Damn Thing, v. 1, issue 2, December 1940
Page 16
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THE DAMN THING PAGE 16. THE DISTINGUISHED EDITOR OF "SCIENCE FICTION" AND "SCIENCE FICTION QUARTERLY", SENDS US HIS OPINIONS, AND NOT A FEW CORRECTIONS. Hello, Charlie. ".....What I like about THE DAMN THING is that you show yourself to be on an even plane with your victims....." (Charlie has the right ideas, re tdt's spirit. Ed.) "....I appreciate your criticisms of the 'pro-scientists' and fully agree with it. I fail to see the O. Henry ending to Bradbury's (God Bless Him) "The Last Man". What else could interest the last man, but the last woman? "...But to get on, seeing as how you like to write up what an awful contraption that Nash was, don't forget the trip to Santa Monica that afternoon, one Saturday. Remember how she shook from stem to stern everytime I put on the brakes? And you could hear every nut and bold complain for blocks around. (How could I forget? I never thought we would get off Wilshire Blvd. alive.) I particularly liked your Scientifictionurserymes. More please! You should use more stuff by Bradbury, and try to get Shroyer and Kuttner to send you some master pieces. Shroyer should be out there now anyway. (He is. Ed.) (Hic! Shroyer.) I correction, re articles in which I am so favourably mentioned: I got my office, at 628 W. 9th in mid-February, not late March. The Nash was 1926, not 1929. (This should make a better impression.) The radio in the print shop wasn't mine, it was Jerry's. (Jerry never touched the radio after you moved in. Ed.) Thanks for calling my machine a 39 dollar one. I only paid $25 for the typewritter. Yours. Charlie. (Best of luck, Karolo, and after you get your C.O. papers, hitchhike back over the LOST HORIZON to Sangri-La. We all miss you. Ed.) JOE GILBERT, deep soused scientifictioneer, sends us our first subscription, and so is rewarded in having his name in the first "Sucker Bites." I really like the mag. It's just what fandom needs-- a fan mag devoted exclusivly to mud-slinging, with no holds barred...... The editorial was hot stuff. I like your editorial policy, or have you got one? "Assailing the pro-scientists. Ah! That was the prize of the issue. I've been waiting for some time for this pro-scientists damn foolishness to die out. "The Last Man" was posolutly nauseating. Take it away and bury it deep. (The editor suggests that you also take Bradbury away with it. Ed.) ....."Price System Justice" was quite correct. Something should be done about this lousy system. The rhymes are a swell idea. Don't overwork 'em though. "To Hell With You" was good because I agreed with it. Your spelling stinks. Your grammar stinks. So does mine. everything stinks. Fan Feuds stink. New Fandom Stinks. Technocracy stinks. I stink, and will continue to do so until Saturday night. This letter stinks. (And how. Ed.) THE DAMNED THING stinks, too. But, I like it. Sincerely, Joe. BILL CRAWFORD SUPPRISES THE EDITOR WITH A MISSIVE FULL OF DAMNS AND HELLS: ...First, of course: The Damned spelling stinks, but then everybody knows that, so why should I bring it up? Of course, I enjoyed the article by Lothar Penguin. Why shouldn't I? Everybody is a victim of an insufferable ego that literally laps up anything that's published about themselves, even though they may, at the same time, be victim of an unholy desire to wring the person's neck.
THE DAMN THING PAGE 16. THE DISTINGUISHED EDITOR OF "SCIENCE FICTION" AND "SCIENCE FICTION QUARTERLY", SENDS US HIS OPINIONS, AND NOT A FEW CORRECTIONS. Hello, Charlie. ".....What I like about THE DAMN THING is that you show yourself to be on an even plane with your victims....." (Charlie has the right ideas, re tdt's spirit. Ed.) "....I appreciate your criticisms of the 'pro-scientists' and fully agree with it. I fail to see the O. Henry ending to Bradbury's (God Bless Him) "The Last Man". What else could interest the last man, but the last woman? "...But to get on, seeing as how you like to write up what an awful contraption that Nash was, don't forget the trip to Santa Monica that afternoon, one Saturday. Remember how she shook from stem to stern everytime I put on the brakes? And you could hear every nut and bold complain for blocks around. (How could I forget? I never thought we would get off Wilshire Blvd. alive.) I particularly liked your Scientifictionurserymes. More please! You should use more stuff by Bradbury, and try to get Shroyer and Kuttner to send you some master pieces. Shroyer should be out there now anyway. (He is. Ed.) (Hic! Shroyer.) I correction, re articles in which I am so favourably mentioned: I got my office, at 628 W. 9th in mid-February, not late March. The Nash was 1926, not 1929. (This should make a better impression.) The radio in the print shop wasn't mine, it was Jerry's. (Jerry never touched the radio after you moved in. Ed.) Thanks for calling my machine a 39 dollar one. I only paid $25 for the typewritter. Yours. Charlie. (Best of luck, Karolo, and after you get your C.O. papers, hitchhike back over the LOST HORIZON to Sangri-La. We all miss you. Ed.) JOE GILBERT, deep soused scientifictioneer, sends us our first subscription, and so is rewarded in having his name in the first "Sucker Bites." I really like the mag. It's just what fandom needs-- a fan mag devoted exclusivly to mud-slinging, with no holds barred...... The editorial was hot stuff. I like your editorial policy, or have you got one? "Assailing the pro-scientists. Ah! That was the prize of the issue. I've been waiting for some time for this pro-scientists damn foolishness to die out. "The Last Man" was posolutly nauseating. Take it away and bury it deep. (The editor suggests that you also take Bradbury away with it. Ed.) ....."Price System Justice" was quite correct. Something should be done about this lousy system. The rhymes are a swell idea. Don't overwork 'em though. "To Hell With You" was good because I agreed with it. Your spelling stinks. Your grammar stinks. So does mine. everything stinks. Fan Feuds stink. New Fandom Stinks. Technocracy stinks. I stink, and will continue to do so until Saturday night. This letter stinks. (And how. Ed.) THE DAMNED THING stinks, too. But, I like it. Sincerely, Joe. BILL CRAWFORD SUPPRISES THE EDITOR WITH A MISSIVE FULL OF DAMNS AND HELLS: ...First, of course: The Damned spelling stinks, but then everybody knows that, so why should I bring it up? Of course, I enjoyed the article by Lothar Penguin. Why shouldn't I? Everybody is a victim of an insufferable ego that literally laps up anything that's published about themselves, even though they may, at the same time, be victim of an unholy desire to wring the person's neck.
Hevelin Fanzines