this data was in use long before the actual data had been collected along academic lines. The fact that a circular or globular object roles and can be applied as a "wheel" is physical data, and the application of this data was in effect long before the date itself had been collected. THEREFORE, we can see that a deffinition of SCIENCE as something quite apart from the earliest development of the human "civilisiation" is impossible, and that the oral noises "SCIENCE" and "CIVILISATION" are both based on the same physical data, fact and observation. It is therefore obvious that we cannot continue to debate the subject along academic lines, and that there is no further debate in non-Aristotelian terminology, because we rapidly descend from thinking in abstract terms which are used meaninglessly, into the real and physical world, wherein we find that "SCIENCE" and "CIVILISATION" cannot be seperated into faintly distinct physical manifestations. We now procede to analyse and attempt to find the physical refferent to a bastard combination of academic words, namely SCIENCE and FICTION, i.e., science-fiction, or "scientifiction." This, we see, is quite a part of the physical world, and that it specifically consists of a number of "magazines" and a number of "books" which are scattered in relatively smaller proportion than other types of litterature. Towards the conception of the action-patterns in these magazines, etc., we have a number of individuals who spend all or part of their proffesional time in the conception of these action-patterns. The cause of the ideas behind the conception of the original magazine of this particular type are varied and many, it is impossible, no matter how hard tried, to define either why they were conceived, or the idealistic reasons behind them. To say, or emphasize,--------that such and such a purpose was the reason for scientifiction, is to obliterate all other contributing causes. The first "science fiction" magazine was put out for various reasons: To incure monetary returns for the publisher, to discovour if the litterature would be accepted if popularised, and if so, the hopes of building a future financial field of sales. Certain "ideological" persons, in a small attempt to spread this litterature for ideological reasons, may, or may not have been the instigators of the "belief" that "science-fiction" was for the purpose of furthering "science." Let us now apply the "Pro-Scientists" movement to this previous analysation. First, we must find what the "Pro-Scientists" are. Actually, they are physically no different than anyone else. They have decided, academicly, that "science" is a single-valued term, (their first great break from the physical facts) and have made the common mistake of abstracting the term to be A THING, which has helped "civilisation", a second THING, quite apart from the first. Into this comes another abstraction, a THING, called "science fiction". All of these multi-valued words have been mistaken for single-valued words, whereas only scientific substances can be single-valued, i.e., iron, earth's atmosphere, andct. We will attempt to reconstruct the false abstractions as the Pro-Scientists see them, to show you where academic reasoning varies from scientific process. In the "beginning" the THING called "science fiction" was favorable to its "parent", a THING called "science." In turn, the THING called science has been favourable to another THING called "civilisation". And so, the happy trio skips along so innocently. But now, the illegal child, "science fiction" gets bad, and does "things"
THE DAMN THING PAGE 10. be given any single classification, as their actions vary profusly. In fact, it is very difficult to define SCIENCE in non-Aristotelian terminology, since the terminology itself is simply further abstraction of physical fact. SCIENCE can be applied either to the portion of that field of data collection in accordance with observabale phenomenon, or in the field of application of that data, which means any application of the data. If this be the case, the practical application of this data was in use long before the actual data had been collected along academic lines. The fact that a circular or globular object roles and can be applied as a "wheel" is physical data, and the application of this data was in effect long before the date itself had been collected. THEREFORE, we can see that a deffinition of SCIENCE as something quite apart from the earliest development of the human "civilisiation" is impossible, and that the oral noises "SCIENCE" and "CIVILISATION" are both based on the same physical data, fact and observation. It is therefore obvious that we cannot continue to debate the subject along academic lines, and that there is no further debate in non-Aristotelian terminology, because we rapidly descend from thinking in abstract terms which are used meaninglessly, into the real and physical world, wherein we find that "SCIENCE" and "CIVILISATION" cannot be seperated into faintly distinct physical manifestations. We now procede to analyse and attempt to find the physical refferent to a bastard combination of academic words, namely SCIENCE and FICTION, i.e., science-fiction, or "scientifiction." This, we see, is quite a part of the physical world, and that it specifically consists of a number of "magazines" and a number of "books" which are scattered in relatively smaller proportion than other types of litterature. Towards the conception of the action-patterns in these magazines, etc., we have a number of individuals who spend all or part of their proffesional time in the conception of these action-patterns. The cause of the ideas behind the conception of the original magazine of this particular type are varied and many, it is impossible, no matter how hard tried, to define either why they were conceived, or the idealistic reasons behind them. To say, or emphasize,--------that such and such a purpose was the reason for scientifiction, is to obliterate all other contributing causes. The first "science fiction" magazine was put out for various reasons: To incure monetary returns for the publisher, to discovour if the litterature would be accepted if popularised, and if so, the hopes of building a future financial field of sales. Certain "ideological" persons, in a small attempt to spread this litterature for ideological reasons, may, or may not have been the instigators of the "belief" that "science-fiction" was for the purpose of furthering "science." Let us now apply the "Pro-Scientists" movement to this previous analysation. First, we must find what the "Pro-Scientists" are. Actually, they are physically no different than anyone else. They have decided, academicly, that "science" is a single-valued term, (their first great break from the physical facts) and have made the common mistake of abstracting the term to be A THING, which has helped "civilisation", a second THING, quite apart from the first. Into this comes another abstraction, a THING, called "science fiction". All of these multi-valued words have been mistaken for single-valued words, whereas only scientific substances can be single-valued, i.e., iron, earth's atmosphere, andct. We will attempt to reconstruct the false abstractions as the Pro-Scientists see them, to show you where academic reasoning varies from scientific process. In the "beginning" the THING called "science fiction" was favorable to its "parent", a THING called "science." In turn, the THING called science has been favourable to another THING called "civilisation". And so, the happy trio skips along so innocently. But now, the illegal child, "science fiction" gets bad, and does "things"
Hevelin Fanzines